Monday, November 28, 2016

Dreamboats and Petticoats

Dreamboats and Petticoats.

There was, in 2006, a girl almost 24 years of age. No, she never came to be, 24. Her name was Rachel Corrie, and she died. She died mauled by an Israeli armored bulldozer, when shielding (protecting) the home of a palestinian painter and settler in the by Israel occupied zone (no, not Israel) in Ghaza. She arrived to Ghaza as part of her senior-year college assignment of connecting her home town with the town of Rafah, in the southern part of the Ghaza strip. While there, she engaged in ISM, the International Solidarity Movement.

According to the Israeli Government, the mauling of these Palestinian houses in occupied Ghaza, was to tear down not only the houses, but also these weapon smuggler tunnels, they say existed underneath the houses. According to human rights groups the demolitions were collective punishment.

And Rachel Corrie died right there, and roughly two month after hers arriving in Ghaza.

The Israeli army conducted an investigation concluding that the mauling was an accident. The peace activists that placed themselves in front of endangered houses placed themselves to get visibility (guesswork). This may not be much of a guess, as in this action there was some PR value, for 'peace'. No, they did not hide. One does not hide, when shielding something. What one does, is 'cover', place oneself before something else.

And the Israeli soldier that drove the bulldozer did not see her.

So, she died.

Paul Anka - Put Your Head On My Shoulder

The title of this writing is 'Dreamboats and Petticoats'. The name comes from a show run for many years, in UK, by two clearsighted guys that understood the value of using these 50's songs to create a show, where people were allowed to have fun. Yes, the title is about, just precisely that. How we, us human beings, line our lives with dreams. Dreams of better times and greener horizons. Dreams of a future where we do not need to place ourselves on the toes or shoulders of one another, to make room enough, to stay. Dreams of better coats, and dreams of better boats.

Yes, this to be able to stay.

To stay, as in remain, on a little blue pearl floating in space, named 'Earth'. We build many of these 'pearls', when living outside of our human bodily wrappings. And, some of them are pretty very cruel. This here Earth is one of the cruel ones. So, people don't like to be here. People wish to get away, from this place. And, when we can not do that, we may choose to either kill ourselves, because that is one way of doing it. Or, why not hide this insight, as in deeply felt emotion, behind ideas and concepts. Ideas of how to get rich. Ideas of how to seduce, or how to stay away from, the neighbours wife.

Ideas of how to best build bomb-proof concrete rooms 200 meters below earth surface, rooms that are to keep me and my friends of the armed forces safe, in case of a nuclear holocaust. Yes, or biological. Or chemical.

The Chordettes - Mr. Sandman

Ideas of how to move oneself and ones family, if one has one, further south, when parts of the northern hemisphere freezes over, due to the faulting sink mechanisms of the Gulf Stream. Yes, everyone is in the know, by now, of these places near the North Pole, where the stream turns around, to head back to South America to collect more warm water to warm up them places so far north that they are – really – to cold to live in. Yes, like the Nordic countries, and like the UK. When these sink mechanics get even a bit less – three of the major five mechanisms are said to not work any more – then UK, the Nordic countries and possibly part of northern continental Europe will be impossible to live in.

Ideas of how to afford the new car, and, ideas of how to build a better world.
Yes, that was, where we were heading.

And, Rachel saw that. We filled her mind, we from that dwelling placed on many-a-coloured clouds of 'somewhere else'. We filled her mind with colours of the rose. Rose, as in 'love', as in 'clean', as in better place to live. And, we filled the mind of that Israeli Soldier with anger and aggression. Why? Because this was asked for, to make him kill the girl. And killing clean minded Rachel was pretty important, because, by killing her in a pretty beastly and very visible way, we saw to it that the murderous kind of being that lives here, gets a tiny bit of that impetus needed, for us human beings placed on the blue pearl, to climb up our Jacob's ladder, one step.

And, Rachel liked that idea, too?
And, Rachel's parents, too?

And, her sister and brother, and boyfriend, which boyfriend was at that very moment working extra, for them – him and Rachel – to be able to afford a tiny little house, in a suburb somewhere in USA.

Sweet Nothin's-Brenda Lee

The Cascades - Rhythm Of The Rain

Well, enough of that. How about going into those Ghaza tunnels, instead?

According to info, what those peace activists of Ghaza were protecting, was not only the houses. It is said that Israeli snipers and gunners routinely shot at dwellers from their armed bulldozers, these bulldozers used to destroy the village wells. And, what Rachel was doing was, more precisely, trying to protect the biggest of these wells, one named the 'Canadian Well'. Yes, the name came from the financing of that well, which was done by Canadian (peacedreaming) money. And, that well supplied more than 50 per cent of the water the village had need for.

Rachel in one of her reports wrote, that despite her group's having received permission from the Israeli District Command Office and the fact that they were carrying "banners and megaphones the activists and workers were fired upon several times over a period of about one hour. One of the bullets came within two metres of three internationals and a municipal water worker close enough to spray bits of debris in their faces as it landed at their feet."

After her death the ISM released a statement quoting Corrie's parents on the widely circulated picture of the incident. In the words of Rachel's parents: "The act, while we may disagree with it, must be put into context. Rachel was partaking in a demonstration in Gaza opposing the War on Iraq. She was working with children who drew two pictures, one of the American flag, and one of the Israeli flag, for burning. Rachel said that she could not bring herself to burn the picture of the Israeli flag, but under such circumstances, in protest over a drive towards war and her government's foreign policy that was responsible for much of the devastation that she was witness to in Gaza, she felt it OK to burn the picture of her own flag.”

Shirley Ellis The clapping song

Yes, dreams.
And, what did Rachels parents dream of, afterwords?

Well, her daddy decided to become less aggressive, and her mother joined the US International Peace Corps of Washington, USA. Or, maybe she did not. But, she sent 50 USD monthly to 'Rachels' Peace Corps. Yes, or to Amnesty. Or, to the Red Cross, the Green Cross, the White Cross or some other Cross. Yes, or to 'Rädda Barnen' (Save the Children International). And why I use the Swedish name 'Rädda Barnen', is because that name is better. 'Rädda Barn' in Swedish means either 'to save children', or 'children filled with fear'. And children filled with fear we are, all of us living on this blue pearl, walking its' death shadow filled valleys.

And, that is to change, and pretty soon.
And, for that, someone from that place of 'somewhere up above' is telling me, that heshe is quite happy, too.

Conway Twitty - It's Only Make Believe

No, more than that.
Pretty and very much more, than that.

Thank You/


I AM, here, now, and I AM, too  ((: