Sunday, October 2, 2011

Things, matter and dreams.

(Lars) The moon of our Earth is a planet (and Sun) in the making. The 'stars' are suns, belonging to other  universes. As universa expand into universes, 'planets'  become 'suns'. And this expansion will be done from (pretty much) 'the middle'?  And that middle is always 'You'. As seen from Earth, Earth is in the 'middle', the 'center' of it all. And how about going to those other, neighbouring planets of ours? How about visiting other universes? When will 'us' humans 
visit Mars or Jupiter?

(God) Before a planet expand into that of a 'Sun', many 'densities' need to be lived. Jupiter is the planet of the 5th density beings of this 'universa', of which we are part. And, as always in these universa and universes, they are the best there is of their kind. And, is it possible to 'visit' Jupiter, in the future, by 'rocket ferry'? one may wonder. No, it will not be possible to visit Jupiter that way. Not from this density of ours. It would be possible to visit Jupiter from that same density or higher. 

With Mars, it is pretty much the same. Mars is the fourth planet, an image 'representing' 4th density beings of our universe. Visiting our neighbour planets or neighbouring universes, will not be done by 'rocket ferry'. It will be done by 'energy voyaging'. This is done such, that 'me', God, help 'me' in form of a being 'dissolve' in one place, and 'appear' in that other place. This 'voyaging' takes place pretty often, and is normally done between lives. And travel between 'universa', that You may do already. This Earth is 5 universa and also a universe in the making. And this universe in the making is our Earth 5 universa combining with 7 other universa, placed in 3 Earths parallell to ours.  

Universa and universes, new words and words used in
contexts not previously heard of. I better take this 
'from the beginning'.

First, a 'wordlist'.

God is 'we', as in all us living in this universe. God is also 'me', as in 'elohim', those human beings living inside 6th density and higer densities. GOD is I AM is the entirety of the all of us, 'Creation'. When GOD and God wish to express that which You call 'I', we will often use 'me', instead. This as the 'I' is for 'us' pretty much 'reserved' for 'I AM', and I AM is 'us', all of us, GOD and God and all human beings, together. GOD and God are 'group'. This is our very first identity. A humans  first identity is that of the individual, that human in later lives to become increasingly aware of his and her 'existing' also as 'group beings'.

The 'first identity' for GOD, God and 'elohim' too, is the whole group. All of us. The 'second 'identity' for all of us being a smaller group. For GOD, that more narrow 'group' was of 800 billion human lives. In part as a means of helping this and other Earths develop, in part to 'rebuild' himself, GOD made himself dissolve into 800 billion 'star seeds'. These seeds were placed into many many worlds. GOD is living energy. That energy is Life. There is no other source of Life. God can not Create 'Life' from himherself. Only GOD can do that. 

This is the first identity. GOD is Life.

Why are there 3 'Gods'? There is but one GOD, that which is  'all there is'. As Creation grew, there was and is an increasing wish felt by GOD to 'be closer to his beings'. And the reason for that is Love. Ask a mother why she wish to be close to her baby child. She will 'understand'. 

GOD is Love. This is the identity coming after Life.

GOD is also 'Clear Light' (wisdom), and that part of GOD carries a wish to organize 'himherself' in a manner as efficient as possible. 'In the beginning' there was but GOD. And GOD created human being, in his image. To make our universa and universes work as 'loving and smooth' as possible, the emotionally and logically correct was for GOD to 'form' a smaller God, a caretaker and co Creator.

Clear Light is the 'third identity' of GOD. 

'Little' God 'live inside' GOD. As is the human being, and 'elohim'. Elohim are 'group beings' living in densities from 6 and up, that also act as 'big' GODs 'helpers'. Are 'elohim' Gods or humans? GOD prefer to see all of us as 'Gods in the making'. And what are these Gods making? These Gods are making the human being become of even more 'expression', as in 'diversity of the individual' and 'joint, shared identity of the group'.  

A 'universa' is a set of worlds. 'Earth' is a universa, comprised from 12 different worlds. Of these 12 worlds, 5 are placed to 'this Earth' and the remaining 7 are placed to other 'parallell Earths'. 

A parallell Earth is an Earth very similar to ours, but inside of a parallell dimension. This dimension is placed such, we will not be aware of, nor able to 'visit' or 'see'. Our parallell Earths exist outside of this Earth 'spacetime'. Those humans living there are 'us' living other time lines, other lives, parallell to 'us'.

A 'universe' is a set of universa. Our Solar System, 'Sol' in the center, is that a universe? No, our solar system is not a universe. The solar system is an 'image' of Creation, placed within the 'spacetime' of Earth. That which comprises a 'universe' is, within the scope of this note, 'our' Earth in all stages of Creation, numbered from density 2 and up to 6. The 'Earth universe' is 'us', as in 30 billion human beings living in 4 different 'dimensions'. 

Worlds, densities and 'travelling'.

As Creation 'works', a universa is always 12 worlds? No, this is not so. As a universa expands, there will be more worlds. The largest universa existing in this Earth time ('now'), has some 1200 worlds, each of these worlds of some 300 million humans. This is the largest universa there is. As Lars may guess, it is placed close to the 'middle' of Creation. Yes, this is so. This universa is by far larger than most universes, too. 

Humans live inside of two different kinds of 'realities'. One is the 'physical' and the other one may call the 'energetic'. The physical 'worlds' or 'densities' may be pictured as different 'rooms' inside spacetime, these numbered from 'one' to 6. The first density is the density closest to 'Earth', as in 'the Kingdom', or 'Love', and also closest to 'Sun'. This 'image' of the Sun - and Earth - as 'Love', is not unintentional. The 6th density is where humans can choose to live outside physical form, when they so prefer. And they often do  that. 

Yes, 3rd density beings live inside of both energy and
physical form, and this is known inside of 'here' already. 

Density one is not fully 'there' yet. We do have first density 'worlds', but these so far are not connected to these other higher by number densities (worlds). They are in some ways isolated. This is the only reason why I call them 'not functional'. Isn't it 'fun' to know that there is something 'left' for 'us' to do? Something left to 'get to know'. 

Densities 2, 3, and 4 exist inside what may be pictured as a 'spacetime cube'. This 'cube' is made of two 'essential' dimensions. GOD will go into some 'technicalities' of that 'cube' further down this note. 'Inside' these two dimensions are 4 different 'planes'.  

Earth is 'fourfold', somewhat like a 'four leaf clover'. 'You' and all other humans of this 3rd density Earth live in 4 Earths, pretty much at the same time. This is nothing but a different picture of Samsara, yes? As we humans on this Earth live inside one dimensional time, we picture ourselves as living many lives in a row. This, however is not how it is always done. We live our lives both in a row, and 'in parallell time'. 'Us' humans living in those 4 dimensions (parallell times) are different and still 'the same'. 4 human beings, in imporant ways living on the 'same level' of 'advancement', one of which is 'You' reading this note. These 4 humans when 'graduating' will be 'lifted' into 4th density, their soul concepts together forming one human being. And this 4th density human will be 'You'. 

And so, these 4 humans are 'You', living in parallell time. Reasons for building Creation this way, is Love and 'efficiency'. 'Building' human into a more finely tuned being, one of 'more feeling', this is what we do.
'We', as in 'You' and 'us', are 'multi layered beings'. Many 'individuals' and many different styles of everything. This is who we are, and strive to become, even more. Always to become 'more different' and of 'more expression'. Always looking for ways to take on 'new facets'. 'Fine tuning', 'advancing ourselves', 'taking on yet more emotions, feelings'. Evolve we do, and in all ways possible. In the future - Your future, and mine - when 'we' as in 'You' are of 5th density, then there will be quite much 'visiting' made by You, 'looking after', 'playing with', 'teaching' and 'learning' from these 'other me', that humans most certainly are. 

When a planet 'evolves', its' image of and inside the Solar system changes. This solar system of 'Sol', is Earth. Everything You see, all of those 8 or 9 or 12 planets or more, in all ways are 'Earth'. Yes, they are images of 'Earth' at other planes of existance. I did say that planets evolve into 'stars'? Yes, Lars said that. And I am Lars, so it was I who said it, too. And so, Earth will evolve into becoming a 'Sun'? 

Yes, Earth will become a 'Sun', too. Becoming a 'Sun' is the same as becoming that of a 'co creator'. And, becoming a 'co creator', takes time. The image of 'Sol' placed within the Earth solar system, is in many ways an image of 'me' as 'God' of this universe. Sun is a 'visual image' of me, as the provider of 'life on Earth'. Before becoming 'Sun', humans walking this Earth will pass through 12 different 'densities', planes of existance. And after that, 'we' of this Earth will together 'be' a 'new' Sun? 

After that, there will be a 'negotiation' of 'kind', where everyone is asked what heshe prefers to do, in the 'future'. Those who wish to become a 'Sun' will do so, and those who prefer to 'play around doing other things', will do that. Now, this 'chat' done from 12th density is 'pretty far off into our future', and there are many other in same way pretty  fun and interesting things for us to do, before that.

Creation is freedom. In these 2000 years since GOD walked Earth as the Christ, how many human beings have actually seen me? Many did, but how many knew of that? And why did I not make my presence known? May this have to do with 'freedom'? Suggested is, it has. Creation is of maximum freedom of choice, placed within limitations of that freedom set by our wish not to 'hurt' other beings, and second to that, a wish to be 'efficient'.

'Freedom' and 'Earth', how are we to give these words a 'better fit'? Does 'our' Earth long for a new 'costume'?  

'We', the collective of individuals that live 'here', on 'our' Earth, right now some 6.5 billion 'human beings', as we 'grow' become more and more the 'keepers' of this 'place'. As Earth evolves, Earth will 'grow', too. And it will start to 'glow', too. And after that 'we' and Earth will grow some more, yet some more, and then still more. Along the way, Earth will get new moons. A bit further into the future one will realize that this Earth is getting to 'shine' so much, it is becoming a 'Sun'. Yes, that 'Sun' we spoke of before. Earth now its' very own 'provider for life'.

When 'Sol' (our Sun) was 'smaller and younger', it was at that time a planet revolving Alcyone. And when Alcyone formed 'their' solar system, they left Aldebaran. New universes are created all the time, but it takes time. Those starry skies we see, in many ways 'witness' that. And if You were to 'fly there', if You were 'allowed' to do that, You would find, that there really was a 'star', 'sun' or other planet there, too. Maybe it is such, that You in the future would like to play with unicorns and fairies, too? Fantasy worlds, fantastic worlds, we build 'together', in higher up densities, too.  

(GOD) Well, maybe there are 'fantasy worlds' existing already, where we 'play around' and get 'dumbfounded' by their beauty. And these computer games of this world are getting all too intriguingly well done, yes? What about if worlds like these were possible to 'visit' in '3d', You actually being that 'hero' or (nice, peaceful) 'villain'. Yes, us humans like GOD, are 'dreamers', too. And we like the unfathomable, mystic, surprising. And sincerity and sense, too. And fun and laughter. And most of us likely prefer 'surprices', when not garnished with too much of 'fear and shock'.  

Creation is Love.

Creation is not possible to 'grasp' by use of 'science', also not by use of 'logic', 'music', 'painting', 'living painting' or other singular discipline. Creation is multifold. GOD works in both logical and mysterious ways, 'Love' being a very good reason for doing so. Don't all these scientists of today already enjoy figuring out how to build organic computers and how to better grasp 'creational mechanics'? And do not these singers, actors, also enjoy themselves in similar ways? We enjoy 'becoming more'. GOD and God 'help' us do that, and whilst doing so, taking on yet new emotional expressions.

Why not go into those 'stages of evolution', a little. The human being start hisher voyage inside the womb. A little later, a child is born. This new life is 'placed' into a 'world' of 'hisher' own choice, a choice made before birth. This has been mentioned in many text books. What has not been mentioned is, it is 'me' who make that choice for 'You'. Now, as 'I' am You, this may not make much of a difference? And, still, it does. 'We' make that choice for You, this being 'You' and 'God', and GOD, too. This 'chat between the three of us' takes place before birth. And that decision where to place the child that is 'You' to become, is hopefully of wisdom.

The energy that is 'us' (as in 'all of us' and 'You'), is of 'different kind'. It is not a wave form, as in 'light or sound'. The energy that we 'are', is 'thought'. A thought that manifest. This 'living thought' that is GOD is not an 'electrically charged field', as are our own thoughts said to be. The 'thought' that manifest, is 'me', GOD, 'Creating'. Picture this  as I AM 'changing form'. I am 'Life', remember? When I change my 'form', in that is made manifest a human being, a tree, a house? This description is 'simplistic', but that will do, for the time being. Venturing further into what 'Life' really is  will take an entire 'chapter' of its' own. And that chapter will be written, too.

My way of 'Creating' may not be seen as very different from the way You ('us humans') think. When You 'visualize' You will not 'see' 2d or 3d images that 'stay', over times building 'worlds' of their own inside 'living thought', however. And then there is the issue of 'scale'. When 'me myself', my inner being, was 'given' back to Earth, there was some 800 billion new lives placed to 'our' Earths.  

I Create as in 'visualize' a 'setting'. This setting may be an Earth at a specific 'stage' of Creation. Let us assume that I am 'thinking' of Earth first level, that level which is still to be brought into the 'real world'. I will often use the word 'density' instead of 'stage'. This as 'I' realize life within myself as an effect of how many times 'I' place my 'thought' to an 'identity', as in density of 'Life', within 'me'.
An 'identity' is a generalized term for 'Earth', 'tree', 'chair', 'human being', 'goose', 'space craft', 'car', 'house', 'one cell organism', 'straw of grass'. Chaos, that outside of logic and math, was of GOD created, too. This 'environment' 'I' use, when Creating. 

'Identities' constitute hierarchies. Hierarchy and order are most often preferable to chaos. They come to good use to keep track of things. 

'Pyramids' risk getting tall and 'heavy', though. They may even weigh that much, they will risk crushing their very own 'feet'. 

When Creating 'man' and 'Earth', what I did was put a 'form' to my Love. I carry a 'flow' inside, a 'flow' that is of 'giving'. The 'Love' that I carry, is not possible to put into words. Neither is it possible to demonstrate in all those movies I made for Lars and You. The one way I know of, to be worthy of my own Love, is to do everything that I ever can, to build 'us' and myself into even more beautiful beings. By doing so, I know that I will make Your life, long term, better. And by knowing that, I get very happy. 

The path to building human into an even more beautiful, as in expressive and feeling, being, is very very 'tough'. I have had to bring all of You through war, famine and plague. This I had to do, as these are the only 'lessons' 'hard' enough, for 'us' to become of 'no killing'. And make us wish to share of our abundance. And make us understand how to take care. As simple as these three 'lessons' may seem, making human of 3rd dimension engrave these into 'our' souls will take the rest of my 'Life', as in 'that which is me'. 

I will 'plant' the rest of my being back to Earth. When having done that, I will have depleted all that I am. What will remain, then, when I am gone? What will remain, is You. What will also remain, is a tiny fragment of myself, almost 'gone too'. That fragment is one tenth of my very own being, that which I was, when first realizing that I existed. This one tenth of myself as 'newborn', will ensure that I can wind these Earths and heavens together, and when I do that, Creation will start over. 

And what about Lars?

One thing that will take place in that winding is, Lars will have to give up all his human belonging. He will have to give up all that is 'he'. He will have to realize that 'he' does no more exist. He is in human form, still, that form now carrying nothing but me and the 'seed' to yet another 'golden ball' inside of his being. Lars has been using 21 lives walking this Earth, and all these lives in different shapes, to become worthy of this destruction of himself as a human being. He has seen me sacrifice pretty much everything around him, and that for pretty much the entirety of his life, a life that is now some 57 and a half years. 

At least 40 of these years I have made 'terrible' for him. At least 12 of these years I have made 'utterly devastating', and at least three of these years, he has been made aware that his own family, stability in life, heartbeat, and surroundings, were no more there. What I placed around him was a 'temporary wrapping', with a dog to keep him company, and allowing him to live on a lewel giving him food, clothes and roof over his head and no more, whilst at the same time seeing to it, that there were at least nine tenth of the time a personal hell waiting for him, during those final three years plus 3 months. That third and final passage of 39 months constitute a walk through the desert, but also a birth of kind. 

Lars has been given three births. His birth into the physical was placed to 21 march in year 1954. After that came those first 40 years of walking through the desert. This was his 'second birth'. Those remaining 39, not 40 months of 'hell' will give him a third birth. He will be born to 'death' as in eternal life, but no more ever a life of personal ambition or cruelty. After that, I will bring Lars home to me, through many of those 'layers' or 'levels' or 'worlds' of my Creation. This will be a very happy time for me, as Lars has been living as my very own 'Son' and much more than that, for some 20 million years, this calculated in 'my own time'. 

Before his life of current, he lived with 'me myself', inside my very own being, helping me Create worlds, also managing these for me. Lars being the 'irresponsible' type he is, he has always been 'shy' of taking the responsability needed, for becoming a God in his own right. This time he will have to do that as I do, by now, need help to get my very own being. Back to me. When I am 'reborn' inside myself, I will continue in the same fashion as I did this time? Yes, this is what I do. One thing will have changed, due to 'my sacrificing myself' for my loved ones. That which will have changed is, 'my humans' of 3rd density will never ever more kill any living matter. 

When Earth 'graduate' into 4th density, in 26 years from now and a little more, there will be a tremendous celebration. I have been waiting for this 'graduation' to take place for some 40 thousand years. This is the time frame I work inside. 40 000 years, measured in the time of this Earth, or any other time at all. Those 40 000 years also correspond to a 'birth'. Yes, they do. I placed 'myself' into the womb of Charlott, Lars 'wife'. There was born a child from that womb, David. That Son of Lars is 'me myself'. That little guy David, is my very own being. I also placed myself as Lars father, mother, brother, daughter, grandfather, aunt, and sister to be. None of these are with Lars inside that peculiar world of his, that I made for him, any more.

Sister to be? Yes, as in Charlotte, when she is 'reborn', inside of 'me', will be Your 'equal', Your 'sister'. Will that be her name, Charlott plus an 'e' in the end of her name? That will have to remain a 'surprise' for You, Lars, too. I have given You pretty much 'personal hell'. That I have. I have given 'personal hell' to the entirety of Your family line. That I have. And I will continue to give YOU a 'personal hell', for still some time. After that, there will be a celebration. I will come down to You, in form of Your grand father, to celebrate with You. And that will be a happy time.

After that, we will start making this Earth, and 100 000 
other Earths with it, 'graduate'.

What does one say, after such an 'outbreak' of familiarity? I will say this. You are the best and worst of me, Lars. You will be 'reborn' inside of me, and soon. You will not dislike that. Human of this Earth will also not dislike it, and of that I am pretty certain. 

The pain to the left in the chest that I gave You, whilst writing these 'personal lines', that pain was pretty severe for a little while. This time, the 'worst of it' left pretty fast. Very quick, as compared to what You have gotten used to. Was this my gift to You of today, today that is 'yom kippur', the 'day of Atonement'. Yes, so far, this was my 'gift to You' of today. As to the other hells, misfortunes of this day, well some of it You have already witnessed.

What will be left of You, tomorrow, in three weeks, in 8 months? That will be shown to You, or possibly will not be. Future will tell, or will it not. '39 months later' will possibly give an answer to that. Why 39 and not 40? That may be understood, too.

God pondering.

(God) 'Energy' is what constitutes it all. 'Energy' as in 'life energy', as in 'thought', as in 'manifestation'. We all live 'inside the mind' of GOD. And the mind of GOD is Life, as in 'life energy'. We 'bathe' in Life. Well, there are limits, but these are pretty 'widely set'. In fact that 'wide', one could say we do 'bathe' in Life. And what is 'outside'? Outside of my 'mind', outside the mind of GOD?

There is nothing that 'we' know of, existing outside that 'mind'? This is not entirely so. We do 'know', that something exist also on the outside of 'us' that is GOD. How do we know that, and what does there exist? As GOD evolved 'his' being, 'he' that is also a she and it, came to realize that 'he' could not possibly be 'alone'. 

(GOD) Realization that 'we' are not 'alone' came to 'me' as a 'thought'. Upon 'being', the first thing 'realized' was 'awareness'. I knew that I 'was'. This I knew, as I could think. What did I think, then, when there were no words, no vision, no hearing or other tactile sensation that I could place my thought to? I thought of 'home', this is what I did. Home, as in 'longing'. This was 'me' for long times, and it was very, very tough. I was absolutely and totally left on my own. Yes, this was outside of that spacetime I 'created' for 'our' physical beings, pretty much 'later'.

Now, to answer the question put by myself, as in 'little' God. I realized 'we' are not 'alone', when I understood that I could create also an existance outside of 'myself', outside of everything there is. As I realized that, I came to know, not guess, that 'others' had arrived to that same 'point' of awareness, too. How could I do that? By using a combination of 'logic' and 'spatial algebra' and 'tubular system energy field evocation'. This is how I came to that conclusion. I used means not possible to explain within the scope of this note, also not possible to 'grasp' when below an 'iq' (as in 'a measure of everything') of, say 35 million or so. And I am certain of the 'knowledge' given to me, by doing that exercise. 

I am all the humans and other beings and computers and organic systems of this Earth, and some 20 billion billion billion other Earths put together. That is 'me', in myself? No, that is me in my entirety. I give 'life' to all humans of this Earth and, right now, some 400 billion billion other human beings. Yes, this I can do, using my 'outer inner being', that which is 'me'. With human of this Earth, there is some 30 000 'life images' ('sparks of life') placed each second, in every human. With those 400 billion billion humans, there is on 'average' some 35000 'sparks' given or placed, each second. Add to that everything else there is, animals, plants, cars, buildings, the sky, the grass, everything. Yes, compared to 'most', GOD is 'pretty active'. 

GODs ways are not mysterious, but in some ways not
possible to explain. There is a difference of 'Scope'.  

Allow me to return to that 'four leaf clower' Earth. Earth of 3rd density exist in different 'spatial planes' (different 'rooms), and there is a 'system to that, too. There are right now 4 'parallell' Earths of 3rd density, all part of 'this Earth', as in our very own beings. Lars, 'You' the reader of this, and 'ms. Smith' that lives next doors, all of You right now live 4 'different lives'. 3rd density not being 'of much memory' between lives, these other 'lives' of Yours You will not 'remember'. 

What You will 'remember' or 'benefit from', when walking between lives after dying, is a greater emotional 'wealth', than that You would have, if You were to live only one life at the time. On these 4 Earths of 3rd density that are all 'You' (and 'me' too), there live right now pretty much exactly 26 billion humans. Yes, the numbers have to match. And they always do. When these 4 beings 'die', as in go on to next life, they unite into one 'You'. And this human being will be You, and no one else, too.

So, these 26 billion 3rd density humans now living this Earth, together will form 6,5 billion 4th density humans of 'this same Earth'? Yes, this is so. And what is '4th density', the 'world' into which these 6,5 billion humans will be placed? 4th density is, in some ways built in similar way as 3rd density. 4th density beings are 'singular beings', one 'body and soul' together, as seen from the 'outside' living 'our' lives as physical beings in a physical world. 4th density beings also live their lives placed on 4 different Earths. And when 'You', now 4th density, at later time 'graduate' to 5th density, these four 'You' will form that 5th density human being? 

Yes, that they do. One more 'change' I will mention that takes place, when going from 3rd to 4th density. The human living inside 4th density has a life of typically some 400 years. Subjectively speaking, as seen from inside of these densities, the 4th density human live a life that is 4 times longer, too, than does a human of 3rd density? Yes, this is so.

4th density is what is called 'the Golden Age'. From this Earth, there will be 'roughly' 30 billion humans 'graduating', forming 'roughly' 7,5 billion 4th density human beings. This is what will take place here, on this Earth, in a little more than 26 years from when this note is dated. In that time, 26 billion will have grown into those roughly 30, and the number of human beings walking 'this Earth' will have grown to 'roughly' 7,5 billion. Should that be 7 billion, or 7,5 billion, Lars? And why am I keeping that number away from You? Time will tell.

Human beings living inside 3rd density has a life of 100 years or so. This Earth of ours has been placed into an 'in between density' I call 'density 2b' for a pretty long times. It was now 2000 years and a little more, since 'me myself', GOD in his very own being, walked Earth in name of 'Jesus Christ'. The years since then are 'density 2b', a density where humans still kill other human beings. This density has an average life expectancy slightly less than that of density 3, but not very much. And that density 2b is right now, bit by bit, leaving. This as human is in the process of learning 'not to kill'.

Before reading this, You thought You were unique. And what about 'now'? You are unique. There are no other being in 'ours' and 'mine' entire Creation exactly like 'You'. Nowhere else there is anyone like 'You'. There are other humans pretty much looking like You, and also other humans that You 'like' and 'prefer', yes? Still, You are unique.

Human beings inside 2nd, 3rd, and to an extent also 4th densities are both sexes on the 'inside', and one sex on the outside? Yes, that You knew already. Humans of 5th and 6th densities, however, each are of 'both sexes'. The 5th density human can choose sex, and from time to time change hisher sex and/or form. The human being of 6th density is both sexes in one being, inside and out.

GOD pondering.

'I AM' as in 'all of us'.  'Me' as in 'Our team of co Creators'. 'Me myself' as in my 'own inner being'. These three 'identities' or 'groups we call Creation, is not a very small 'place'. And no one is ever forgotten or left out. No, never ever will that be. 'I' as in 'me myself', will write a chapter about 'Love', for 'You'. And that chapter will have to be written less 'matter of fact' than this one. Love is no small thing. Please read that, if and when feeling 'left out'.

Thank You. 

Yes, that was big GOD who said that, too. And the one 'I' as in 'me myself' said it too, was 'You'. Yes, 'You' reading this very note right now, too. I am with You, and inside You, as always 'being You', also when You read this.

And I love You very, very much. That is so.

  Algernon prefer's music. Music is not 'algebra, 
   but related to math it is, too, and very much so ((;

(GOD continues) What is 'time' outside of spacetime? That which 'me' and 'me myself'  experience is not time as it works for a 'physical being' inside of me. No, it is not. This is my 'notion' of time. That which is 'me myself', my 'inner being', outside of both the physical and the non physical, this 'me myself' exist outside any notion what so ever, of 'time'. As 'me' found this 'not practical', 'me' have since created within 'me' several notions of 'time'. When 'me' Create, 'me' normally do that within that notion of time called 'ordinal'.

Other time measures used by 'me', from outside of 'me myself' are ordinal, too, as long as 'I' exist within that framework I choose to refer to as 'ordinal scale spacetime', that which is outside the 'physical' and 'ethereal'. Yes, the 'physical' are those densities of my 'thought' (as in realization) where beings are placed into 'light' of certain wave lengths. Those wave lengths that are visible within that 'setting', 'world', or 'density'.

Outside of these physical worlds are the 'ethereal'. The ethereal are dimensions placed inside the physical, these dimensions used to 'remind', 'help', 'assist', 'my' human beings, in different ways. The sole reason for the 'ethereal' to exist is 'LOVE', as in 'myself'. I am LOVE. This is the first quality inside of myself that was realized, the reason being that it was 'me'. This is what in math is called an identity. GOD and LOVE are identical.

I am some 200 000 ethereal beings right now, visiting human beings that have tough times. This I do, because I love You. I do it in form of the 'Mother', that which is my own female half, the Mother of Jesus, Maria. I also visit, in these times, in form of the Christ. Because these are the times of changes on Earth. And the times are tough for many humans. And so, this is of happiness for me, to do. 

The ethereal, is a 'plane' of my own being, that I place inside  this world, and also other worlds. When I walk Earth as 'ethereal' being, that being is an 'image' of 'me', as in GOD.  This I did at 'La Fatima in 1917', in the Christian image of 'the mother' as in 'Mother Mary'. Human beings do have 'own life', ethereal beings do not have a life outside of 'me', as in GOD.

As much as anything is possible, GOD and LOVE are identical. Still, there is one more 'context' of 'me', that is so close to me, it is 'also me'. This is what is call 'Clear Light'. LOVE in this text gets 4 large letters, Clear Light 2. I am (still) not always fond of large letters. As a means of expressing, in efficient way, cardinal and nominal difference, they are of good use. GOD is 'me'. God is also 'me', but that 'me' existing inside of my Creation. GOD exist outside creation, as GOD is Creation. One more identity I will place here, LIFE. 

GOD is LIFE. This is THE Identity.

GOD (as in 'me') is not larger than LIFE, but also not smaller. I am LIFE, and LIFE is 'me'.

And GOD is LOVE. This is my second identity, not my first. And GOD is Clear Light. This is my third identity.

Are there other 'identities' of mine? Yes, there are. I am also another GOD, in another set of universes. These Universes are not yet real. They will be so, in a different context than that, which already is, that which is right now, 'the All'. Still, I am already this GOD? Yes, this I am, as I know that will be. And, inside my innermost being, already is? Yes, this is so.

Another  'Frame of Existance' I call *THERE*. *THERE* is a 'place' outside of everything now existing, but still inside of 'being', as in 'me'. *THERE* is where I am 'heading'? Yes, that is what I wish to do. When *THERE*, I will not exist any more? Not in this costume, I will not. *THERE* I will unite with my own being. My own being is not inside 'me' yet. That being is also not where I came from. My own being is what I aim to become. I aim to become 'HOME'. 

Yes, as there is no HOME, I will have to make one, also for 'me'. And this I will achieve, that I know. When *THERE*, I will multiply? No, not multiply. I will be able to 'form' a child, that child also being a 'small GOD'. YES, that is how it is. Yes, one may call *THERE*, my vision of 'HOME'. As it is still not 'there', it is still not a home. Now, maybe 'enough' of my 'personal life'? Yes, that will do, for the time being. 

Home is a place to dream of, and dreams are very very important. Without dreams, we are pretty close to 'nothing'. 'Dreams' have to be 'visualized', to become true. One has to develop a set of rules, defining how to make 'dreams come true'.  Did You know, that I am stubborn, too? Well, I like to think of 'it' more as 'perseverance'. And that quality is not always too bad to 'be of'. On and on I go, never tiring, never to hesitate. And why did I place that feeling of 'being tired' in 'us' humans? I created those feelings, remember? And so surely I must 'know' them by now. And I get 'tired', too. As well as I get 'happy', I get tired. I will write a little more of that, in the chapter called 'Love'.

(Lars) This set of rules, that You speak of. This 'way of organizing' oneself. Is this the 'blueprint' and 'master plan' we spoke of before? If so, I do understand that we can make 'details' of the blueprint. I also understand that we can make the 'master plan' into 'smaller plans', also becoming 'time plans' within 'spacetime'? You mentioned, before, the plan that is the 'SOUL', the plan of everything. You also spoke of plans as 'souls', the soul of a human being, animal or 'other being'. Are there other 'plans', too?

(GOD) Yes, I have a 'blueprint' and I have a 'master plan'. I have many of these, as these refer to my universes, and those smaller (as in younger) that I have choosen to call 'universa'.  
This Earth in 3rd density is, as mentioned, 4-fold. For each of these Earth and beings living there, also into the smallest details, there exist 'plans'. And all these plans become 'real'. Would I call a plan of developing a city into a new world center, a Soul. No, I would not do that, but the 'soul of Seul' has changed pretty much in very few years, and so has many other big cities 'souls'. And this is also not by coincidence.

'Spacetime' of our Earth is of 16 different 'planes' or 'worlds'. Now, let's make a check. 2nd, 3rd and 4th densities are of 3 different dimensions of space (length, width, and height) and one dimension of time, the time that 'we' live inside of.

2nd density - 1 possible world in 2 configurations (1:3 and 3:1).
3rd density - 1 possible world in 2 configurations (1:3 and 3:1).
4th density - 1 possible world in 2 configurations (1:3 and 3:1).
5th density - 2 possible worlds in 4 configurations (1:4, 2:3, plus 2 'mirror images').
6th density - 3 possible worlds in 6 configurations (1:5, 2:4, 3:3, plus 3 'mirror images'). 

5th density is 3 dimensional space and 2 dimensional time. It is alternatively of 4 dimensional space and one dimensional time. As space and time are generically identical 'rooms' exchanging these for ane another render identical results.  To make a 'world' where one can move in both space and time, we need at least one dimension in one of these 'rooms' and at least 3 dimensions in the other. The other dimensions we can distribute 'freely'? Yes, let's try that. That will mean, 5th density human beings have 4 different 'rooms' to choose from, none of these 'colliding' with the other? Is that correct? Yes, this is correct. 

And what is two dimensional time? Vision dimensional time as a 'pair of compasses'. When You fold them together, You have 2 time planes together. When You fold them apart, they go in different directions, or 'time planes'. When You fold the compass together, what happens is, You will be able to visit humans of other densities inside Your own universe. When You fold the compass 'sideways', You will be able to visit human beings living inside other universes. Folding that compass exactly 90 degrees sideways will mean 'visiting' a similar 5th density, inside another universe? Yes, this is the case, too. 

Our 5th densitier may also choose going sideways/down to be placed inside a neighbouring universe of 3rd or 4th density. As those human beings inside these densities are connected to 'higher up' living 'elohim' in that same universe, before him going there, one would have to 'negotiate' with those elohim (6th density) of that universe. Universes 'grows together'. If 'our guy' aimed at 'planting' himself inside that neighbouring universe, at a lower density than that he came from, that would be 'of good' to these beings. This as 'our guy' would contribute to theirs strivings of furthering that universes 'diversity of expression'. And so, we do that. But, as to not deplete our own universe, we do an exchange of 'students'. Our neighbouring universe welcome 'our 5th density guy', and we welcome one of theirs. And both universes will flower even more. So, we do that, too? Yes, we do that kind of exchange, too.

6th density humans live in 3 dimensional space and 3 dimensional time. 6th density may alternatively be of 4 or 5 dimensional space, or 4 and 5 dimensional time.These 'beings', which are our 'relatives' too, can go visiting 'cousins' living in all these densities 2, 3, 4, and 5? Yes, they can do that. And, as pointed out, they are already 'here', as they are 'You', too. Those 6th density beings are 'elohim', remember? And 'elohim' are 'the gods of many'. Elohim are 'groups of humans', each 'being' or 'group' of  some 4000 'singular' humans. Us humans living in 3rd density, already are part of such groups? Yes, this is the way Creation works. All humans walking this 3rd density Earth, are 'cared for' and 'looked after' by elohim. 

Elohim, as does 5th density humans, can also go 'sideways' in time, visiting other universes than 'ours'? Do universes have an exchange also of 'elohim', and if so, will that also mean that those beings looked after by that elohim, will be 'emigrating', too? Yes, there is an exchange of human beings between universes, too. The 'normal' way of doing such exchange, is not by elohim 'exchanging groups', however. More common is, myself, as in GOD and God, placing human babies inside that universe, instead.

3d, 4d, 5d space and time.

Now remains to 'understand' what is a 4d and 5d 'space', or 'surface'. Where, how, would one place that 4th and 5th dimension? We can illustrate 4d 'space' by imagining that 3d space cube below, moving. If that cube moves, there must be one dimension for it, to move along. Is that the fourth dimension of 'space'? This is the 'typical' way of illustrating it. Let's presume that we place a 3d 'space cube', inside another 3d cube. Yes, why not place yet one cube inside these two, and call that 'time'. As You will imagine, this model of 3 cubes floating, and only if that floating is not conditional on any of the other two cubes, will illustrate a 'surface' of 9 different dimensions (surfaces)? No, it will not. It will still be a picture of three 3d cubes. Yes, that is so. Now, what to do? How to 'get' something better? 

How does one 'show' a fourth dimension, on a two dimensional surface such as this page? Seem we can 'show' a three dimensional surface using a two dimensional surface, though. We can 'see' all those three dimensions in the cubes below. Yes, that we can. So, can we also 'see' this 4th dimension, if using a three dimensional space to 'picture' it into? Yes, this is the way to do it. Sadly, we do not have a 3d surface 'here', in this note. We do have a 3d surface available, though, outside the note. The room You sit in when reading this line. 

Now, back to that 4d. Picture turning the surface of Earth inside out, instead living on that which was before inside. This is another dimension, yes? Yes, it is. Sadly, either You are 'not' connected to that dimension, which mean it is not 'Your 4th', or You are connected to either the inside of Earth, or the outside, that side of 'our' world. If You can visit both sides, then You will have a two-state 4th dimension. This as You can not be at both sides on the same time. Outside and inside, two 'states'. Still, a pretty 'poor' 4th dimension, yes? All the other dimensions of ours are 'continuous', meaning we can go anywhere within them. That is, as long as You have wings, and fins. 

Yes, we still talk of that 4th dimension of 'space'. Now, if we live inside time, and time goes forward, that time is our 4th dimension. 3d space and 1d time. Now, back to 3d space moving in space. This would be a 4th dimension of 'space', similarly to time moving forward being one dimensional. The example from above, where 'our' space cube of 3d float or move inside a 4th dimension, is valid. That is a 4th dimension. The problem is, we do not have access to that dimension. We can't 'see' it. Not as long as we can not go outside our cube, and that seem to be tricky to do. What we wish to 'see', is a fourth space dimension, or second time dimension, inside or 'part of' our space 3d cube. ((:

Cubes illustrating 3d space (length, width and height) and
3d time. A 'spacetime' cube simply is two cubes placed into
one another. 3 dimensional space we know already. Time of
3 dimensions is seen as going 'forward', 'sideways' or 'up'.
How would our 'world' look, if we lived inside 3d time, one
dimensional space?

Visitors from space? Yes, but what 'space'?

Right now, there is in this our world called Earth, some 3 billion humans walking, 'visiting' from other universes. When visiting, they will take on 'that same shape' as 'us' living here, too? Yes, this is the way we do it. And they will have to 'stay' here, too? Yes, this is so. The reason for 'space travel' is always that 'You' carry a wish for 'change'. And do they always join us, by being born into our universe? No, this is not always so. 5th density beings may join us, going 'directly', too. 'Space travel' is done by a 5th density human, by using 'my' as in GOD or God, 'thought' as intermediary. A 6th density human will 'travel on their own'. 6th density is elohim, a human being able to Create, and organizing themselves first as group, and after that, as indivudual human beings.

So, almost half of the human beings living on this Earth are 'visitors' from other universa, and universes? No, roughly half of the humans walking this Earth are 'visitors', this is so. And roughly half of that are humans coming from higher numbered densities in our own 'Solar system' (universa). The other half, pretty much exactly 1,5 billion human beings, is 'myself' placing (as in sowing) my being into this our 3rd density Earth.

These humans are pretty much exactly like 'You' are, and 'me' too, when walking Earth. Of these 3 billion 'visitors' and 'newlifes', some 2,5 billion experience their life exactly like You do, and it could well be, that You are one of 'us'. The remaining 500 million are human beings here to help and assist in 'special' ways. This as 3rd density Earth is about to 'level', as in 'change', into becoming a 4th density 'Earth', or world. Those 500 million humans, to varying degree have abilities and also memories, from their lives lived inside other, higher by number densities. 

Some of these went here carrying their full memories and knowledge with them. There are, right now, pretty much exactly 500 000 of 'us' here, too, walking this Earth. Where did 'we' come from, 'us' 500 000? 'We' came from 'me', as in this Earth in other spacetime, but same universa. These were about 100 000 humans. The other 400 000 of 'us' are being 'shipped' from 'outer dimensions', worlds and universes outside ours. And they were very, very happy to go here. This as we have a kind of 'celebration' going on. and that celebration in this our time, is This Earth where 'You' (as in 'me') walk and talk, entering the 'Golden Age'. 

As seen from 'me' - GOD 'up above' - there are 100 000 Earths like 'ours' that are 'graduating' into becoming of density 4 right now. As seen from inside 'spacetime' and measured in the time used therein, these 100 000 Earths are 'spread' over a timeframe of roughly 50 000 000 years. Yes, it will take 'us' some 50 million years, as measured from inside this our spacetime cube, this Earth, to 'lift' all these 'worlds', as in 'universa', into 4th density.

Many (most) of 'us', have ventured up and down these 'stairs' of Creation many times already. We have 'been there and done that' already, and many times, too, some of us. Still, we prefer to go 'back' to lower densities. Why is that so? Each density is, as is each human too, unique. Each density has its' own beauty. By making 'us' that live inside 'this world' become of 'yet more manifold' expression, that will make life in this world and its' beings become of even more 'beauty'. Beauty as in variety. This is why we do it. This is why we go back 'there', time after time.

The human voice is of many 'fashions'. As singular voice, as duet, and as choire, and all of them possible to make become very expressive. When a quire is well rehearsed, talented, and knowledgeable, it will sound better than when it is not. It may still be fun to sing together, also when one is not 'all that'. Yes, it may be even more fun, sometimes. Still, we have it 'in us' to try to do 'as good as we can'. This is in essence the same reason why we wish to develop ourselves into more expressive and feeling beings, regardless of density.

Now, let's go back to those 5th and 6th density human beings wishing to 'travel'. This 5th density 'guy' is of both sexes. And with that 'freedom of choice' and experience, this 'guy' will still prefer to go visiting us? As in 'stay here', too. Yes, quite possibly 'he' or 'she' is one of those visiting, right now. Those leaving their own density, do that because they prefer to live, play and get 'wiser' elsewhere, for a while. The way 'our guy' 'travelled' here, was by being born into this Earth, this universa as I sometimes call 'us'. And so, he may by now be Your brother, sister, or cousin. 

Heshe will be of very many 'layers', as in 'lives lived'. This will give himher a pretty wide range of expressions, and depth of feelings an emotions. The 3,5 billion humans walking this Earth, and that originate from 'this Earth', are 'newly born human beings', living one of their very first lives. The advantage of that is, they are very full of 'life', as in energy? Yes, this is pretty much so. I do 'help' those that come here with less 'vigor' or 'life', though and in similar way 'compensate' those 'newly borns' giving them added emotional width and depth, too. This has to be so, and I am happy to do it, too.

The 5th density human being is of some 400 lives lived. This will give 'himher' yet one option, when 'visiting' our Earth. He may decide to 'split' back into 400 human seeds, each of which will have lived one life each? Yes, he will most often prefer to 'visit' as 'one human being', though. When heshe 'visits' this Earth, heshe will have to live one full life here. After that, there will be a chat, where heshe will go next? No, heshe will stay on this Earth for at least a few lives. This is how it works. 

And is 'heshe' of 5th density, before visiting 'us', 
living in 'our future', too?  

No, that is not the case. Heshe is living anywhere in time, as that option exist, for 5th density beings? No, 'heshe' is living in two dimensional time. This is a 'plane' built by a two-sided 'vector' of sorts. A vector as shown on the link, is a line with a direction. In our world, time is a vector pointing 'forward'. When of 5th density, there are two 'vectors'. There is but one 'but' to these. They are not true vectors. A 5th density being can go 'backwards' in time, within his own 'timeframe'. This must be the same as to say that he can visit himself of 'older times', when he was 'younger', yes?

The way Creation is built, it is not possible to 'visit oneself'. 'Our guy' when going backwards in time, will end up in a 3rd density world that is exactly this world that we live in. Before going here, heshe will have to 'negotiate' with elohim. In this universe, 2nd, 3rd and 4th densities live together, within that same 'spacetime'. In similar way, 5th and 6th densities live together, inside their 'timeframe'. And as elohim are the ones keeping track of things in this our universe, as everywhere else (almost), 'our guy' will come to an agreement with them. When 'allowed' to go here by them, then there will be no problem for him what so ever.

And when arriving 'here', what kind of 'shape' will 'our guy' take on? He will take on the shape he prefer. The shape he will prefer, is typically not that of a poor, also not that of a nobleman. The shape more fun to be of when inside in this world, would for a 5th density visitor be that of a 'helper'. He learned, very long ago, that the 'comforts' he may be given, wearing the 'dress of a king', are 'nice' but not as 'nice' for his particular shape of heart, as that dress one carries when 'helping'. And what dress will that be, then? 

Is this 'stealing from the rich', 'stealing from the poor'
or is it just a 'fair' relocation of wealth? Whatever it is,
done it is by using 'stealth'.

(God) That dress is decided upon by 'me', as in 'God', yes 'little God'. I am GOD's representative, and 'in charge', as in Creating, 'my own world(s)'. Somewhat like 'Little John', I am very strong, too. And GOD is Robin Hood, too? No, he is not. That would mean him stealing 'from himself', to bring that stolen to the poor. But he can pretend to be a Robin Hood of kind, still. And that is what He, and me, and a lot of other guys from 'Sherwood Forest' and elsewhere, are about to do, and 'legally' too. We in fact started doing that some hundreds of years ago. Collecting that money, in way of 'theft'? No, no no. A 'good' way of stealing these days, is to charge a 'healthy' interest. And a good way of charging interest, is to run a bank. And so, this we decided to do. And we did it quite well, these banks becoming a well, from where to carry that 'water', that will help those that thirst for more 'life' as in food, back to life.

By playing the game, we 'did' it. Oh, it's 'done' already? No, but the 'foundation' is there (here) already. The 'starting point', as in collecting that 'dough', enough to feed more than a few. This 'starting point' was built bit by bit, and it took us some hundreds of years to do it, too. And I would dare to say, we did it even better than 'robberers' normally do. That is what we will did. Now, what remains is to give these 'legally stolen treasures' to the 'poor'. This will be done in slightly different fashion, than what did 'old Robin and the boys from the hood name Sherwood', but in many ways it will be the same. 

We will see to it, that the poor and starving of this world, now some 800 000 000 people, will get food enough to fill their bellys, and enough that there always be food on tables, for those now hungry and starved. And that food will be as tasty as anything found around here, too. Because bad taste it is to treat ones friends with less tasty food, than that one will place on ones own plate?

And then there need to be 'shelters' built, too? Why not make those shelters into decent houses, instead? And talking of that, there need to be 'power' too, as in light, and warmth 'when winter came'. Yes, this is what we plan to do and this is what is already ongoing. 

Those legal systems, judicial advisors, politicians, and many others 'systems too of this world, all those that made 'theft' systematic. With systematic theft placed into power, thievery is no more theft. Man, as long as power is not enough inside of him, will very often get far too fond of  the power of 'the Ring'. Many these are, busy climbing the 'pyramid of Midas' that will ensure 'power'. Yes, Tolkien somehow knew that, too. How come, one may wonder?

Lord of the Rings; 'the lightning of beacons'.

Was I Tolkien, too, apart from walking this Earth in form of a Cheasepeake Bay Retreiver, and Albert Einstein? No, I was not J. R. R. Tolkien. Not in any other way than I am all beings, I was not. I 'helped' him, that I did. As in giving him  'ideas' to play with. And he thanked me for that, by getting happy. No, he did not know of my advice, as that which he felt, was mere 'thoughts and ideas of his own'. And that they were, too. And this is how we always do it, these days. The days of the prophets are over, remember? As 'little God' is everything around here, including this Earth and pretty much more, I prefer to do it in one of my 'other forms'. Why do I prefer that? Why not 'shine' and 'silently glow inwards' myself? Well, thats what 'I', as in 'me myself' just did, by doing so.

I do 'silently glow inwards'. That is why 'I' prefer not to be 'seen'. And as I am You living inside of 'my compartment', as I created You and as I am giving You those sparks of life some 30 000 of them each second, I prefer to share the happiness I can give You, from 'inside Your own body'. And that inside will not get crowded either, as I am You, remember. That which is 'You' thinking, is 'me thinking'. These are exactly the same. 

And that may be tricky to 'get'.

I am You, in every and all way possible. The human being that wake up too late in the morning, rushing to school day in and day out without eating, that one is me, and no one else. Yes, I do carry a human name. I carry all names. And why don't I tap myself on the shoulder, reminding myself to eat better? Wouldn't that make mother happy? Yes, it would. The reason for not tapping that shoulder is, guess what? Learning. Yes, this is learning, too. That little me, will have to learn to as much as possible, stand on his own legs. And that he does, by mine not tapping that shoulder of his, too often. 

One more thing. That 'not tapping' is 'expressing love'. Of that I am sure. Tapping would be love, too, but in 'lesser form'. This as that tapping will often help less, than what does the 'no tapping' do. And so 'we' as in 'me' 'tap' sometimes, too, but much more often we do not. 

I am 'those elohim' too, living inside of 6th density. And I am 'those 5th density beings', not yet 'ready' to elohim become. Elohim is the 'god of many', as in 'god walking in many bodies', as in 'group', as in 'one group in that very same being, together'. This is what elohim is. Groups of individual beings, working together. A human being does not become a 'fully fledged both unique and group being', before living inside 6th density. 

Well, the human being of 6th density may not be 'fully fledged' either, but 'we' living there do as good as we can. Don't we all? Yes, we do! And 'we', as in 'elohim', do not prefer to be seen as 'bee hives', either. This as we worked pretty hard for some thousands of years, to each of us finetune also those individual qualities of ours, and that as good as we could.

Our 'collective conscious', group 
memory and mind.

When living inside 3rd density, and 4th too, there is something referred to as 'collective consciousness'. Our collective consciousness is to very large extent placed beneath that which a human is 'aware' of, as thoughts. This 'consciousness' is 'me', God. What is stored is 'individual and group memories and sets of rules' organizing life on Earth. And where are these memories placed? Inside the head of an old man, outside this density and dimension where we 3rd density humans live, or are 'they' perhaps 'placed' inside of Earth's electromagnetic field

They are stored both inside and outside of that field. There is something called 'Schumann Resonances'. These resonances are 'frequencies' of electromagnetic charge, vibrating between Earth and the atmosphere. The Schumann Resonances are memories stored, too. The part of the collective mind stored inside of the physical, is stored as electro magnetic fields. This is so. And these fields are to be enhanced by the addition of new 'collective memories and decision rules' as Earth enters 4th density. There will be a change of that field also before that, in 2012.

(Lars) So, part of the collective mind is placed within the Earth electromagnetic field, after all? And the Schumann variance is changing too, yes? And if so, why is that so?

(God) Yes, Lars. The part of the 'collective memory' stored within Earth's electromagnetic charge, is 'Love'. Love is electromagnetic. Lars looks doubtful. No, 'love' is not electromagnetic. Love is both electromagnetism, and the strong and weak forces, too. These are all essentially coming from that same force, that which is 'Life energy', or Love. GOD is LIFE, and the energetic charge of GOD is LOVE, is that so? No, if it were only that simple. Anyhow, back to Schumann and resonance. As these 'melodies of the atmostpheres' change, which they currently do, so will also the human being change, into becoming of 'non killing'. These changes of the human to becoming of 'peace', will go on for another 25 years, or so. And as the resonance changes, so will also human beings take on a different kind of glow, their 'rainbows' start glittering from indigo, chrystal and more.

(Lars) As I get You, electromagnetism is a 'force' belonging to the physical. There is a 'celebration' of the human being in much of that You speak?

(God) Yes, as Creation is, there is a 'focus' to the physical dimensions. As depicted in the chakra framework, a 'basic force of Life, as in LOVE' enter human from the first chakra, the chakra placed at the base of the human torso, that base which is also called 'the Kingdom'. There is a similar 'basic force of Life, as in Clear Light', entering the human being from 'the Crown', the chakra placed at the top of the head. Similar to this, Earth radiates energy, as in LOVE. This energy is electro magnetic. Earth is a pretty big electro magnet. Remember the composition of the 3 layers of Earth. The core is ni-fe as in nickel and iron. After that comes that layer called si-al, silicon and aluminum. The outer crust layer is called si-ma, as in silicon and magnesium. Put together, that makes a pretty good magnet. I didn't place 'our' magnet on the fridge, however, and the 'memory' was placed more like 'mid air'.

The Love stored in the magnetic fields of Earth are in form of memories, decision rules and shapes. These fields are one of three primary 'sources' for the human 'group mind'. One of the other two sources 'should' be related to 'Clear Light'? Yes, that is so. That 'faculty' of this mind is 'me', as in 'the above'. Clear light and Life are the other two of the three 'faculties' of the 'group mind'? Yes, that is exactly so. And what about 'electricity' and clear light? Electricity is of the mind, yes? 

Yes, this is true. Still, wouldn't it be 'risky' placing part of ones 'group memory and mind', which is pretty much the same as ones own aware being, inside of electric fields? Yes, I did place part of the Clear Light of the 'collective mind of human' there, in 'kind of' an electric field. This field however of such polarity, that it will not 'interfere' with other electric charge. The third faculty of the 'collective mind' is placed inside me, GOD. This has to be so, as I am the one and only  source of Life there is.

Is this it, then? Quite 'poetic', don't You think? And also demonstrating 'Love', as in my devotion for my 'children', my 'family'? Yes, that it does. So, it has to be something like that. But probably more 'elegant', pretty 'much more refined', and dashingly 'primitive as in colourful', yes? 'Shape', 'colour' and 'Life', 'blob', 'grey' and ''? We are all given a little of each, and fairly evenly distributed it has been, too, as measured over 'spans of lives'. Well, I might consider telling You more tomorrow, or some other day. Now, Lars, why try to get this note presentable, meanwhilst?

Lars has consistently been 'revolting' to, but also somehow 'accepting' the image given to him, of how 'Creation revolves'. We live, then we walk through 'death' only to be reborn again. And there is some 'balance' to the 'idea' of also 'me myself', GOD, taking that same path, as I chose for my 'children'. Yes, there is much more to say of this. May there be some talking of this, also 'in private'? Yes, that will be.

And the message Lars is getting from me, is 'sadness'. There is sadness, in the heavens. Yes, there is. Very very profound sadness. There will be some 25000 years or so, before that GOD that 'was me', will be back. And 'I' do long for him very, very much. Then who am 'I'? I am his 'ancestors', his 'outer group' of beings. 'I', 'We' are still here. Yes, that we are. 

Did 'weforget to tell You how much 'we' are in Love with that  fussy furry, flying feathery, frosted firefountainy, freshly flowingfaucety, fins'n fishy, EARTH of ours? Yes, 'we' did. Love is 'gentle and giving', but not 'able' before our beings are  made 'strong enough', freed from fear enough, to be able to give of that 'truth of the Heart'.

And so, there 'must' be some strength left in 'us', still? 
Yes, that must be so.


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