Sunday, October 2, 2011

Clouds in Pants.

I walk this Earth, and that I do all the time. This 'walking' I do in the only proper  'fashion' I know of. I become some of these my 'children' walking Earth, 'myself'. 'Myself', as in that which is 'me myself'. These beings that are 'solely' me do not carry 'souls' with them, when visiting Earth. 'They' as in 'me', GOD, are 'there' to 'help' and to 'share'.

Earth of 2nd density was 'forgetfulness'. When living different lives, we 'forget upon leaving'. Leaving, as in 'dying'? Yes, but in many, most ways not dying at all. More like changing bodies and, to an extent, insides. This is what we do, when 'learning'. We change 'insides', little by little. 2nd density is built 'forgetful', as this makes it possible to learn more in less 'time'. And that gives less 'pain'. This is of good, as many of the 'lessons' of 2nd density are of pain. Now, as 'God' just informed me, we are all 'done' with that. This Earth which we tread, is since a few days entering 3rd density, the density that is of 'no killing of human beings'. Yes, entering, as Earth is not a very small place, and 'entering' some 6,5 billion human beings into a new way of living their life, will take some years.

Rome was not built in one day, some say. I am one of them. And there was that 'temple' in Jerusalem, wasn't there? Yes, there was. The temple that Solomon built. Yes, Solomon it was. And the hands that built that temple were the human beings that lived there, at that time, in Jerusalem? The first temple, built in Jerusalem, was built by 'me', as in God. The way it was built, was by hand, and by me 'secretly' helping with bits and pieces, too. And how did it look? There are remnants left of that temple 'left', though not exactly where people expect them to be. This will be shown, too.

There is 'something' with these guys. ((;

Now listen. Do You wish to know a 'secret'. Do You promise not to tell? That 'second temple' that many of my beings speculate of. Was that ever built, and where? Yes, the 2nd temple was built. That temple was built, furnished and ready, 3 days ago, it was. Yes, 'God' told me, just up above. And 'he' was 'right on the spot' again. And the 'physical' image of that temple, is that to be found somewhere, too? No, the physical image of the second temple will be built, and 'soon'. And everyone will be happy to know that it was 'we' who built it, too. 'We', as in elohim. 'We', as in GOD. 'We', as in 'us' humans.

Yes, 'he' was the one doing that 'building', as heshe most often is. God is thinking of GOD. And a true 'group effort' it was, still. And that I told everyone, only a little while ago. Everyone 'up here', that is. Those children of mine and GOD, will have some 'fairytales' to listen to and see come true, and that within not too long.

And this here writing is one of them. ((;

The soul, the Soul and the SOUL.

Into our 'soul', we have 'ourselves' written 'aims', what we 'prefer' to do, also that which we 'need to do'. This we did before going into a new life. We all 'wrestle' with 'issues'. Those who steal in one life will learn the downside of that in coming lives. This is 'karma', 'the law of cause and effect', one way of learning to become a 'humane human'.

'You' carry a 'soul'. GOD does not. GOD, I AM, 
is the soul of everything. I AM the SOUL.

The 'soul' is the individual soul. This soul is an integrated part of 'larger Souls'. 'Souls' - capital 'S' - are of many beings and lives, and also parts of the one SOUL. Souls are 'plans', in many ways directing ours - as in 'mine too' - different lives in different worlds and universes. No, not in all ways. That written to the soul will create a 'setting' for the life to come. There will be quite many times in that life to be, where issues beforehand written will be placed before You, then learned, again and again. Maybe an example would be of value?

There is the issue of killing. This we have spoken of pretty much, in previous notes. So, why not talk of 'stealing', instead? Yes, just like the Bible does, and the Quran, too. And the hindus, the buddhists and the shinto religion, also, just mentioning a few. Stealing is a pretty complex issue. Stealing is dishonesty. Dishonesty also to oneself, as oneself is part of the one being, that is 'me', GOD, as in 'us'. What we do, when getting rid of stealing, is to wash that dishonesty out of 'self'.  Take the example of 'borrowing' from Your work place, tiny small things like a screw driver, or a pen. Everyone 'borrows' these things, and everyone forgets to bring them back. 

Let's have another example; insurances. You write an insurance for Your belongings stored outside Your home, and there is a petty theft of small things, of minor value. You have the option to lose money, as in reporting to the insurer what has been stolen, and then 'lose', as there are 'deductables' written into the contract. The theft will actually cost You money, if reported properly. And so, many start 'covering' themselves, by adding the value of  that 'deductable', to their reports of goods stolen. One by doing that will lie, and, as to belongings stolen, neither win nor lose money. Some will learn that one may 'win' some money, too, by adding yet a little more to that report, actually making one a little 'better off' than before that theft, and to that helped by the thief. And no one will incur any damage from that, but the insurance company.

So, what would You choose to do? Lose money, 
cover Your losses, or make a cash 'win'?

Now, these examples placed may seem pretty 'small'. Almost foolish, yes? Yes, quite many greater 'deeds' are done on this Earth, that I will admit. The act of 'stealing' is always of disloyalty to self, however possibly hurting less, when in these 'lesser theft' forms? Yes, these 'minor' sins we do, are 'good training', too. We bring those wrongdoings back into our memories, and we regret, or not. This thought process will often be repeated many times, during life. The result thereof, is written to the soul, and the Soul, and the SOUL. No, there will be no severe punishment for stealing a pen. The reason why I placed it there for You to steal, was for You to think, reconsider. And whatever the result of that 'consideration' was, it was of value for 'me', too.

Thank You! ((:

The 'weave' that I place before You, is of many patterns. There are patterns of 'learning', always, in both 'good and bad'. There are patterns of 'sorrow' and patterns of 'joy'. These patterns are woven into each and every life. The emotion of 'sorrow' and the smaller feeling of 'irritation', somewhat resemble one another. Yes, to an extent they do. They both place 'strain' to Your mind. And there are patterns of happiness and fortitude, too, placed into Your life, and those are less burdensome to carry. 

When there's no one else
Look inside yourself
Like your oldest friend just
Trust the voice within
Then you'll find the strength
That will guide your way
If you will learn to begin to
Trust the voice within 

The 'essence' of a lesson is that we place 'inside'. In our minds. The 'conclusion' one will arrive at a result of emotional respons, then 'reasoning', that once again looped back to 'emotion'. When having lost someone dear, one does not wish to hear 'me' be 'cold and matter of fact'. Sorrow tears the mind. This is so. Still, within the scope of this text, this note, I am matter of fact. But never 'cold'. This text is to write a language. This text is to 'build ground'. That 'groundwork' we have chosen to do, using 'matter of fact', and clarity. Doing so has its' advantages. That written will be 'simplified', but also easier to grasp. Yes, I cause and give the deepest grief and pain possible to You. I also give You joy and happiness. Yes, I do that, too. And Life is very, very tough. It is as intended to be. Life is also 'of beauty' and carrying with it much to enjoy. 

The goods and the bads of life are distributed pretty unevenly between lives. The 'lessons' and 'learning' You and I decided upon before 'ours' venturing into a new life are very different, looking at the different lives we live. This has been said many, many times. Yes, it has. And I choose to say it once more. 

The 'learning' placed, is for eternity. No living thing ever die. Every living animal is unique, and that 'spirit' placed inside of body is a unique being. When going into the next life, Your inner being as in 'spirit' will be a little different, and the body too. And the 'learning', joys and sorrow, irritation and bliss also. Life is not a tapestry, also not one of those incredible works done at monasteries. Still, the lives we live may be pictured as 'weaving'. That illustrating to an extent what is done by You and me, 'outside' of physical life. 

Yes, I say 'our' lives. This as I Created You. And that I did, being Creation. There is no one else than 'me', GOD, doing that. And there is no one else but 'me myself', that places the weight inside my very own 'self', for giving You sorrow and pain. Yes, I built human into my image, and by examining Yourself, You will often get to know me pretty well. I am with You, and that I am every second of Your life.

'Densities' and lives.

When a 'starseed' is placed to Earth for the first time, that human, or 'seed', I call a 'diagram of creation'. A 'diagram of creation' is the soul of a human being that has lived between one and four different lives.This soul has in 'himher' much of that which 'heshe' will become, in later lives and different densities. Most humans walking 'our' Earth are no longer 'diagrams of creation'. We have walked pretty much of the 'distance intended' already, for becoming of more nuances, more expression, more diversity. Diversity as in 'more fun together'. Diversity as in 'profound beauty'. Ours walking that 2nd density is now getting close to its' end. Figuratively speaking, that third temple spoken of, is that of this our 3rd density. And there will be a physical image of that temple built, too, and soon.

As one live ones lives,  one gets wiser. Looking at the densities inside of which we live, the settings thereof vary, and much. 2nd density is of 'killing', as in killing other human beings. Happily, that density us humans are as we speak already leaving, or about to leave. Much of 'the beast', the animalistic inside our beings, is of that 2nd density. And this 'animal' aspect is of both good and bad. And we have learn't the good of it, and rejected that which we do not prefer. And as we do not prefer to murder one another, this will not be, when part of 3rd density. As we progress up the ladder of Creation, our settings becomes different. The 3rd density human being looks different from himher of 2nd density, and is emotionally different, too. And 'us humans' climb up and down this ladder of Creation all the time. It is our 'favourite pastime'. And, hopefully, not all the time a 'pastime' either. Climbing down we do, when we wish to once again participate enjoy and learn from lower densities, and climb up we do, when we so prefer. Learning, expanding our beings, we do everywhere. 

'Something's got a hold on me', too, 
and You too, and 'us'! ((;

There are five physical densities. The 6th density is of both the physical and the energetic being, as 'we' - elohim - that there live, are of 'both outside and inside', of both 'the physical' and of 'life energy'. There are densities also higher up 'Jacobs ladder'. These are the densities of the 'non physical', the place where 'Gods' dwell. Gods as in different 'faces' of the one GOD. Just like GOD has the 'face' of many humans, GOD is also different 'faces', when creating and taking care of Creation.

Oh, yes, one more thing. I use the word 'density', and that very often too. My thought is Life. Where I place my thought, Life is. As for 3rd density, I place my thought with every human being of that density, some 30 000 times each second. I can do it a little more than that, and a little less, too. Depending on how many times I place myself within You each second, there will be more or less 'Life'. For 4th density, I place my thought into that human being some 35000 times each second, and for 2nd density human beings, that same 'measure of thought' is like 25000 times each second. The density of 'thought', as in Life, varies as one progress up or down the worlds placed on different Creational levels.

The essence of the human being is twofold. We are of the physical and of the spirit. The spirit is an energy being, that energy being Life itself. And the way You learn to Create, is somewhat like 'thinking'. Yes, when Creating, that being of Yours is nothing but life energy. That energy, 'Life', may take on quite many different faces, and shapes. The shape of a hut, a car, a lake, a deer, or the hunter that is to learn not to kill that deer. Those physical densities two and three are of 'killing' ourselves. In density two we are at war, we murder and we kill animals. We have to kill animals, for our physical bodies to keep their shape. The physical body need protein. Yes, this is the way we have built Creation. We start our journey by killing each other, and by eating our friends. When entering 3rd density, we realize we do not have to kill other human beings. We infact refuse to do so, anymore. From 'now' and for the rest of this 3rd density Earths 26 year existance, that killing will be thoroughly, 'once and for all' washed out of our minds.

Density four is of 'no killing' what so ever. 'I', as in GOD, will change my darling human beings pretty much, before You and 'us' will enter into that density, which we call the density of 'Love'. We also call it the 'Golden Age', as life inside that density, life on that Earth, is profoundly beautiful. We are all of us, GOD, God, and elohim, looking forward very much to that time in not too distant future, as measured from inside spacetime, when we enter our Golden Age.

Density five I - GOD - choose to call that of 'Light and Love'. This density is still of the physical, and the human living there inside has the ability to himherself choose how to build the physical body. The human being will have lived some 400 lives, before entering that fifth density. The human being of 4th density will be of some forty lives lived, and a 3rd density human being, has lived at least 4 lives.

Density six is of the non physical. It is also of 'learning to really take care' of one another. This we do, by 'being' those humans living in 'lower' densities. The human being is living in different forms, on different planes and different densities. You are right now a third density being, and also part of a fifth density being that is 'carrying You', including giving You those sometimes very tough lessons, but also and in many ways more happily giving also the good times. You are also a part of that sixth density being, 'elohim'. A density six being is built as 'two beings'. There is the 'Life giver' and there is the 'receiver of Life'. The 'Life giver' of Earth, is GOD.  The 'receiver of Life', as in elohim, is a group being. That group being we call, within this text, God. God is Created by GOD, and is the 'caretaker' of our universes.

Yes, we like that word, caretaker. To take care.

GOD is Life. Nothing else inside of Creation is Life itself, but GOD. GOD also live inside his Creation, as a more practical God, that carries that existance forward. The God that carries this third density forward, we call God, as in 'elohim'. God, as in 'God'. God as in 'Jahve'. God as in 'Allah'.

The tetragammaton YHVH of the Bible and other scripture, is of four syllables. These four syllables denote a 'fourth density God'. The 'system' I am here showing You, is pretty bleak. Bleak and matter of fact as it is, it is also a 'clearcut' way of providing a context, and new 'language'. A language as in 'patterns', 'images'. And this as pointed out is the intent of much of this writing, these notes. To be pretty 'clearcut'.

And so, do I see using YHVH from inside of third density, a 'sin'? Yes, of course I do. I will kill You for doing so. No, I will not do that. I will instead reprimand Lars for making me write that. I also do not mind You calling me 'Yehovah' or 'Yahveh'. I carry many names, and there are reasons for each of these. The syllables may be seen as representing a 'setting'. YHVH is four syllables. And so, YHVH is the 'GOD' of fourth density? Yes, one may see it that way. I have carried many names, in many cultures. These names have all been 'me', as in GOD. As my human being, which is my Love, progress, my name will change. And so will the 'image' I place with thast human, of who I am. YHVH is GOD as Love, and so I will be very happy to be that GOD. This as I am Love. Oh yes, the vocals. Yehovah is of three vocals and four syllables. The vocals may be seen as representing the 'learning' we have made within our world. We, as in 'us'. We, as in 'we are one being'. We, as in 'we are in this together'.

As in 'we belong together', as in we will learn to take better care of one another, also when living as 'singular' beings.

Nykvarn, a new 'mill' for a new 'harvest'.

Well, not very much later, please, 'Sir', God inflicts. I have something to tell, too. Will You please give me some 'room', too, GOD? Though not much of a 'secret' for many, it still is for Lars, and also some more. This 'place' that is 'Nykvarn' called. This place GOD has informed me, is to become of a slightly different 'costume'.

Yes, the 'Sir' thing was aimed at GOD. 'We' of higher up the ladder are pretty mindful. And we get even more mindful, when flattery is used. God has developed a certain 'skill' for that, as have all of us. GOD luckily turned the other ear to that flattery of Gods, and that other ear of that other ear is also not very well functioning, not always it is not. This is a 'trick' GOD has taught many wise men. Pretend not to hear, GOD's advice is, this as too much of flattery or pun, is never good for anyone.

'Ca plane pour moi', and Leila K, too. ((:

Hmm...there was a 'secret' of sorts, yes? God?

Yes, my dear, a secret there still is, God replies. 'Lars' is not aware of it, as he most often is not. This time it is all about Nykvarn, this rugged remote rural place southwest of Stockholm. Know that place, anyone?

Yes, we do, those 'mighty' elohim answer, not in unison but still pretty well demonstrating 'togetherness'. This is the place where 'the house that Jack built, was built', yes?

No, no, no! God replies, as always pretending to be slightly, very slightly in fact, angry. In fact not angry at all, God replies. What, one more God, was there? Jack?

No, no, no! God replies to himself. Just 'old me' playing the fool, again. did I forget to tell You that Lars is already 'dead'? No, You did not, elohim replies, slightly flabbergasted.

Well, he might not be exactly, fully totally dead, not in all ways, but still he is a bit 'bleak', I must say. I will have to do something about that. Haven't had a good look at You recently, my boy. You certainly do not look to well, and not too well off either. Where are those elohim of 'mine', God? Were they not supposed to do something, too?

Hmmm, GOD thinks out, and as always pretty quiet he is, but this time in a 'loud' enough kind of way, for Lars to also hear some of the planning, hidden but not too hidden, inside that mindful mind that is 'our mind', GOD. Anyhow, GOD, as always did not hear that flattery either. Lars, GOD says. We have to do something about this place Nykvarn. And that I will tell everyone tonight. No, not tonight. I will do it bit by bit, just like I promised You, but exactly the other way around. I will start right now. And what I will do, that You heard quite clearly, too. I will start giving this village Nykvarn a slightly different 'air', and 'setting'. I am not Santa all the time, and I do not wish to ruin anything by saying more that that I just said.

You just wait and see. and You will not have to wait very long. Not as long as I have had to wait, for this show to begin. And that is what is about to be, sort of 'now'.

Well, he still is 'sort of dead', God informs. He is by now 'gone by the wind'. At least parts of him are. 'He' in fact died some years ago. In 1942 to be more accurate, no 1943, it was. Yes, I think that was the year I placed 'him' back into. Memories, those were the days. The days of wine and roses, they were. No, they were not days of wine and roses. They were days of hard working, pretending to be the 'Hitler' of it all, which I just happended to be, too.

And poor old Lars was there, too. Yes, he was. And he did not like it. Not one bit, he did not. Why is that so? many will ask just that. Well, no one likes to be a 'Hitler', yes? I didn't. But a necessity it was. By being 'Hitler', I preserved mankind, didn't I? GOD, what is Your 'say', on this? 

Lars, by some strange reason, does not have the appetite for 'Hitler' beings, that some of us keep, inside...

Hmmm, GOD responds, and pretty fast, too. Lars, now listen, and carefully. Yes, I know You will. You always do. A good ear for that You have, too. Where 'were' I? Oh yes, the 'Hitler guy'. The Hitler guy was not there, God tells me. He was never there, Lars. Just another figment of 'my' imagination that must have been. Yes, so it was. I remember it now, quite vividly in fact. Nothing of that was ever to be, Lars. We did not 'prefer' for that war to 'be'. So, that war 'was not'.

But there was something else, and more, too. You were to carry a 'burden' of sort. Yes, many of us have to do so. Your burden just got lighter. This is what old God wish to tell You, in his slightly offbeat roundabout way. A tiny fraction of that 'extra luggage' we placed on Your shoulders, is no longer there. Now, as this writing is intended for others to also enjoy, let us not go into this more than what is asked and of essence to do. The essence of it is, You are now freed from 'sin'. The 'sin' that I placed there. ((;

'pack up your troubles in Your old kit bag'
(Eliza Doolittle)

And it didn't take You more than 21 lives and a little more, to 'fix' that, either. Well, You always were pretty 'quick between those ears'. Sometimes so fast You were, I had to ask myself if I really did place something there at all, between those ears of Yours, I mean. By now certain I am, I must have forgotten some parts, that were supposed to be there, too. God, is there something we can do about this poor chap of ours? There is something called 'bilbesiktning' I hear, in Sweden. Can they arrange something, for Lars? Is maybe Bosse Bildoktorn available, too? God?

Yes, yes, God replies, and pretty fast he is, as pretty often God is. I have kept that in mind, too. Lars is not apt for 'bilbesiktning', yet. This is for the creatures we build from steel, and vinyl, and leather, remember? Lars is a different shape alltogether. Somewhat looking like these other human beings of ours, placed inside of a body, he is. I gather Bosse Bildoktorn will not be the ideal for him either. Well, let me think about it, dearest GOD. I will come up with something, and as always, prompt and 'soon enough'.

I think that will need to be 'proven', 'shown', and 'verified', 'someone' says, that 'someone' being poor David, Lars son to become, again. David is getting a bit anxious, listening to GODs ideas of sending Lars away to Bosse Bildoktorn. 

Yes, it most certainly will, GOD hesitantly replies. And so there will be. A 'demonstration' there will have to be, of what really took place during those 'days of misfortune', those days of the 2nd world war. Aah, David, You talking of Lars, was it? I am sorry to misinterpret. Well, I think God will get Lars out of our hairs. Do not worry, David. Now, back to that world war 2, that never was. And what can I say, before 'showing You'? It never happended. Neither did the 'mobsters'. Neither anything else, of this 'planet of sorts' that I and we have shown 'Lars'. None of it was ever 'there'?

Are You 'ok' with that, David?

No, sir, David replies, as always being the rebel swimming upstreams.

Well, some of it was, GOD says. Most of it was 'there', in fact. The 'bad' parts, well, much of that 'I' placed there. 'I', as in 'us', Lars 'relatives' of sort, his family and friends to become. The 'mobsters', well, some of them there has been, but none of the really 'bad' ones, like Capone and the like.

The 2nd world war was never to be. The reason 'we', as in 'me' and 'us', had for placing those memories inside our 'friends' minds was this; there was else to be something 'worse', and real time. Real time, as in 'a real event'. 'We' will go into the 'dynamics' and dress rehersal' of that world war 2 that was not very much of a war into much more detail, but not here and not now. 

Suffice to say, for now, that everything is not always as it seem to be. And that is sometimes of good, too.

A Creation of 'thought' and 'dreams'.

At the very instant that this is written, I AM (as in GOD) some 30 billion billion, and many more, human beings. Well, human beings 'in the making', as we are not fully human yet. I AM walking some 100 100 million Earths, in quite many universes of different shapes, forms and contents. There is more to say of this, and those numbers given are not correct, but also not entirely wrong. This as GOD live outside of that, which to a human being is 'real'. GOD does in fact Create that 'real'. What is real, and what is not? 'Me', as in GOD, live outside of spacetime, also outside of any nomination of time whatsoever. I do Create in 'ordinal scale', that meaning I Create in, to me, 'logical fashion'. Logical fashion to me, though, not being that exactly the same, as what is seen as 'logical' for Lars.

Those 30 billion billion humans and very much more, live inside worlds where there is now 'life'. Some of these worlds will be placed within frames where also my 'spirits', my 'souls' and my 'children' walk. Not all of them will. I Create quite many 'worlds', and some of these worlds are meant to stay 'only with me'. Using the frame of computers, I simulate, I mediate and I interpolate. I then Create, and that which I choose to Create is that most beneficial for 'us', and in that 'us' I do, like many and most parents, place 'You' before 'me myself'. If this was not to be so, I would not be able to 'go on'. In this way I created 'man' too. 

In my image I Created man. In my image I created woman. In my image I created 'family'. In my image I created 'group', and loyalty outside that narrow concept of family, too. In my image as I AM, that which is all I Created, also beings outside of the physical. These beings non physical, elohim, these I call 'group beings' And that is pretty logical, as these beings exist primarily as 'group', being the 'parents' of quite many children, as they are also 'us' human beings that write and read this note.

Some of these 'worlds' are only 'me', as in GOD, outside of everything else. This has to be so, and has always been so, the reasons therefore many. Some of these 'worlds' are not even 'me', but are still by 'me' seen as and counted as 'realms' or 'places'. This as I can see that there are 'possiblities' there, at some instant, for 'us' to enter. 'Us' as in 'You', and 'me', and 'all of us'. I keep repeating this word 'us' quite a bit, and the reason for that being always the same. 'We', when placed into singular bodies find it difficult to 'grasp', emotionally, what it is to be of 'many souls and bodies'.

To belong is to be longing.

Solomon was the son of David. There is an example, where Solomon is talking to two females, both claiming to be the mother of the same child. Solomon then suggests that him cutting the child in two halves will 'solve their problem'. Both women will then get one half each. One of the females accept this deal, whilst the other one does not. She instead suggest to Solomon that the child be placed, without chopping, with the other woman. And so Solomon allows the child to stay with the mother that cared the most. Now, lets deviate a little, from that story, which is true, but also in other ways than the one pictured in the Bible. 

In this world we call Earth, there has been quite many 'tribes' placed, who has not been given any 'home'. The israelites were placed in prison in Babylon. The jews were brought to Egypt. The kanaanites were placed inside a jail, too, inside of Israel itself. Then we have, in more recent times, the people of Palestine, the Kurdish nation, a nation with no land, the Basque nation, with a similar 'not place' to be. Eire, Tibet, Azerbadjan, the north African tribes, and the Indians of north America. And many, many more. These are 'nations' wishing for a country they once 'had', but has no more. Well, the Irish nation does have Eire, since 1917 that is so. And the scottish people once had Scotland, but no more.

Now, a child is 'belonging'. A child belongs to hisher parents, family, teams and groups, and 'tribe', as in 'people' and 'nation'.  A 'people' I have chosen to, for the sake of this note define as a 'tribe' which once had a 'belonging' to a 'land', but that is no more of that belonging. The scots have accepted to be part of the commonwealth, and Great Britain. Yes, most of the scots have done so. The Kurdish nation has not accepted to be part of Turkey. The Basques have not accepted to be part of Spain? No, not all of them have.

And when are these 'nations' to get 'their country' back? Most of them will never get their country back, as before that Earth and its' beings will be 'lifted' into the Golden Age. And what is the lesson here? What does that 'child of Solomons', and the issue of a 'homeland' have in common? That they have in common is 'belonging'. When in the physical, to 'know' as in 'feel' that one 'belong', is essential. When outside of the physical, that knowledge is already. When placed 'alone' inside a body, that 'knowledge' is not. 'Belonging' is part 'hereditary' and part 'emotion'. 'Belonging' is 'safety', as in 'less fear'. When 'less fear', there is room for love to grow.  

Solomon allowed that child to be brought back to mother. God did not allow for many of his children to be brought back to their 'home ground', as in a country of their own. No, God did not do that. God instead made some of his children tread Earth seen as 'thieves', not liked by anyone.  What about those gypsies? And what about those placed way down societal pyramids? What about the blacks and the indians of USA? What about the casteless of India and the Armenians that were almost extinguished by genocide? What about them? Were these people not also 'the children of Gods'? Yes, they still are. The human now living as homeless in Darfur, in hisher next life and the life before this one, will quite possibly be someone else. 

Not much of a comfort, for the one starving in Darfur, those words are. No, they are not. And these lessons 'we' have had to bring mankind through, have been very tough. I have written a little on that in other notes, too. Carrying my children through this 'desert'. Carrying my children through 'the valley of Death', as in asking them to murder, to learn to refuse more murder and killing. That has been too tough. This is so. Yes, in some ways this is so. And we will talk more of that, elsewhere.

Common ground for a new Earth. 

And the people now living in Darfur? They will be pretty happy, too, and pretty soon. And, are they happy now? No, they are not happy now. I know that, as I am them. I am those human beings living in Darfur right now. At this moment that this is written, there are some 230 000 human beings starving there. UN and help organizations report some 800 000 to be on the brink of starvation. This is not so.  Still, these final 26 years of Earth 3rd density, will be pretty tough, too. We still have lessons to learn. 

And those starving children in Darfur? What are the lessons these benefit from learning? The lessons learned in Darfur, will be called 'keep together'. The lesson learned on this Earth, regarding those 800 million now on the brink of starvation, will be that same lesson. 'We' humans do have wealth and assets, that will suffice to 'help'. I, God, and 'we', elohim, will be 'helping', too. By the end of 2012, there will be a 'miracle' placed, for all of mankind to watch. After that, also in 2012, there will be placed a 'note' of sort, in Africa. That 'note' will be quite visible. 

These coming years, from 2012 and onwards, will be 'times of miracles'. By 2021, there will be pretty few humans left on this Earth starving. Well, there will be more to talk about, but later. And that 'talk' will be done in both written, emotional and other languages. Very much 'talk' there will be, and much of that will be of 'happiness'.

Those mothers from the Solomon tale and those people that have no nations, no families, no belongings. These 'share' one thing most precious to the human being. They all carry with them the wish, the urge and need, to 'belong'. To belong is to have 'roots' and a 'home'. To not belong is to have to 'struggle without', outside. 'Roots', homes and 'family'. These all constitute 'belonging'. With these, You place your being inside of the framework of a 'group', a 'country', a 'family'. As in belonging, together.

'Belonging' is our essence. We are one being. For 'second density Earth', this insight is not there. The 'urge' to belong is there, and the 'lessons' to be felt and learned, due to 'not belonging', have been many. By now many enough.

In those coming 26 years and a little more, this will become very clear to everyone walking Earth. My children belong with 'me', with 'us'. 'We' have never been more happy then when saying that those lessons of 'walking in the desert', those lessons of 'walking through the valley of death', are by now learned in full, and 'brought within our beings'. And that is the mark the end of 'second density Earth', too.

There is much more to say of this, but this writing is to be on building a 'language', a platform, a different kind of 'belonging' between 'me' as in GOD and God and elohim, and my children that walk Earth right now. I don't like to leave it this way, and I will not do so. There will be separate notes written on this issue. The issue of emotional belonging and beauty. Notes talking of the place and places where we live. The places where we live and have fun! The places where we dance together, swimming and flying among colours of beauty, tonalities that I am only too happy to show all of 'us', bit by bit, and inside and outside of time as seen by Earth human beings, right now.

Clouds in pants.

Life is GOD, GOD outside of everything. GOD as in the 'Life giver'. God inside of everything has to take care of, nurture, make become aware, all these 'divine shards' that GOD placed there, within space/time.

There is but one GOD, the GOD which is everything. At least everything that he/she 'himself' knows. And he/she knows pretty much. GOD knows that 'heshe' is a 'multi layer' being. GOD is all those human beings walking this Earth. GOD is those human beings walking other earths. GOD is those humane beings, coming from the animal kingdom but not homo sapiens, that live side by side with 'us', in higher densities. And quite many we are, us humans. And quite many 'Earths' there are, too? No, there is but one Earth. That Earth, however, 'lives' in many shapes and places. 

When using the word 'we' in this context, 'we' often refer to that 'part of elohim' living inside 6th density. 'We' are group beings, and 'You' are part of that which is 'us'. A 'group being' in 6th density is of some 40000 'individuals'. We 'work' much like 'teachers', but prefer, though not for very long this will remain, not to be 'seen'. When GOD places the shard of 'life' into the female of this Earth, we are the ones doing the 'job'. Well, not all of the 'job'. Some of it, we do. We 'give' of the life force, that GOD has 'given' us to share.

'We' are not part of 'God'. 'We' are part of 'elohim'. That which is called 'God', is in this context to be seen as 'everything there is', and the 'holiest of holy', ghost (not very much of 'ghost' I am) and spirit (yes, thank You).

"Yes, I can hear music", GOD says. "And what 
about You, God?" "Yes, me , too", God screams.
"I have to kindly ask Lars to think of his neighbours.
Lars, please turn that volume knob down, just a tiny 
little. Thank You, my boy! Now, what about those 
elohim? Are these guys with us, too?" "For sure 
we are" (elohim, happily and in unison).

By GOD, we are human, and humans are the sole 'dancers' too, of all the universes there are, and that are to be. And so, human has to be a 'care taker'. Human has to learn how to 'take care'. And that 'we' are busy doing, all the time in this 'school' of sort, that is 'life'.  And as in other schools, there are different 'grades', or 'levels', for studying. We in this context, call these 'levels' 'densities'. Another word for 'density' is 'world'.  The worlds of 1st and 2nd densities 'we' call 'derivatives'. A derivative mathematically is a 'point' on a curve. And that point has a 'direction', too, and so may be seen as a 'vector'. That point has a 'value', derived from something, somewhere. ((;

The vectors that are 1st and 2nd derivative, always point upwards? Yes, they do. Derivatives, as compared to higher densities, are pretty lonely 'spots'. The 3rd and to much higher extent 4th densities, 'we' refer to as 'integrations'.  Human beings there realise themselves as being of both group and very individual being. Why 'integrations'? To be an 'integrate part', is to be 'part of something larger'. No more tricky than that it is, and that You may tell everyone, also including all the mathematicians and ministries of 'integration' and 'internal affairs' of this world.


(c) copyright until further notice.

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