Sunday, December 4, 2022


MORTDECAI. Juggling angry Russians, the British Mi5, and an international terrorist, debonair art dealer and part-time rogue Charlie Mortdecai races to recover a stolen painting rumored to contain a code that leads to lost gold.
                       (Mortdecai (2015) – IMDb). 

Back in time, I read the bible. Yes, all of it, but for “Esther” and “Ruth”. The bible I read was pretty “not very much to read”, and it took me, when reading 15-25 pages per day, roughly 50-100 days to get through it. 

Yesterday, I read “Esther”, and “Ruth”. Yes, by checking condensed versions and comments to the same. That way of reading the bible gave more, than reading the whole thing start – end. 

It turned out these 2 books are the only ones where is the female in the focus, and name of the (old) testament books. 

“Ruth” shows a woman, married outside her own ancestry lines and into a line suggested leading to “David” (David being the guy that by using “thinking” defeated Goliath. Goliath was supposedly 15 times larger that David, so Davids' slingshot (a handheld weapon throwing stones) was likely very welcome (though not to Goliath – he died). 

When checking it, “Ruth” ancestry does not lead directly to David, but rather to his near predecessor as King of Israel. David was placed there, as king, with the help of “the mad man in the mountains”, Jesse. Yes, David was new lineage. 

And “Ruth” was loyal, loyal to her new lineage, given to her by marriage. Yes, the bible, as many other things in this world (though more “before”), count only men. So, when “Ruth” husband died, and that husbands brother and father died at the same time, “Ruth” decided to stay and take care of her stepmother, that complete with her “new by marriage lineage”, and customs. 

“Ruth” was loyal, to her “near and dear ones”, and by choosing to stay with her stepmother demonstrated both her own strong will (she was recommended to go back to her own old bloodline, and didn't), and “humane” way of being (choosing). Guesswork is, those Basques of northern Spain, those Irish of Northern Ireland and those curdish tribes that are today almost half of Turkey, may have done better, by using the same way of thinking, as did “Ruth”. 

Why try keeping ones own “bloodline customs” by isolating, rather than change the customs of “the dominating bloodline (of a country)”, by blending in? 

Wars are normally fought to gain power (money), and guesswork is, some mighty guy (not “Ruth”) and leader of these basques saw it as more beneficial (to giving himself more power), to focus – by conflicts and war – on “cultural differencies” between the basques, and Spain. And he possibly succeeded, that guy in basque land, to gain power. 

Did he? 

And what about “Esther”, then, and “Mortdecai”? 

Many hundred years after that “David” was chosen king – that was around 1000 years before the birth of Jesus (of that same blood line) – jews were once more placed to inferior at times slavelike circumstances, this time to Iran (Persia). This was during the regency of Xerxes 1, the gifted and “warhappy” king of Persia, in ~ 480 B.C. As also customs are, Xerxes nobility got ideas as how to themselves get into power/money. Yes, by murdering Xerxes 1. 

Mortdecai somehow came in the know of these devious plans, and informed (how? Hmmm – well, by screaming and bawling the details of this scheming, and so loud Xerxes heard it), Xerxes, who expediantly executed the main men behind the plot. 

Later, Xerxes wife died, and he started the search to replace her, this as also normal is by asking his servants to run about looking for the most beautiful female they could find. 

And that was “Esther”. 

So, “Esther” became Xerxes wife, and as is reported (possibly also somewhere in the bible, but more likely elsewhere), his favourite concubine. 

Still later, Xerxes grand visier (“prime minister”) decided to kill all jews kept in “Persian custody”. Yes, he probably felt for taking all that money and all jewellery, that was surely kept by “greedy and narrow minded jewish pawn brokers”, i.e. “Mortdecai”. 

As all remember, God back in time gave the people of Israel a covenant, often referred to as “the old covenant”. The old covenant was first given to Abraham, and after that to both Isaak and Jacob. Yes, and to Moses, too, on Mount Sinai. And what was this covenant; what did it say? 

The covenant said to these three, that God would lead his people (the human being), to “the promised land”. The covenant was made clearer, to Moses on Mount Sinai – the 10 commandments. Yes, and as I see it natural and logical not to steal or murder, nor prefer to hop into bed with somebodys “wear- and tear bored and wasted” wife – yes, that's what that commandment says (husbands neither mentioned nor counted) all this is “the natural and humane way for a human to behave”, I prefer to summarise these 10 commandments; 

“Treat Your neighbour as You Yourself prefer to be treated”. 

So, what God asks people to do, in his “old commandment” (*), is to “behave humane” - to behave as a humane human being. Yes, one more thing God said, and that more specifically to the jews - “circumscription is in ways a good thing”. So, all jewish men are, still today, circumscribed. 

Why “circumscription”? 
To get more sensitive. 

God and myself has recently had talks of just that – sensitivity. Of the 4 human treats by “the All” given to me as model of how “we up here” evolve the human being; whats to be given most emphasis. God has stubbornly kept to “thinking”, and I have asked “why not sensitivity”? When more sensitive, better thinking and, furthermore, sensitivity (emotion) is what gives the human capacity to “becoming aware”. We need our six sences, to ourselves experience, ourselves and everything else. 

So, God changed “our mind”; “Yes, “emotion/sensitivity” will, with time, become even more important, than “thinking”. 

The treats not here mentioned, “clear light” and “love” are both given less room, than the other two. “Clear light” works as “I know that, somehow, but I don't know how”, and “love” is there, anyhow, and everywhere. WE ARE LOVE, that's why we are given red blood, an at times good reminder. 

So, the jews are circumscribed, so more sensitive (the males). And, as males are the sex doing war, and looking for power, jews typically avoid war. Money is a different issue. Money is power, and that typically without any killing, or war. So, jews concentrated on gathering money, instead of glory. One may hope that that same sensitivity/intelligence will help all “Mortdecai” take the decision to use theirs' pawnbroker money, to help people in poor circumstances.

Now, back to “Esther”. When Mortdecai is made aware of Xerxes “prime ministers” plans to murder all jews (to get their money), he wisely asks “Esther” for help. Concubine and most beautiful “Esther” is to make Xerxes aware of his grand visiers plans, and “rebutt” them (make them invalid). 

So, “Esther” invites Xerxes to beautiful and fun dinners, this complete with “nightly activities”. Esther gives Xerxes 3 dinners and 3 nights, and after that informs Xerxes of his grand visiers plans (to get money, that money likely to be used by the visier to topple Xerxes). 

The story ends with Xerxes killing the former grand visier (with entourage), this to replace the devious prime minister, with Mortdecai (no scheming expected from Mortdecai, who as jewish and circumscribed will not wish for neither power nor glory). 

(*) The old covenant was later replaced with “the new covenant”. The new covenant was made, by God (“the all”) placing himself to the cross. On that cross were placed all 3 parts of “God” - the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost. Yes, remember the night in Getsemane, where God tells Jesus that he will prefer to join him on the cross (the next day), and that furthermore also The Holy Ghost – the part of God that impersonate that seen by “us up above”, as “holy” - will hang there. 

Jesus is placed to the cross, thus becoming “the Christ”. Yes, that in company of (invisible) “Father”, and “Holy Ghost”. He is, after 9 hours and 42 minutes (18:42 in the afternoon), killed by a roman lance, stuck into the left side of his belly. I was reminded of that, when 33 years, 3 months and a bit more - the crucifiction took place on 33-3-30 - being given pains in my belly, those pains staying with me for almost 21 years. 

Why the reminder – I was part of the Holy Ghost placed to that cross. 

The new covenant is “KNOWLEDGE” (this including intelligence/sensitivity).