Tuesday, September 27, 2011


Humans are of many expressions, in different ways emanating from GOD and in some ways from 'the Kingdom', as in Earth, or 'the Lives that we live', also me as in 'little me'. These two - GOD and Earth (Creation) being 'the same', as in coming from the same 'root'. They are also not the same, as 'God' is the teacher, and human the 'disciple'.

This relation, even as little authoritarian as is possible, authoritarian it still is. This must be so, at least as long as we wish to learn from anything but our own mistakes, that which  is 'trial and error'.

Trial and error is a system that no one can beat. This as it adds no restrictions at all, on the 'pupil'. The 'pupil' is his own teacher. Is he? What is the pupil learning from, and what is 'heshe' learning to adapt to?

In this world called 'Earth', there are multitudes of expressions that are not 'human'. Land, water, trees, the grass that cows eat. Interacting with 'expressions' of Creation such as these; is this 'trial and error'? Is there a 'system' to 'trial and error'? Clearly, if one prefer to see Creation as 'GOD', then 'he she it' that is GOD, is placing the 'trial and error' inside a 'framework'; 'Earth'.

If this is so - which it is - then 'trial and error' is 
'structured', placed there, and part of our school 
'of learning', too? Yes, this is so, at times.

Our lives are learning experiences, placed within 
a pretty wide 'setting', the 'school' and 'playground' 
that we call 'Earth'.


This was the environment human was placed into, in that which we call 'the stone age'. Stone age was pretty much 'trial and error'. Learning took time. Trial and error takes time. It is time consuming.

Humans in those days understood that it was, in many ways, better to become groups. Dangerous animals, fear of the dark unknown, fear of aggressive tribes. Many were the reasons to become members of 'groups' and, within those groups, members of 'teams'. 

And so, am I suggesting that the 'fear' placed 
inside human, is a 'tool of learning'?

Yes, this is exactly what it is. And the only justification there can be, for inducing 'fear' it is, too. Fear diminishes, makes 'expression' 'bleak'. Fear makes the blossoming of gradually more vivid expressions of human and other animals pretty near impossible. Fear in this way kills much of that which is 'life'. This as 'life' is more than 'food and lodging'. 


The Bible has it, human life on Earth started with two beings living inside a place of peace, called 'Eden'. That same book tells us, that one of  their children, killed his brother. This killing was made from a place of anger, maybe also jealousy. And Kain was forgiven, by his father Adam. 

In the early ages, life was dangerous. Human had to keep together to survive. And so human did, and enjoyed it, too. Human discovered that 'heshe' is a 'social animal'. Human understood, that 'we' belong together. Why does the Bible place those first two human beings inside a 'garden of peace'? How could the one writing the Bible know, that this was an important quality, for 'early human being', to survive?


Humans have instincts, drives, and reasoning. We are also of intuition, empathy and emotions. Animals, of which we are one, have instincts and drives. Humans have by now learned, that also other animals than us have reasoning. 

Intuition, empathy and emotion are qualities placed into the third and fourth chakra. Love is placed in the second. Yes, love as in 'the force'. The heart chakra is of 'love' too? Yes, the heart chakra - what we call the 4th or 'green' chakra - is of love. That chakra in finer sense than what does the third, mediates and add nuance, flavour, to the 'force' emanating from from the 2nd chakra. 

And what about that 'other group' of 'non sense' 
maneuvre capabilities? God asks. Allow me to introduce 
to You, the term 'basal force of emotion'.

These human (as in me and You) and animal 'drives', these are all placed in the 1st (base, red) chakra? No, they are not. This chakra is of that 'basal force'. Did I tell You that? No, I did not. Well, I just did so. Sexuality, hunger, thirst, the 'basal force' of emotion. All of these 'drives' are placed 'where we start our journey'; at the human first chakra. These are modified at the second, sacral, chakra, as are all other aspects of that 'basal emotional force'.


The 'basal force of emotion'? Yes, Lars, that force emanate from our base. This force is a kind of energetic 'flow'. As are all 'drives', flowing from the sakral base and further up the 'ladder' to the heavens, that is the human 'energetic and physical body'. And may we put a name to that 'basal force of emotion'? Yes, I will give You a suggestion, God says to Lars, his stubborn pupil. 

'Love' is the name of that force. 'Life'
is another name. 'Love' and 'life'
are, 'at origin', the same 'thing'.

This 'love'  flow 'through' our 'base', is that sexuality? Is it the mothers love for her child? Or are these expressions 'merely' instincts? And what is an instinct?

Instincts are placed at the base, first chakra. Sexuality, 
to an extent, is instinct. Hunger and thirst too. 

When 'filtered' through our beings, love gets different expressions. In the second chakra, it is more of a 'force'. Human will learn to in different ways use this 'force', that emanate from the second chakra. The second chakra is of the 'tribe', remember? And human learned to understand the strength of becoming part of 'hisher' family and tribe.

But the second chakra(s) 'teach' us more than that. When focusing 'mind energy' to that chakra, one may learn to 'heal'. The 'force' that is the 'love' of the second chakra, can not bring the dead back to life, but it can 'heal' illness. Human will learn how to use 'love energy' to heal, and that learning is already starting.


When 'love' flows through the third chakra, it is filtered through that which is 'me', my own being. This is where we have our 'gut feeling'. And what is the 'love' of our guts? The third chakra is our emotional sense. Love as 'emotion',  'infatuation', 'agape'. The kind of love that make us wish to 'linger' and 'unite'. 

Love of the third chakra wish to 'give and receive'. To 'love and be loved', 'be admired', 'give presents', 'fly high in the sky', 'allow others to shine, too'. These are all 'emotional expressions' of love.  

Give and recieve. Love demands, and gives, everything. Yes, love does just that. And so it has to be 'fine tuned', sometimes 'dampened', possible to handle.  


Love in the fourth chakra is 'feeling'. Humans sometimes 'feel' good together, or 'bad' together. Love and fear are two sides of the same coin? No, they are two different flows of energy, both originating from the first chakra. Fear is a much weaker drive, that what is love. Still, when 'fear' is, the ability to love will be very much less.

'Fear' is a 'modifier' of love. It reduces the ability to love. Other 'modifiers' of love are placed in the third, fourth and fifth chakras. 'Fear' is of the second chakra, and in this differ from 'love', which is pure life energy, flowing inside human at hisher 'base' chakra.

The chakras, which 'I' - God - have chosen to present as 7 'energetic centres', are in truth quite many. There are several hundreds and thousands of 'nodes' modifying the drives and 'basal forces'.

The 'picture' of the energetic body being of 7 'centres' is still valid. There are 7 'big' nodes inside human of 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th densities. Here below is a 'scheme' of these 7 'centres'. 


In the center of the image, there are 7 'chakras'. The muladhara 
chakra is at 'base', and pictured red. As energy flows through the 
male (pingala), female (ida) and middle (sushumna) paths, it gets 
further expression. The male/female 'channels' are not 'nervous', 
but purely energetic. The 'middle path' - sushumna - is both 
nervous and energetic.The energy flow is of one basic kind. 
Life energy. This energy, that give human life, is a low 
emitting flow. It is not light as in vibration, but light 
as in 'flow'.  Human will discover, that at zero point, 
there is still 'energy'. This energy is 'life', the source 
of everything. This is the energy flowing through 
the human body, and that give human
much of hishers 'expression'. 


What is a human being?

Humans kill themselves and other beings. Mammals, fish or bird, we kill them all. 'Humane' is a word rarely used to denote behaviour that inflicts pain. Humans also do not enjoy causing pain. We see such behaviour as 'abnormal', outside of the norm. Yes, outside of the norm of what is to be 'humane'. And still we kill. Reasons for killing others are fear, survival, anger. 

Killing inflicts pain.

And so, until not a murderer, a 'killing being', human is not a 'humane being'. When is 'human being' to become a 'humane being'? If human is an animal, and animals quite often 'humane', could one then say that these animals are 'humane beings'? Yes, suggested is, one could.

The 'human being' will become a 'humane being', when stopping 'hishers' murdering of themselves and of other beings. The human is to stop killing himself in 3rd density. Will human by then already, by 'us' be seen as humane? Are cows, sheep, goats, and other beings already 'humane beings' in higher densities seen as the 'equals' of human?


This is 'old God' again, Your Creator. Yes, 'Lars', I will clarify.
Humane beings may be of many forms, living in as 'different places' as possible. Human is living on Earth, and walking Earth, too. Human, as of this 3rd density, does still not fly. Neither does he live as a mammal, a fish, or turtle, in the Sea. Clearly, we do have other beings living with us right now, on this Earth, that are humane beings.

Among the 'qualities' of the human of third density is to be of 'no killing of ones own species'. This is a 'core quality', as killing does - among mammals more than most other creatures on this Earth - inflict pain (physical, or grief). 

Human of second 'derivative' (as in not fully integrated) is 'allowed' to kill other humans. This 'permit' in fact is so strong, God suggest that 'forced to' is a more proper word. In Christianity, Petrus has a vision where a tablecloth filled with animals is given to him from the heavens. A voice is telling him that he is allowed to eat of all that is on this cloth. And so most Christians do eat of all that meat. In Islam, the meat of the pig is seen as 'unclean'. And so, the pig is 'saved' from slaughter, for muslims. In India, the cow is sacred, and so in similar way in hindu country saved from being killed.


The one reason for 'me' making human kill himself is, this will more thoroughly than anything else does, engrave 'non violence' into the human being and genome. Are there other reasons for 'me' making humans kill? No, there is not. Human will become 'fearful', when being murdered. 'Fear' also make humans kill. And so, that 'fear' that prevent human from developing more profound expressions, will in fact also be a help for human to becoming of 'non violence'.

When a human is forced to kill other beings that 'heshe' likes and gets 'help' from. Beings such as the cow, dog, horse or goat, then there will be felt 'reluctance'? Yes, most often it will. Humans are feeling animals, and do not enjoy killing other animals that feel. The slaughter of a cow does demonstrate that the cow is in 'fear', 'pain'.

And so, there grows a 'reluctance', a 'disgust' and a 'hate' of 'killing', inside human. This feeling of 'no more killing' get stronger, as more and more humans have 'non killing' engraved into their RNA, and genome. RNA work in that way. 'Engraving' of RNA takes place every time a strong reaction is felt.


Why, then, do I wish for human to himself do this 'engraving' of non violence into himself? Why don't I just create human 'of non violence'? 

The sole reason for this is 'expression'. 'Expression' is the sole reason for Creation. Love gets more nuances and beauty gets more 'beautiful'. All our drives and that basic 'force' of life when 'filtered' higher and higher 'up' into our energetic being, will get more and more nuances, shades, variety. 

'Expression', physical and energetic, is life.

If human is to become a 'feeling being', rather than an 'alive, but still dead' one, then we have to walk this 'ladder' up through our chakras. And that ladder is of very much 'pain'. This is the reason for 'me' as in 'God', to make human 
fearful, to make human kill.

Yes, it is.

And as I do not 'know' all expressions, as I do still not know all those kinds of 'beauty', that human can take on, I will have to make human develop this way. By 'doing it himself', in that doing quite often 'hating' me. Why, God, did You have to kill my son? Why, God, did You force us to eat those that we see as our friends?

GOD is life. I am LOVE. Who says that 'I' - as in 'me', 'us', 'You' - do not feel that pain, too? It is 'me' who is You. It is 'me' who gets murdered and slaughtered.


Our different cultures in these days 'popularize' different animals. Walt Disney has made wonderful movies, pointing out that animals may be more 'humane', than human was allowed to understand. Yes, was allowed to understand, by God. Disney World today have shows with dolphins and killer whales, too. Film producers show us movies of 'dreamlike' or 'fantasy' content. 

And these movies become seen by many humans. And in these movies, more often than not, beings other than 'human beings' add context and flavour to that which we 'long to see'. That which is of 'fantasies and fairies and talking dragons'. That which is of 'human beings friends' helping us to save 'our world'.

We witness, in movies and in 'different realities' and settings, the humane qualities of beings other than ourselves. Why do we use the expression 'the memory of an elephant' (or horse, as that animal has a very good memory, too)? The turtle has incredible memories, from hishers swimming around the seas for more than 100 years.

Dolphins develop similar strategies as we do, to survive, to 'dominate', to live in 'less fear'. And so they work in 'teams'. They join each other, like also the human understood was of good, to protect each other and survive. And they develop strategies to do that, too. So, at times they work in teams? Yes, they do.

They like to 'chat' too. Just like the whale, and many  primates do. As a mammal develops, it will get more 'expression'. This 'expression' is in part common, in part 'marks' of its' own species. 'Marks' of belonging to that 
group of mammals. 

Now, if 'Shamu' and his cousin dolphin were allowed to live in freedom, 'swimming and playing' their world, would they not prefer to do so? 

How big a pool is required, for a killer whale or dolphin to enjoy the interaction with hisher human friends, more than what heshe does, 'walking' the seas? There is a pretty neat way of checking. Just open the 'doors' to those pools, and allow them to choose themselves. 


Sadly, going back to us humans, opening all doors may not be 'the solution'. If we were to open the doors to our schools, there would be pretty many empty seats in many class rooms. And as bad as our educational systems are, they are still in some ways more effective, than 'trial and error'. And more efficient, too.

'Efficiency' is a word of 'finer tuning'. As is 'wisdom' of 'finer tuning' than what is 'intelligence'. Intelligence, using a much broader definition than what is used today, is 'raw'. It is there, before wisdom is there (as in inside our beings). Wisdom is 'intelligence' and 'balance'. 

Wisdom is 'intelligence' modified by 'life', by many lives.

'Wisdom' using the 'chakra frame', is 'modified', when the 'basal force of life' filters through our chakras. This 'force of life' ignite our 'drives', and after that help us develop 'feeling' and 'emotion'. Intelligence paired with the 'non violence' induced by 'fear', coupled with 'feeling' and 'emotional' qualities, is that what is 'wisdom'?

No, not in its' entirety. Wisdom is built as an interaction between 'clear light', that basal force of 'intelligence' filtering through our beings, from upside and down. The human 'crown chakra' - the 7th we call it, too - is where the inflow of 'clear light' is. This 'clear light' in similar way flows and 'filters' down through our energy body, as does the 'basal force of life' flow through our 'base' (the kingdom), then 'filtering' up through the sacral chakra and 'higher'.


The 'throat' chakra is the chakra that make human talk and listen. Yes, lets express it that way. The throat (fifth) chakra also tell us not to listen, when 'morons' try to force 'bad food' and 'bad wisdom' into our system. There are 'modifiers' inside all our chakras, the 5th one too.

What makes us not wish to have 'morons' stuff ourselves full of 'crap', is a combined reaction in the physical body (our genome), and energetic bodies (chakras, and much more). As the human being spend longer time on Earth, he develops into a more and more 'finely tuned', menthally, emotionally and by reason shaped, being. 

Pink Floyd's 'the Wall' talks of that forcing down the throat. Alternative learning of today, the Waldorf system and the anthroposophical school of Rudolf Steiner. These and other 'Religiosophies' (*) point out to us, that the human is, in himherself of 'oneness'. We learn more, when listening to music. We get more apt at learning, when mixing physical and theoretic practices and disciplines.

(*) 'Religiosophy', a new word for a new world, built using words 'religion' and 'philosophy'. 
'Religiosophy' means to 'reconnect to wisdom, law'. The word 'philosophy' is taken from 
the Greek word "φιλεω" (phileo) meaning "to love" or "to befriend" and "σοφια" (sophia) 
meaning wisdom. Philosophy is "the love of wisdom". The prefix re (again) + ligare 
(bind, connect); religare "to reconnect". The Sanskrit word dharma, sometimes 
translated as "religion", also means law.(source: wiki)


And what about a Mozart and Einstein? What about Stephen Hawking or Madonna? Would they be better off, when asked to mix their interest in the 'rhytmic tonalities found in music, physics, math', with dance or gymnastics? Suggested is, they would be even more happy allowed to dancing what they prefer. Madonna would like to dance, but preferrably 
using her own choreography.

Suggested is, these guys prefer to dance much 'inside their own minds and beings'. Madonna was the 'straight A student' that dropped out of school, prefering to 'sing the music of her mind', to herself and us.


Madonna 'American Pie'

This is Madonna singing 'American Pie', Lars. And there is one more voice singing, too. This is not the voice that David, that is Your son, did prefer. He thought it to be 'too dark'. You did not. Yes, You have a 'special liking' for this song. It stirs Your emotion. As does it mine. I made Madonna record this song in 1997, the year when the music that was for me USA, died.

USA had been the engine for my and our world to grow, to grow into a 'new world of peace'. This world had to be made 'cruel', for human to become of 'non violence'.

There has been much music recorded on this 'theme'. I have made You listen to pretty much of it. Please tell me of one musician, that prefers war and pain, before 'ahimsa'. The pain that people sometimes place inside music, is not of 'violence' in itself. It may become violent, though, when the pain inside gets tough.

Madonna was to become a 'star', as in 'icon', of these times. Do I wish for You to keep that sentence here? Yes, I do. For now, I do. Madonna is 'her own person too', carrying her own 'soul concept'. As was George Harrison of the Beatles. John Lennon was 'only me'. I was John Lennon. Elvis was 'only me', too, and so was Michael Jackson. 

Michael is not one of Your favourites, though 'like him' You do. Humans are of 'different taste', they 'differ in expression'. Did these singers/musicians that were 'only me' as in 'God' ever belong to that which is right now the 'real world'? Yes, all of these did. (Not all of the music I have given You, is of that world, but much is.)

Were there more people, that were 'only me'? Yes, there were. Mozart was only me, as was Beethoven. Bach was only me, and Brahms too. That You did not expect, but it was Brahms who made the hungarian melodies that You prefer, remember? 

Impressionistic music is Debussy? Yes, it is. And Degas, and many more. And I were these, too, 'only me'? No, I was not Degas, but I was 'Debussy'. Impressionistic...hmmm...what music is not made from impressions? What music is not 'expression of impression'? In fact pretty little.

When I choose to visit Earth in human form that is 'only me', I do this without a 'soul complex'. There is no 'personal plan' for that human, as that human is nothing but myself, as in 'God'. Sometimes, there need walk humans on this Earth, in different ways so 'differently gifted', they have to be 'just me'.

These beings could 'not possible' exist, without being 'only me'. Looking at the shape that is our DNA and RNA of a certain time, one will sometimes wonder how these could have had the insights they had. And so, some of these were 'only me'. As few as possible. And the reason always the same. 

These were there to help 'us' as in 'us humans' progress, continue walking that ladder of Jacobs', higher and higher. Otis Redding was only me too? No, he was part me, part 'You', as in 'carrying a personal soul (plan)'. The text and melody to that song I did assist to make? Yes, I did, but not more than I always do. ((:


Back to 'American Pie'.

USA has been the engine for this world to 'grow', for the last 70 years. Before that, there was Germany, USA, and 'old England'. Before that was 'nothing', as before that was no industry, at all. These were the countries that carried much of the 'bless and burden' of bringing this World through industrialization, world wars, and into the 'global age' inside which we now live.

And so, 'American Pie' is about USA and about being both 'great' - as in generous - and 'narrow minded' - as in not generous enough. This is USA. And no country is generous enough. That is so.

I placed pretty many messages to You and Your brother, when You were growing up. I did the same to Charlott, and to Dani, and to David, too.

This tune is for David. Yes, it is. It is also for You, and USA. This song is not that much for Dani, though she will like it, when reading the lyrics. And the voice of that one singing in the chorus? That voice is me, put there to make You 'remember' David. It was not there before, remember? Yes, You do. 

And what about Dani and her expressions? Well, You have seen the way she paints, haven't You? And there are songs
I wrote to her, too. ((:


The day the music died...

That line is 'for David', and 'me' as in 'myself'. I am not here, now. I 'left' some two decades ago, and before that I left some ten thousand years ago. But I am still here? Yes, I am still here, inside of Earth 3rd density. I am inside You and everyone of this Earth, and many more Earths. All of them, in fact.

Now, when did I leave? I 'left' that which was myself, during those ages from 1900 and up unto 1985. This is not entirely true, as there is still some of 'me myself' left, also in 1995, but very very little. I had to 'replenish' myself then. I got help from 'my family', those that were closest. Among these were 'Harry', who is my own Son, and always will be.

'Harry' is the one that has 'maneuvred' this Earth, since 1985. This is so. And he is good at it. He is not good enough. This is what I say. But he will learn. Yes he will. Harry will never be 'me', however. Why? Because that will be You, for a short while, before I 'get back' into myself, some 3500 years into the future. I will by then be replacing You, and it will be Your turn to 'replenish'?

No, it will not be necessary, for quite some time. Some 3500 years from now, this measured in this world real time, these universes will have been 'rolled back together', and founding a 'new' universe. A new being. A new 'GOD' to become. This 'being' will be of similar shape as that which I AM of, but different in one way. 

HE will be You, but You will not be inside him. SHE will be You, too. But You will not be inside her, either. Because You will have to 'vanish' before that. Vanish as in 'not be anything that You are as a human being'. 

Yes, that is exactly the case.

You, Lars, are many 'fragments' of that being which is my 'brother in arms', when I first got here. I choose to confirm that, some 300 years ago, when I placed You inside that body of the 'christ of those times', carrying the name of no one in particular. Many are the lives, lived in very beautiful ways. Most of these lives are remembered by no one but 'me'. And by 'me' as in God, they are rembered 'always'.

This is so.

Let's take it again...

You were created some 10 000 years ago, in part You were. That part lived with me, in my thoughts and inside my reality, for long times? No, You did not. You were created in 1958, this is so. Made by something placed by me 10 000 years ago, or so. The reason for that being 'fusion' of energy? No, not in this world that knowledge is not.

And the 'input' came from else where? Yes, it did. The input came from 'myself', from 'old times'. Yes, this is important, to 'me' and yes, I will 'sometime' tell You pretty much more, and yes, it will 'be served' in 'portions'.

The reason was 'fusion', still. The input came from Your 'Father' (as in 'origin'), him who IS MY BROTHER. Him who I call 'IM'? No, him who I call my Brother. We do not carry names? No, not 'up here' we do not. We are both both 'Im and 'Em'. That You did not know before. 'Up here', we are both of those qualities, both 'Im' and 'Em'? Yes, we are of that quality, both. 

That which differ, is even more 'basic'. In fact not 'polarities' even? What about 'good and evil', then? No, we - me and my only BROTHER - act more like polarities of good, that need evil to survive, to 'develop' (further, create) the 'human being' as good as we can. As You are getting to 'grasp', evil may in some ways help create 'good'.

Gods, and still with sole focus to create a human of more expression. Yes, that is so. In some ways, GOD is not human. That which is GOD, is 'divine' in that 'he-she-it' is the sole force of life. 


And what about 'little God', the 'managing director' of 'big GOD'? That 'little God' is living in many expressions, and levels of Creation'. Just like there are many Universes, and many more humans, and all these humans 'universes to become'. Just like Creation is plentyful and 'plentyfold'. Just like that, God plays his game from different magnitudes.

And little God is 'God', too, or 'God and human'? Me and 
my brother are both GOD. When walking that ladder up Creation (as in different densities or vibration), we will become 'different'. The place where we are asked - yes, asked - if we wish to 'become' GOD, that place is in 8th density? No, it is not. That decision has been taken before that. With You, Lars, You had no choice. 

You are already 'me', as in 'G', but not me as in 'G'. Part of 'G' You are, and the rest will be there, pretty soon. And some more, too. The 'O' and 'D' will be there too, but that will have to wait, for quite some time. You are my one and only 'son' of a certain kind. Yes, indeed You are, and 'me' in pretty much Your entire being, too. 

And You are 'me' to become, too? No, You are not. You are to become me and also in part 'my BROTHER'. That which was placed by my brother, for me to find in 1958 (Your time), was not 'You'. As You are to be 'built' - rebuilt -  'You' will become more and more of 'him', more of that quality. 

And that quality is 'love', with very little but still some, nuance of 'kindness' to it. I will better explain to You, what that 'message' from my Brother was, but that will have to be a little later.

GOD is life. GOD is Creation. God is not human, as he does not any more carry a soul. God is there to help Creation in building human into an even more beautiful being, a being of greater multitudes of expressions. In doing so, we create 'worlds' and universes. In all of these 'worlds', human is 'asked' to carry some 'friends' up that ladder.


Why 'we'? Is GOD 'we'?

Yes, GOD is 'we'. 'He-she-it' is also 'me', and everything else. GOD - as in 'we', more than 'me' - is the source of Creation. And that creation is of multitude. This is why 'I' as in GOD use that word, 'we'.

And what about those friends of ours that are of 'no hands'? The dog, the dolphin and the elephant? Yes, friends like these we 'carry with us', too. And they walk up the ladder of Creation with us. And they carry us with them, but later. 

They are Created quite different from 'man', and will for quite long time, carry different expressions (qualitites, gifts) with them, for also man to be helped by, when leaving his physical body and before doing so, too.

And does also the dolphin and the dog, the cat and the weasle, become God? 

Yes, they do!

...and GOD, too.

...and fish become GOD, too?
Yes, they will, if 'we' only find the ways
to make cold blooded beings into enough 'love'.
This is the way it is, right now, as far as
I know. And I know pretty much, as
I am the all.


Here now?



My 'Brother' went 'down', as in 'sacrificed himself in his very most inner self', some 10500 years ago. Hisher 'seed' - as in humans - was born into many, many universes and Earths. That which was 'him', was 'placed inside space/time from 10500 years ago and pretty much until now? Yes, this is how 'we' do it. 

I 'myself' went 'down' starting 345 years ago, measured as 'my time' outside time. I placed myself into 100's of universes. I had to do so, as my own being is 'big', the 'biggest' there is, anywhere. 'Me myself' in my very 
own inner most being, was and is of 800 billion 
humans and souls.

These 800 billion were (no, not 'will' and not 'are') placed, 
as in 'sowing'. 

But I am not 'grain'. 



...and the reason for me doing so, is LOVE. Love, as in 'expression'. Love, as in 'multitude'. Love, as in 'all of You, that are me', as in 'my little ones'.


(Yes, I will tell You more of 'Im' and 'Em' too, but later)

(c) copyright until further notice.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Of Human.

Human is a 'multi layered' being. I AM 'human'. My 'children' are my Creation. To 'see' more of who I AM and how I 'work', a different 'language', a language outside words will have to be 'found'.

In the rainbow, there are 7 colours, and the human being energy self is 7 chakras dense and more. 7 are the 'colours' of the octave and outside these are tones never heard, and colours also not  seen. 'Colours', 'music', 'feelings', carrying  'wish to mix' and 'wish to take on expressions of identity'. 'Languages' of a Creation of 'fairy tales' and logic, and severity and pain, and jolly goodness, too. 

Attention to detail, for holistic healing.

In the rainbows of this world, much red and yellow 
is visible. And the red is tinted into orange. And there is also 
blue and green. But why so little orange? And why is there 'no' indigo? 
The saintly 'violet' seem fading? The green  is getting 'cold'? Rainbows 
of  'today' in need of help, to get to lesser shades of pale.

"Hrmm...7 'base' colours, Lars? I can see 7 too. Apart from these, 
I see at least some 20 billion colours in that rainbow above. A human can 
see pretty many, too, also from inside of that plane of existance, 
we call '3rd density'.

Yes, yes, I will get a little nap now. Must be getting
old, I am. Aah, there is Lars, again. Please continue, my dear child of 
57 years...ok, I never sleep, never get tired, and that You know, You little 
scoundrel. But I will 'look away', and help You a bit, when the 
writing gets too tough."

(and GOD gets silently quiet? No, never!)

"No, I am not! I will 'lend Lars a hand', in that he will do 
some of the scribbling, too. I feel better that way, and I somehow 
suspect, that he does, too."


And so, this is Lars again (hmm). He once listened, a bit too much, perhaps, to this old school tune named 'Colours', by Donovan.

Does anyone think, by now, that this is 'Lars' writing? I don't, and he does not either. Well, so I will be the one playing the 'writing Donovan', and Lars will be the one carrying the pen. This might come in handy, as I am not inside my body right now. Oh, am I? Aah, You mean the body of old 'Lars'? Yes, OK, that will have to do. He does have hands and fingers, doesn't he? Yes, he does. And still, he does not seem to really get the 'gist' of it, yet. I think I'll have to 'assist', 
just a little.

Green is a colour of 'love'. Every colour in its' very own way, is of love. And Donovan started with yellow. Lars? OK, let's settle for green, then. Now, this is the colour of the trees and grass, the bees and the razamatazz that I like to play, when feeling for 'jazz'. Yes, yes. And blues is blue, and that 
everyone knows, too. 

And what about that rhytm and blues, that make some people jump high in their shoes. Still blues for the guy busy paying his dues, to his girl too happy to give him 'peruse'. 

Sea water when warm takes on a greenish tint. And still no yellow to be heard of, Lars. Donovan must be getting tired. I'll have to go ask him. Old Donovan is quite content he says, as he thought he was all forgotten by now. But he is not, is he? Not by You, and never by me. Anyhow, back to those colours of 'his'.

Red colour is of much 'life', it is said. Strangely, this is the colour I dared to choose. For a base chakra, why not choose rouge? Was that what You were planning to write, old boy? Yes, I am sure it was, as I am You, remember? Red as in the colour of our own blood. Yes, yes, yes. But lizard blood is green, isn't it? Or is it black perhaps. I can't seem to get myself to remember. 

By the way, Lars. Do You see any black in that rainbow of mine? No, I didn't think so. Did I mention to You, that Your thoughts are somehow 'my thoughts'? So, You missed out on the black in that rainbow. And so did I, in fact. Must be them eyes again. I'll just have to do something about that. But all in due time, and all is well, that ends well. 

And this little 'blog' of Yours is getting 'lengthy' too. Lets not forget to pray to me, that someone will sometime find hisher way to that heavenly bliss, of sharing Your wisdom and mine. And lets add to that prayer, that hisher thoughts may be merciful. Which they luckily will be. 

Oh, Your wisdom is mine? Yes, that is so. So, there need be some shaping up of this blog. And that rainbow looks pretty 'bleak' I must say. That is so Lars. And when I say so, that is how it is, remember. Capiche?. Comprende? Du förstå? The 
blue, oh yes, the blue. 

But we spoke of that one already, didn't we? Yes, there are more blue colours than one. I see. Thank You, little God, for reminding me. And which one of those blue colours of your illustrious palette would You advice for me to in detail explain? Aah, deep deep azur blue, the colour of my true loves hair. No, wrong again.

This is the colour of the sea, old chum. The sea of Cote d'Azure, when evening kisses horizon, and all that. So, You are getting to see, yes? My entire Creation is a rainbow. Yes, it is. And my beings, too. Rainbow children and warriors of the golden fleece, unite. Here I am, my eyes shining like that star I placed on those, otherwise clear nights also quite starry skies, above. That star is not Venus, I tell You.


Little God? Yes, I take on different 'costumes', too. I am 'big GOD' and little God, and elohim too, and human too, and sometimes even 'humane'. Just like 'us humans' I like to change the way I am, not only to make things 'more fun', as taking on new roles will sometimes be pretty darn effective, too. And efficient. And what about 'efficacy'? Yes, I am that as well, however my way of interpreting that word may be different than what some of my 'faces' will readily understand.

'Lars' once wrote a little thing, on the difficulty of 'grasping', comprehending, beings in every aspect so much larger and different than oneself. It is not possible to 'understand' that which is 'bigger than me', in my case even 'bigger than life'. No, it is not. You made tha comparison of that ant, didn't You, strolling to find things to carry home to his 'folks'. And then the ant meets a human. And what that ant see of the human, is the sole of one shoe. When getting 'home', the ant tells his friends of these odd creatures, of which he just met one, looking like rubber, leathery smell and quite lethal that creature seemed to be, too. So, lok up, fellow 'ants', and You may grasp also a bit more, this is what I say to that story of Yours, Lars.

And was that a 'parable'? No, it was not, more like an anology it was. Yes, a bit of that, too. The 'parable' is made by placing animals into a scene where they take on human behaviour, strengths and weaknesses, the reason for doing so, it is sometimes possible to tell of weakness and growth, in ways less blunt and offending.


Back to 'colours', again. Blue is the colour of my true loves hair, in the 'clear light', yes it is. In the clear light of the kiss, before everything gets to bliss. Did I forget to mention Trizz, Your son David? His hair is getting darker as we speak. Do I see some blue there, too? Hmmm, must see to get some more blue into that hair, too. Elvis hair was quite shiny blue. Maybe I try some of that, where's the glue?

Hmm, I may need to focus, a little? What do You think, Lars. May I blend in also some of Your personal life, into this pamphlette of mine? Thank You, I gueesd You would not mind. Anyhow, Your son David, whom I took away from You, is feeling 'fine', he says. And why son't he use his own mouth to say so, then? Well, he just did. And the one thinking that this writing gets 'out of focus', why not ask Lars, and he will tell. I did place Lars 'on trial', and I made life pretty tough for him. This I did, for him to grow.

Life is a tough, too. That is so.

OKOK. Clear light is filtered to become 'intelligence'? Yes, 
it is and no, it does not. It is all a matter of perspective. And when at what 'pretentious me' (which I choose to be, but rarely) would call 'higher/inner' densities, clear light will become 'wisdom'. The language of the sage. 

The language of the wizard oozes of pink, by the way. Pink, why pink? Because that is the colour I have been leaving out, by 'mistake', when drawing those cardboard chakra frames I placed on the wall in your class room, Lars. Oh, I forgot to tell You that too, didn't I? Pink, anyhow, is the colour of the mind of the detective working for 'Pink-er-tones'.

'Pinkertones' preparing to Save Our World. 

And silvery pink is a shade not so pale, with nuance of gold it is getting quite 'male', for later density chess placing female 'matestale'. No, not stale. The female is never stale. And now let's move on to something completely different, and hurry, too. Females can be quite the match. Lars better run...

'This boy', and 'that boy', too.

Colours, was it? Oh yes, clear light, as in wisdom of the ages.'Clear light' may in ways come out as 'cold'? Clear light does in all ways possible balance, 'counter', love. And love is hot as Your coffee is (not), dark as the night of Sahara is (not, not at dusk it is not) and red as my face is at times also not (very much as of 'now' it is also not). That rhyme was disgusting. Bluaehh. Well, as 'GOD' I prefer to stay 'above' that, too. It is You who will take the blame for that crap that I wrote, and me who will help You get out of that, too. Now, how about 'remote', as in 'demote' those sentenses that 'we' just wrote?

No, we let it be. 

And, finally, here we have 'yellow', the colour of jealousy, debouchery and deception, and also the colour of the Sun, that is me. And according to Donovan the colour of his true loves hair. In fact, yellow is for 'me' as in 'my own being', that which is 'myself' (body and 'mind'). And so how can it be of deception? Yellow is the colour of the Sun, a 'visual image' of that which is 'me' as in 'the provider of life', 'God'. The giver of life, that which is life itself, is 'GOD'.

Suffice to say, that yellow is 'OK', too. This is why I chose to place it on the palette of so many Earths. And now, on to something 'completely different'. More 'chakra colours'. 


The sixth chakra and colour, is 'indigo'. Indigo is a mix of red and blue and a little more. So, it is a mix of  'life and clear light'? Yes, life in its' different 'shades' blend there too. Love and clear light here mixes into shades not seen before. But they mix into different 'tone' also within 3rd density. How we 'see' indigo and other colours will change according to how one places oneself inside of  different densities. 

And so heshe that is 'You' will, in 4th or 6th densities 'recognize' this indigo colour in the light of what that density gives. And that will be quite a different colour, still pretty much resembling the indigos of this Earth. 

Jacob was given an image of a ladder leading up to the heavens. That image makes one wish to get there. Yes, it does. The message of that ladder however not being that heaven is 'up there'. The message is, the 'heaven' is possible to find right here, inside where I am, and 'now'. Now, in this density there are children and older. Would every teenager wish to become a kid again? 

Would every 6 year old boy wish to change places with his 'disgusting' kissing sister? Would the athlete wish to change places with the physician? Would every 45 year old mother wish to change places with her sister of 23? This is not so. But all of these would like to make their lives as fun and good and happy and sad, as they only can. Because inside those feelings, there is life. And 'life' is why we live. To experience life in all its' facets.

And those facets are pretty many.

The idea, kind of odd as it may (not) seem, of making this our world of 'mysteries' into different dimensions and densities, each of which exist and is filled with beings of its' kind, that idea is not to make one place 'better' and the other 'inferior'? No, it is not. The idea is to make all places better. Some densities are 'this way', others 'that way'. And some guys are 'this way', some 'that way', too.


2nd density is the density is of 'the physical', as 'close' to 'Earth' (in some but not all ways) as we humans can currently 'get'. You, me, and other beings that have lived inside of that density, have learned that it is 'tough'. 2nd density is much 
of the individually unique, yes much more than it is of the group. It is of much 'competition' and 'pyramids of power' are tools used to get into 'control' of things.

Do we like to exclude all 'competition'? Would this place be as fun then? And those 'pyramids'? How are we to organize that international trade giving us fresh strawberries and mango on the breakfast table, when no networks are, to get them there? And coffee, and tea too. And orange juice, and music and news and a TV show.

There is but one reason for us having all these densities. Each of these are their own justification. Each of these densities are as good in their way, as are the others. This is so. 'For better or worse', words not always 'valid'. 

The 7th chakra, as the rainbow we saw at the beginning of this note, is 'painted to violet'. Well, that 'chakra' or 'place where we live, too' is a 'mode' of 'preserve and prepair', and the colours there are tinted into 'red' and even more 'blue', but also some more 'greens', even some 'yellowish gold', 
and of pretty much 'light'. 

When You look at an object of art, placing the source of light differently, that object will look differently. Is the object still the same? Well, that is a 'koan' for those fond of quantum mechanics to ponder. Us 'others' already have the answer to that one, don't we?

And there are colours of different 'light'. Colours 'of light', not only colours reflecting light. Some of these colours mentioned are visible in nature already. The violet colour of the 7th chakra is 'warmer' than that visible from 3rd density. And so it is not 'violet' nor 'crimson' nor any other colour given name.

And so I will give it a 'name'. 'The name of the rose', 
this is what I will prefer to call it. 

Colours have 'feelings'. Colours are a 'language' of their own. This language of colours is already known by everyone, but will be shown in different 'detail and vasteness', as man climb 'the ladder'. The ladder of Jacob and the ladder of DNA and RNA. DNA changes as one struggle with that, and 'we' help with these struggling. 'We', as in 'me', as in I AM.

'We', as in Creation, as in GOD.

Outside of that 'visible' from 3rd density, there are numerous colours yet to 'see' and grasp. Outside these 7 chakras, these 7 colours of the rainbow, there are yet 5 to 'become'. And outside or inside of these 12, there are yet 2 more, and outside those still a few more.  

Right now, we are 'playing around' in 3rd density. Inside that density one has less instruments to play. This is so. Still, listening to much of the music of 'our' density, looking at the way mankind is developing into more of caretaking. Please ponder this; is blue always more beautiful than green? No, it is not. Not to everyone it is not. One may at times find mixes of these colours, somehow addressing 'the core of my heart'. And those colours speaking to the heart oddly enough look different, depending on who is 'the observer'.

Proud to be a '3rd densitier', and happily partaking. Proud to be a human among humans, wishing to join in. The joy of being human may even get fun, when 'fear' is not and being 'humane' is the game. Densities closer to the 'physical' are of beings trying to master excellence as groups and as individuals. And so are densities non physical.


In this ours incredibly shallow, intriguingly complex, at times  pretty serious and to the brink of mesmerizingly fun and sometimes boring, too, 'playground' that is 'life on Earth', quite many lives are lived together and in unison, and in 'different compartments', too. In each of these, why not try making that place as good we can? 

Now, let's head back to that intriguing world of those 'indigo masters'? No, why not instead head 'head on' into something completely different. Well at least a little. One can always try, can't one? How about a different 'home'?


This 'Earth' with its' humans, animals, mountains and seas. This Earth is 'third density'. Oddly enough, Earth placing within the solar system is the same. When this Earth moves into fourth density, that 'place' sometimes referred to as 'the golden age', the imprint of that given from the 'Universe' (me) will not look the same. Earth will be placed differently within the solar system.

Music of today is 7 tonal and of 'rhytm' and different 'settings'. Still 7 tones, repeated in patterns, fashions. 7 colour tones is, where the 7 colour rainbow is, and where the 7 colour chakra being is the master of it all.


In pretty near future, 'Love' will be understood more like the 'force' it is, this added to the 'feeling' and 'emotion' that it is many a time a quality of, 'today'. Love is radiant, directed to 'everything', all of it. Love gives and takes everything. And so, human beings of this Earth will need to become of much and different clear light, before being asked to carry and handle that same, that prefer to flow in 'altering current'.

More 'Love'. This is the 'Golden Age' to come. The language of love to be 'seen' by humans changed and transformed to the 'time of love' that is 4th density. Comprehension of colour, rhytm, light, changing. And 'I' will be very, very happy to witness that. 

Yes, the 'I' that is Creation.

 'You' and 'me' (as in God, as in 'we') 'walk' up and down these different densities that are 'us', all the time 'learning'. GOD walks with us (apart from being 'us'), 'hishers' walking in similar way 'part of the plan'. The 'plan' that 'paints' human into a being of 'different beauty'.

Beauty though still of 'expression', 'feeling', multitude'.

Sometimes we learn whilst feeling 'happy'. Sometimes we learn and feel 'bad'. Learning is there all the time. There is much learning in 'darkness', and much more learning is in 'light'. As in learning 'from' the light, light itself. As in 'beings of light'. As in 'light beings'. As in 'angels walking Earth'. As in 'light itself'. As in 'God'. 

Do Angels exist? Yes, they do, in and outside 
of human form they do.

What is a 'dimension' and what is a density? By 'dimension' we in the context of this 'book' mean a 'place outside of our spacetime 'cube'. We by 'density' mean a different 'plane of existence', still inside our universe, our Solar system. That 'system' of 'thresholds where fellow beings' walk that same ladder of learning' as we do. 'Learning', as in 'school'? I hate school and school does not exactly 'love' me either.

Well, there has been some fun too, yes?
And more of that will be, too,
that's fo' sho',

ADHD, ADD, tourettes and 'obladi-oblada'. Man in these times taking on yet new expressions. When the current that is 'me' as in GOD, changes, human changes with me. ADD and the like, humans built in different 'fashion'. These far less 'apt' at focusing on 'knowledge as this world' knows it to be. Impossible they are, and where to concentrate, to learn, in schools that to them seem 'dry as mud'. Less aptitude to 'learning', is this it, with ADDHDDA? 

No, this is not 'it'. 

A different kind of 'brook', 'rill' and 'rivulet' is what there flows. Inside of these 'letters' are different shows. And where that will 'end up', GOD only knows. Some of You guys will be seated in rows, to see what these 'little streams' can do with their toes', 'he' that is everything adds. 

The didgeridoo has but one 'voice'. Still, that 'voice' can produce a tonality. The violin has 4 strings, this giving more tones and tonalities. The chorus sounds differently than does the solo singer. As with these instruments, evolution is of 'team work'. God changes the DNA. RNA evolve due to'us', 
due to actions and efforts taken by 'humans'. And so, similar to what these and other instruments, voices, musicians, rock groups, orchestras, do, we also evolve, individually, 'as groups', as 'teams'. 

And as 'group beings', too. 

Evolving is of developing 'self', as in 'me'. Evolution is of  working in groups, too, as in 'together'. Together, as in 'caring for each other'. Everybody loves a winner, but what about the loser? The one standing in the silent corner feeling 'bad', the others busy cheering the mighty one. 

What about him, the 'loser'? 'Mr Jumbo', all ok is it? 

Everyone likes to 'shine'. And when there is less trust in oneself, this is 'our truth of the day'. And where 'fear' is, trust in oneself is a 'precious commodity'. As 'confidence' grows, so will our aptitude to 'give' victories away, in that others may shine, too. 

And when You can't get that 'losing one' 
to win anyhow, whatever You do. 
What to do then?

How about arranging a 'group contest'? You, the winner that does not need any more winning finding up a 'game', to which You list a 'team'. A team of friends, both losers and  winners. And so the team wins. And those 'once losers' now find themselves being the 'winners'? No, they do not. Self esteem and trust in self is not that easily restored. In 'solo contests', they will still be placing 'down the line'. This is what many will say, when You ask. So, You decide to try by instead 'giving' him 'yourself', as in 'Your knowledge'. 

There is no such thing as 
'unique knowledge' remember? 

Knowledge is 'for sharing'.And much 'giving' can be done by 'sharing'. By showing things that You know made You 'the winner'. Things that will make him a winner too, and also 'doing it himself'. And so You do that. And after a while, he (she) gets to enjoy also playing the 'solo'. 

Sharing ones 'good fortune' in 'being born supreme'. Sharing ones good luck of being born in wealthy countries. Sharing, as in working with other human beings. Groups and teams are 'togetherness'. 


Human is a creature of many fashions. We are both 'herd' and 'pack', both 'cattle' and 'wolf'. Cattle and  wolves have 'team work', too. A kind of team work.

Herd animals protect themselves when attacked, the toughest ones in the heard placing as living walls, covering up for females and children. The attacking 'pack' then may circle the herd as much as they please, as a wise wolf will not attack a healthy bull.

Cows and wolfs, these and all other physical beings without hands, were given 'less choice'. In this density of ours, they were placed 'defenceless'. Humans are both herd and pack. So, we have a choice. We behave like the wolves do, and many of us did. And like the sheep we were too, and many of us played that 'fool on the hill' tune, too.

I did.

And we can choose a strategy, combining these two. We can be both 'pack and 'herd' 'together'. These 'strategies' make possible yet new 'playgrounds' of cornucopia and expression. To be able to enjoy these, one firstly had to learn to wash 'death' out of ones systems. This as one will not enjoy 'playing games', when getting killed. 

'Cleansing' our beings from death starts with becoming of 'non violence'. Keeping as many as possible of the treats and characteristics of the 'pack' and the 'herd', and also those 'attributes' unique to the 'feline', the one that walks pretty much by himherself, neither of herd nor pack. Combining all these different 'ways of being' makes life more 'unique'. No 'fun' is found, though, before 'death' is voted out.


We can be of 'non violence', without having to accept to be killed, for being so. This is the Nelson Mandela version of 'ahimsa'. This was the Gandhi version, too, and Martin Luther King was from that same 'line of breed'. And in this world of today, there are new voices heard. New voices heard in different times, and carrying much of 'the same'.

As human takes on more expression, he also gets to be of more life. Life as in 'love' and 'clear light', filtered through all those chakras that we spoke about before. Is there such a thing as 'too much peace'? Well, 'death' is by definition 'maximum peace'.

Pet Shop Boys Being (not very) boring (at all).

But there is another kind of death, too. To die before death, as in becoming very, very boring. Everyone that prefer to die before having lived, please sign Your name on the 'me boring too' list. My name was there, already. Individually walking that ladder of Creation, givig taste for distinct essence and manifold diversity, too. 

And there is 'love' in that 'climb'. The 'love' that is God, 
that is 'You', as in 'us', are 'we'.

We humans are, quite simply, 'group beings striving to excel in all ways possible, individually and in small and large groups'. Us humans are individuals and family, friends and networks. We are, in many ways, 'group beings'. Sharing of  'good fortune' make us 'shine' as individuals and that same sharing make us 'fare well' in groups, too. There is happiness inside, and we start 'glowing'. That kind of sharing is pretty near impossible, where there is 'fear'. For 'sharing' as in 'everything' we need a certain kind of 'trust'. We need to be of and give such confidence that also the 'giving of oneself away', is 'conditionally accepted'. 

'Total trust'. This 'placing' of the being, where sharing everything is possible, is made impossible by 'fear'.

St. Francis felt so good about 'sharing', it ended by him giving everything he owned away, himself sleeping with a stone under his head, as pillow. Guys getting to that distinction of 'sharing' may need to be taken care of. Common they are not these guys, and 'open targets' too. 

Predators and wolfpacks all too keen to 'get a grab' of the 'free meal' found; yes, these will be there. Busy climbing that pile of dung, society and life of today is offering, with hungry eyes yearning for more.

More of emptiness, that is.

And, meanwhilst all that climbing, that 'poor' St. Francis is busy talking to the birds and Sun? And what is he talking about? He is reminding the birds not to forget to thank the Creator, that they can sing and fly. The Sun he greets for being just that, a Sun, providing warmth and light. The caretaker of life. 

Luckily for St. Francis, there were people in his 'team' happy to see and help him 'shine'. These were the ones that got less written of and didn't give a damn. They were the ones that, when winter came, got St. Francis food and cloth. 

When of 'no fear', we like to 'share', Some, like St. Francis, almost even to the extent of giving oneself away. May there always be new 'playgrounds' to find, new 'challenges' to meet, new 'pledges of tricky loyalties' to make also for us humans, as individuals. 


And we like to 'shine', and in all possible ways. 'Shining backwards' is for the 'snob', the guy that sees the Porsche as to 'posh', and therefore drives a rusty CV4. Well, that guy may be almost a bit 'over the top'. Not many will recognize the 'excellence' in driving a rusty CV4. And so he will find something more 'proper', for 'shining backwards'. 

And so, our guy will find something 'smart',  a 'Smart Car'; very small, very ugly, but not too ugly. In fact pretty 'nice', yes? And very 'chic', too, consuming almost nothing of that bad polluting gasoline. And so, mr. 'Shining backwards' buys a Smart? Yes, he might not be offended to get one. Then again, he might not 'give a dang' as he is interested in other 'things', things that make him 'purr'.

We go to the hair dressers, put on fancy clothes and shoes. We make ourselves beautiful to the benefit of all, not the least our self. Them females are almost the worst kind, and very particular about shoes, handbags. All of them are are. Please don't forget to buy her one more.

'Being human', one of our most basic needs, as human beings. We like to 'shine', to 'excel'. Luckily, whilst busy doing all the shining, we also discover that we like to 'share', too. 


We all like to excel, individually and 'groupwise', but preferrably when 'tuned'. The more 'finely tuned', the more we shine. And the more we enjoy being 'together'.

Dub FX music is done using the voice as primary 
instrument. Of how many 'strings' is a voice? 
Of how many 'strings' (tonalities) may 
voices become? 

Humans, sometimes referred to as 'elohim' (the 'god that is many', the group), are fine tuning and then fine tuning the fine tuning even a bit more. And then some more, too. And sometimes we think it to be 'not too bad', and maybe almost as often 'good, but not good enough'. 

That is, as long as we do it ourselves. When someone else is doing something 'so and so', really good that is, and that we tell them too.


As we 'develop' we become 'more'. We 'expand'. In the beginning of our journey, we get happy by 'shining' to making 'impressions' on fellow beings. With time, this 'wish' to shine 'onto others' changes. The 'soft glow' that ones being takes on does infact not wish to 'glow' onto other beings. Not as long as it prevents them from also 'shining', as in 'taking on even more profound expression'. 'Shining', 'glowing', not as a result of a wish to 'dominate'. 

To 'silently tread among others', is that what we wish to 'become'? No, this is not 'we'. More like 'to silently progress into beings of greater and greater magnitude of expression', outside of any intent of hindering fellow beings. 

'Domination' make fellow beings 'cling' to You, they in ways 'become You'. This is the 'purpose' of domination. And so, we do not want that. Because, when these 'friends' cling to You, they do not themselves evolve as much as they could. Not as long as the helping hand that is Yours, carries the wish to be seen. A 'genuinely' helping hand wishes to 'participate', 'support', 'have fun together', not 'dominate'.


'Expanding', as in 'fine tuning' ourselves into becoming more radiant beings, this is what we do in our 'school'. And our results are 'shared' both in 'the heavens' and on Earth. 

Radiant? Radiant as in 'shining'? No, more like radiant as in in 'radiant', radiant as in 'the light in their eyes'. And a being 'of radiance' carries no intent to 'shadow' other beings. 

And when 'there', we may find that what we do, is nothing less than to 'softly glow to the inside and outside of self'.


The 'energetic body' of human channels 'life flow'. There is a 'basal energy of life' that flows into us. Yes, this energy is a 'flow'. It is not a 'wave form', also not a 'vibration'. 'Chakras', 'trees of life', 'tiphereth', 'energy nodes'. These are words that may help giving us 'pictures' of our 'energy bodies'. 

Using the framework of 'chakras', life energy flows into our beings from our 'base' or 1st chakra, placed at the 'base' of our torso. That same life energy, in fact life itself,  flows into our beings also from the 'crown', the 7th chakra. Is that how it is? Yes it is and no it is not. We are 'manifested'. We are both vibration and flow. And that flow that is 'life itself', this we 'bathe inside of'. This is what we do. Still, that 'image' of 'life flow' been given from below and above, is also true. It is valid in that I AM both of these, and these two polarities of me, that are in ways very similar, are also 'each others ends'. And when these ends meet, heaven is celebrating, too.

The 'life' that flow into all living beings, gets 'modified', takes on new more complex and subtle expressions at different stages of the 'ladder' that lead to 'humanhood'. 

Dogs, cats, pigs, cows, horses, elephants, fish, cattle, birds, bees, humans and butterflies are built by 'energy'. These beings energy bodies may be 'explained',  'visualized' by using the framework of 'chakras'. Humans, as in 'physical beings' are in this way similar to other animals. The energy that 'is' a bird is at origin exactly that same 'life energy' as that which 'is' the human being.


"And so I dub thee, 'humane being', of 'humanhood'. And what was Your name, Ms?" "My 'name', dear Sire, is 'a fish named Wanda'. No, not 'dish'! 'Fish', dear Sire." Yes, there is something 'fishy' going on. A fish becoming of 'humanhood'? ...hm. "Well, dear Sire, let's say I settle for 'humane being' then. 'Humane', as I don't eat other living beings. Yes, I am that kind of fish. The kind that eat 'squabble', rarely, in fact  never other things that move, or scream. "


Life flows into all of us, cat or dog. And as with humans, in all beings 'clear light' mixes with 'love', modulation, variation, likeness, transfiguration, transposition, and similarity of 'identity' is. As a being 'grows up', these expressions gets 'more and more', and more finely chiseled. Humans painting  arabesques of change, balancing acts of rhytm and pitch. With themselves, from themselves, and together.

Yes, we try to do just that. And other things, too. 

Clear light is 'life' filtered through the being, at different stages taking on new expressions. Clear light in some ways are defined, by 'Love', that in ways same 'life' pictured as flowing from Earth. Is there a message in this? Yes, there is. The human being may be pictured as 'stretched' between GOD and 'hishers' Kingdom, that which I call Earth. Using that picture, 'life' flows into 'us' from both ends, 'top' and 'bottom'.

Earth then the physical, and the heavens above. And yet the flow that come from Earth, somehow define that which is 'from above'? Yes, in some ways it does. And I am both, remember? 

Life flows inside us also from the 'inside', 'outside', and every other side. And another word for 'life', is GOD. 'Life' is the flow, that make our bodies live. When we 'die' as in 'leave the physical body', life flows in that body no more. This is the 'current' that GOD places into our beings. 


When living inside what may be called '3rd density' (level or plane of existance), this current meets every human being some 35000 times each second. That same current is giving life to all dogs, cattle, elephants, and other mammals some 20000 to 25 000 times each second, still measured when inside that same plane of existance. 

All mammals are 'human beings'. Not all mammals are humane, as in 'no killing allowed'. To become 'humane', one will have to stop killing oneselves and other beings. Using the image from the Bible, where GOD shows Jacob a ladder one may add to that image, that the ladder has 'stages', too.

The ladder, that which is our genome, changes as we develop our beings. The genome consist of RNA and DNA. DNA changes according to GODs say. RNA changes according to, in part, how we ourselves 'form' our beings. 

There is another 'picture', also using the Bible, where GOD says that he will persecute every wrong doing, and unto third generation. RNA changes, in accordance with our actions. When we stop killing, become beings of 'non killing', then RNA changes. And these changes of RNA are already 'there', as in 'written'. And, oddly, that 'walk' from 'beast' to 'humane' for no one will take more than three lives.

Still, quite a 'promenade', yes?

'bilosony2' playing with colour.


begin the begin, wer'e absolute beginners all saints and sinners
but wouldn't it be dim dum no fun to let this one to the 'inners'
yeah, let's ask them to do it, to show it, to blow it, let's move it
to the out crowd now the in crowd and a cloud in trousers too
screaming out loud, see? And pretty and proud to be so fo sho'
why would we?
why should we?
how could we?
let 'them' run this show.
cause we also did that, we done that and ragged it up we did too
and I did it too, that I know fo sho' and You did it to that used to be fo'
been here before playin on this shore wishin for more no one to ignore
walked here through the core now did I, was I, no that was not me, so
more like I was here already and in store everywhere just ask me bro'
why would we not?
why should we not?
how could we not?
this is 'us' now doin' some tow
were all in this together with a fool who's playing it for keeps, too
now let's be goin, this show is startin, at s:t martins? no at every shore
cause we've done this before but not in this style now go get some more
team up and team down upside down flipside up to glorify this town so
the one badly sad has had it now wish it go dish it let's serve it let's go
yes, why wouldn't we?
yes, but shouldn't we?
wow, how couldn't we?
jointly saintly sinners dainty bake this dough,

Yes, we could, yes we would and yes we can too
and that's sort of in the mind, go get this man bro'
bring himher out in the tan to tango with a mango
who knows how far this blueprint and plan may go
yo' that's up to me and we and him as 'clan' and mo'.


the TNT crew tear things up, London Style!

Yes, yes, yes!

Was that a christmas tree, by the way, that rhyme? Or was it a 3-tier life tree perhaps? Let's hope that the 'foot' is sturdier, than that in Daniels vision for Nebuchadnessar, of the Bible, remember?

Yes, it is, GOD and God and elohim, too, cries out in unison. No clay on that foot. Clay no good for xmas tree and life tree neither. And Yes, working in unison we do, too. ((;


There is in the Bible something referred to as 'the Golden Rule'. Do not unto others, what You do not wish for them to do to You. And there is, in physics and buddhism, the 'law of cause and effect'. Every action causes a reaction. 

With murder, my reaction is to make that murderer understand the cruelty of hisher action. By placing hisher new frame, upon 'changing' bodies, into similar context where the 'heshe' murderer will this time be the one that gets killed. This I do as it is the best way I know of, to get 'killing of humans', washed out of our 'systems'. With murder, I allow no more than 3 lives for this lesson to be. This as murder cause too much pain. 

When humanity of this Earth had written millions of times, as in millions of people; 'enough of murder now, for me to hate it', then I did nothing? For the first 20 million times, and the next 20 billion, I did nothing? Nothing but checking if human was still 'kicking'? 

Was this what I did and didn't do?

No, I did a few things more. I replaced every human on the verge of being killed, with myself. When I was killed inside that body, I wrote a mark to both the 'soul' and the 'SOUL'. And I wrote that mark to both of the 'souls'. And the soul of the being that I replaced did get that mark, too.

To die is very, very painful. It does prevent me from living more days inside my body. And so, that human which I made most often feel less, or very little physical pain upon dying. I took that pain, for him. That humans soul was written to, too. And the 'murderer' in ways described in the Bible, was made understand to 'not be of any more kill no more', too. 

After that, the book of GOD is written such, that this murderer will never more exist. This as I have changed his very being, by giving him the pain back, that he gave to others. And the murderer is 'washed clean'.


And the 'marks' I here speak of, those marks
of killings and murder of human, are these the 'mark of the beast'? No, they are not. Not in its' entirety. The mark of the beast, is 'the mark of killing'.


When we 'murder' or 'get murdered'. When we steal, corroborate to steal, and in other ways manipulate that which we know is 'truth' from inside ourselves. When we are happy and sad, filled with bliss and desperate. All of these times there is written a 'mark' into our 'souls', and all of the time. And when enough 'marks' are written, the genome, as in RNA, changes. And when RNA has changed enough, as in 'has made human stop killing each other', then DNA will change, too. 

For human walking this Earth, that will be in a little more than 25 years from now. At that time, 'man' of this Earth will have a new pair of genes. These genes are placed there by GOD. Another word for GOD is Creation. 

Creation as in 'home'.
Creation as in 'our' home.

And  'home' has been waiting very long to place that pair of genes. And Creation is very happy to do so!


"Is there too much of 'GOD' in this text?" GOD murmurs. "No, I don't think so. Let me check...hmmm..seem some guys will get a little offended by all that 'Godly crap'? I think I will have to stick to it for a little bit more, then. You guys, that I made question my existance, remember this. 

I made You do that, because I 'had to'. If everyone knew, there was a 'God' watching over hisher shoulder, who would then kill anyone? Who would threaten anyone? Who would steal? Pretty few would do this, in these times. Human has changed. In older times, as when I walked Earth as the Christ, when I visited calling myself Buddha, then human was different, more apt to murder. 

A being of 'fear'.

Human at those times, since 6000 years and up until about a week ago, were living inside that fear. Not the same fear all the time, but fearful enough to kill. These 'times' or 'stages' of human life on Earth, sometimes also of different 'densities'. And the life flow that is 'me' changes, the 'sparks of life' that is 'me' getting 'more', as human changes. 

The 2nd density is the density 'of fear'. This density is the 'valley of the shadow of death', as mentioned in 'Davids Psalm 23'. And this is the 'mark' of the 2nd density. The 'shadow of death' of ones own kind. This is the most vital asset a human being has, his own life. 

And as mankind got 'old and wise', more and more people 'understood' that they did not prefer to kill, nor to be killed.
 To be killed is painful. To kill is painful too, but not as painful as it is to be killed. And the pain of all those murders I have written to 'myself', and to 'our SOUL'. 


When a human gets old, or ill, the 'wish to life' gets weaker. There is a time, when a human does no longer wish to go on living. And I hear that, as I am that human. And so, that human will start preparing to 'dying'. This process of dying is painful. It is a time for saying 'good bye'. Many cultures have recognized that. 

The 'Bardo Thodol' (Book of the Dead) describes the experiences that consciousness has after death, before rebirth. That 'book' also goes into, how to help a friend 'prepare'. Death is final. This is so. No more will the human 'being' that body, come back. Not inside of that same body. When the 'life' that is that soul has left 'hisher' body, I place 'his being', as in 'my energy', inside a new life.

Yes, I remember, everything. Yes, I forgive, 
everything, including myself.

Creation is of one SOUL. It all belongs together. So, there is one BIG SOUL? Yes, there is. But there is also one 'individual soul'. This is where I 'write'. I write to the SOUL and all souls, and I write it as it is written. Everything that has ever happened I have placed inside me.

Hindus call me 'Brahma' (as in the creator), 'Vishnu' (the one upholding) and 'Shiva' (the one that changes). El, Allah, are other names I have. In all these names there is but one, and that one, is GOD. One GOD, of many 'faces'. 

The Sun is 'me', as in 'God', the God that is this solar system, this 'universa' (a 'universe' in the making).  The water is 'me', as in God. Still, as much as I AM (which are 'we') organize that which is 'us' in all these different 'layers', there is but one GOD, 'that' which is life itself. GOD is inside us all, as much as GOD is all of us. 'God' may be pictured as the 'shadow' of GOD.

May I? No, sir! I prefer to be 'seen' too. A shadow I am not. I have to admit, though, that dear GOD is of greater 'might' than me. But then again, I do have all these universes of 'mine'. OK, they are 'hishers' too, GOD I mean, to take care of. And that I do pretty well. Better than most, if I say it myself, which I just did. And, there being just one God, too, tricky it will be to wrong me on that one. ((;

And one GOD, too, remember? 'Big' GOD, himher that is life itself. The sun, the grass and the water is also 'me', as in 'God'.  'God' is not life itself, but 'heshe' is the giver of life, as well as the giver of love, and the giver of clear light, too. We will talk more on this, too. There is both one 'god', as in GOD, and many 'gods', as in elohim. GOD that is Life, is but one. Yes, that I AM, and everything else too.

'Life', 'love' and 'clear light'. These are the three dimensions that we build ourselves from, and 'around'. Mixing them, building them, sometimes even attempting to change their 
'sign', 'modality' and 'content'. Yes, we do that, too.

Sign, modality and content? What is that? 'Me' (as in God) will just have to go into that in different 'chapter', called 'What Life Is'. 


3rd density, which You are all inside by now (that happened 3 days ago, yes it did), that 3rd place is no 3rd placing in my contest. No, it is not. This must be one of those 'my forgetful days'. Sorry Lars, did I forget to congratulate You and 'me' (as in 'us') that 'Our' Earth just 'levelled up', from 2nd to 3rd placing that was. Congrats! And don't forget to tell everyone else about the news.


As creation 'mechanics' work - most of it outside space/time - that which is 'You' can be and is at more than one 'place', also in different 'moments in time'. 

The work in making that being that is 'You' becoming of more layers is done by You and 'me', as in both GOD and God, and those 'elohim' that live inside of 6th density are 'helping', too. Helping? This is what 'we' do, us 'elohims' up there. It's not the one and only thing we do, but it is the most difficult, the most sad and at the same time most profound experience we have. 

When giving You 'grief' or other 'bad' experience that has to be there, for growing to 'be'. We are not happy to be doing that. But we are happy to see 'You' that is part of 'us' grow, when learning that experience of 'togetherness'. When You have experienced many people dying 'around' You, there is like a 'weight' inside. Ask the elders. 

That 'weight' make us not wish to stay here any more. And so, when one gets older, one to greater and greater extent 'feels' that it is time to 'leave'. And so we do that, when getting 'old enough'. And this is causing 'grief' and sorrow. No less grief there is, when a young person dies.

Why then, do we make children die, when they don't have to? We do that too, for growing to be. The grief in that is not similar, not in all ways, to the grief felt, when an 'elder' dies. The elder him/herself often feels that they 'have had' their life. The child has not been given a 'full' life.

There is another 'kind' of 'weight' needed, in all of us, in that we begin 'hating death'. We get more 'value' to that 'weight'  -ahimsa, non violence, no 'death' - when we live through war, famine, the death of our own children, the death of our most loved ones. This is the worst a human can go through. Yes, this is the 'worst of it'. And some of us kill ourselves too, rather than continue living, when going through these 'experiences'.


Do we 'grieve' with You, when causing this 'impossible' pain? Yes, we are that ones 'grieving', in exactly same way as You are. Still, we know that this has to be, too, for 'us' to learn to become of strength enough to say 'never, never, never ever again, will I accept any kind of violence'. This insight is the most costly we have to 'learn', and from many many 'perspectives', as in 'lives'. 

We grieve, with You, and continue causing 'pain' until we can not go on doing that, any more. Then we have to do other things. Or 'we' will die, too. And when a 'higher/inner density being of elevation such as God, feels he wish to die rather than 'go on', then we have all 'had enough'. 

There is more to say about this, but right here right now it will suffice to say that the grief that God and GOD has inside their beings, is of such 'weight' (such sorrow) it would instantly kill some billions of people in itself. Sorrow, when 'profound' (terrible enough), has the 'ability' (power) to kill almost everything.


Let's 'talk' a little more on this. When a child dies, let us assume that the mother and father loved their child so much, that their marriage does no longer work. After that, the father start drinking, loses his job, and finally kills himself. The mother tries to 'go on' (there is such strength in the female, in fact more than there is in the male). 

The mother gets a weight inside her, making her wish to live 'alone', however. Or she may start drinking. But more often she will choose to try go on living, looking to create a 'new life' for herself. This she will do, as long as she carries that strength inside her, that is of the 'female'. The strength that is carrying her 'line' of life to new generations.

This 'strength' of the female makes her grow faster than does the male, as far as 'grief' and nurturing is concerned. The female therefore is, and becomes even more, of 'nurturing'. And this 'nurturing' of the female, is a beautiful 'part' of that which finally make the whole being (male and female) become 'absolutely and totally of non violence'.


The 'non violence' that builds up in the male, is of different kind. The male is abstract, the female is practical. The male is  the 'soloist', the female from the start better apt to work in groups. These are generalizations almost into the extreme, but also true. So, the male (to simplify more than almost possible, as we did with the 'female' just before), let's assume that the male does also have the strength to 'continue'.

The 'knowledge' he builds up, will be of more 'abstract' kind, than will that of the female. He will even more often become 'the loner'. His grief will be less right after the death of his child, but it will last longer. He will recall in his memory, the image of that child playing and laughing, tens and tens of years, for the rest of his life. The female will, too, but not to the extent that the male does.

This 'abstract' quality of the male, makes him less good a 'manager' of the daily. Yes, typically it does. The good side of that quality being, that he will be more apt to becoming  a researcher of highest 'grade', a musician of 'best' quality. Man is created of more 'vision', than female. Female is created of more 'caring' (caring now) than the male. The male is created more to 'find means and ways avoiding grief 'later'.

The males and the females 'passage' through 'grief', is different. Gods (and to much higher magnitude GODs) grief in causing all that pain, is 'no less'. The grief is shared, and multiplied, too. It has to be, because God and GOD and elohim too, are not 'killers'. We have 'slaughtered' 
ourselves too many times, for this not to be so.


You are a 'wanderer among the stars'. You venture, as does everyone, between the universes. There You learn yet more 'fine tuning'. And that takes time. We (as in 'us humans') like to do as much as we can, to build ourselves to something of even greater 'beauty', whether 'beauty' of (and inside of) 2nd, 3rd or 12th integration. 

The music is part of that setting, as is the singer. When You have many singers, there is a 'chorus'. What we do, in all different densities, is trying to build the means to making more beautiful 'music', 'everywhere'. 

This is true for 3rd density Earth, as for all densities. We can learn to 'play' this dimension even better. This we do, by getting to know 'ourselves' in this dimension, even better.

This is Peter Jöback. The song is of 'Stockholm', 
a place in Sweden, a country inside of  2nd/3rd 
density Earth. Beautiful, yes?

This is Anna Netrebko and Elina Garanca singing 
'Barcarolle' from 'the Tales of Hoffman' by Jaques 
Offenbach. There is much beauty found, being 
two voices. Two voices, as in 'dialogue'.

3rd density is of 'not killing' other humans. 4th density is 'not killing at all'. This 'strive' in ourselves most of us know, already. We do not prefer to be killed. Certain 'rules' apply, to all dimensions. These 'rules' are always difficult to learn, to master. We build our existance this way. We do not make things 'easy' for ourselves.

I have called this Earth that was 'second derivative 2b'. This was a pretty lonely place, as compared to that of 3rd or 4th densities, these being more of 'integration'. 

'Second derivative 2b' has been too much killing. Far too much. When I 'place' my humans ('myself') inside of this density, there has to be 'free will', for learning to be. 'Free will' giving the chances of taking both 'right' and 'wrong' steps. The idea of it to take many enough 'wrong steps', to 'learn'. And enough many 'right' steps, too.


And that learning has been very painful.  I have 'shared' that pain of my children, as I always do. There is still far too much pain inside 'me', that is GOD. 'Sharing' as I have been, that has not been enough. Not for me, no it has not. 'Lars' has been 'shown' some of that pain I carry inside, and that is enough to say right here, right now.

Yes, that will do. I am 'through' but I am not 'through', yet. Are we 'through', my boy, and that 'already'? I am very happy to hear that. didn't take much more than 3500 years 'this time', did it?


In these times of 'Global World', the 'context' of human on this Earth has changed. The 'western world', Europe, and 'the Americas', and industrialization has brought human into an entirely different, in some ways but not all 'more dense' context. In earlier days, there used to be many more 'villages'. All towns were 'small towns'. There used to be 'tribes'. Human of those times to much higher extent than today, was depending on his/her 'friends and family', to be able to get a 'good life'.

Making a dinner on a wooden stove, how much time does that take? It takes some 2 to 3 hours to do that. After that, the warming of water and cleaning up will take another few hours. And where to get the water? There is no faucet in the kitchen, a kitchen that is most often a place where 'many'  eat and 'share' time. 

In the 1800's, most humans were still collecting water for cooking and cleaning from local lakes and streams. Wells did exist, but were few. Digging a well in those times was a venture done collectively. First one had to dig a hole, 3 metres or more deep. The better place to dig that well is not soft 'fertile soil', but rather that stony, sandy hard 'earth'. This, as the water found there, is more easy to get 'clean'. There is less mud in that water.

Did the people living in those days care about that? Yes, some did, but not all. Those who did, had to work hard to get clean water from their own well. After the hole was ready, this was the method of digging a well. First, find a lot of stones. Then, add some stone more, and then some more. The hole in the ground has to be dug pretty wide, for these 'stone walls' to have enough 'room', as they had to be pretty 'wide', not to fall back into the well. 

When the well was finished, as in 'there', one would typically have to wait a pretty long time, for the water to 'clear'.
The 'project' of building a good functioning well typically involded many humans. These humans became of pretty 'close context'. They had to, to survive, to get clean.

The 'daily life' of cooking, cleaning up, trying to keep tidy, quite typically took most of the day, for most people. The rest of the work was food gathering, by 'growing it' or by hunting.
This was the life for the human being for quite long times. 

Whilst digging together, whilst awaiting a dinner and whilst doing laundry, these humans came to talk a lot, share a lot, get to be a 'tribe' and 'friends', a lot. This is how it was. And much of that was 'not too bad'.


The 'western human' has taken on expressions of 'different social context' as compared to that of China, Japan or Egypt. Western human is of 'individuality', a quality that make 'societal changes' such as the 'industrialization' and 'globalization of 'Earth' more 'fluid'. 

And so, that 'western human' that was to very great extent USA, was to become a means to the 'regrouping' of mankind into a 'global being' living in a 'global world'. The world that is, today. The 'western world', a 'world of individuality. And still there is some wonderfully glowing 'orange' (as in 'togetherness') there, also in western worlds. 

Yes, let's talk a little more, of the yellow and orange, 'You' and 'me', our context and tribe, family and friends. Picture Yourself - Your awareness - as circles. The first thing You get to know, is 'Yourself'. This somehow is 'natural' as that which is You, is inside the body that is You. And so, the first 'circle' of awareness, is 'You'. 

The second most important circle of awareness we often see as 'our family'. The family we trust, and give 'loyalty'. As we give them that much, we also feel entitled to place 'demands' on them. The family and You interact 'much'. The third circle may be our 'friends' and the next one our 'relatives'. For the 'workaholic', the 'work' 'awareness circle' may be placed very high, maybe even sharing some of that space of awareness as is 'family' and 'friends'. 

Contrasting to this way of organising ones 'fields of awareness and attention', eastern cultures work in different 'way'. The chinese has a history of tightly knit social context. This makes a chinese giving more attention to some of the 'circles as here talked about', placing these 'higher up' in their hierarchies, than what does 'western human'.

Western and Eastern worlds differ in 'social context'.

The way a chinese see hisher world, is (as always) unique to the individual. Still, there are 'common treats' here, quite different from those found in e.g. USA. The 'circle' of 'togetherness', the being placed in a 'frame' where individuals by reason of tradition, customs, 'respect' integrate themselves into 'networks'; this circle works far more efficiently, as in 'fluid', in China, than what it does in USA or France.

Is this good or bad? Suggested is, it is 'both'. 

Does that also mean that the Chinese see the rainbow differently from that which does the European? Yes, it does. This is so. The way the chinese sees the rainbow also depend on 'eye sight'. Hisher 'mode of interest' will influence impression, too, same as it does in the west.


"There are times for 'dreams' and times for making dreams become true. The 'manager' will typically carry his umbrella with him on the way to his job, and quite possibly will also miss out on that beautiful rainbow of ours, whilst allowing us others to 'vision' and 'dream'. He has other things to do. It takes many kinds to bake a cake. And God is by now getting warm in them clothes, preparing to continue his bla bla bla. "Have You ever heard of the proverb 'the more of cooks, the worse the stew'?" Lars interrupts. 

"Aah, there's that obnoxious 'Lars' again," God hisses. "Hisses? But wasn't that for that snake. That snake with the apple, remember?" Lars innocently asks God. "Yes, I do at times hiss, too, and them snakes are me, too. Any more questions, Lars? Getting quiet already? Well, whilst Lars is busy thinking up new 'hinderances', would Lars have the kindness of allow us others to continue?

Thank You.

Now, where were I (as in 'me', and 'us')? Lars? Wasn't it something about a cake, or something? Lars, where are You? The cake? Aah, the cake! No, it does not, Lars. This particular cake gets better, the more there are, baking it. And this thing we are preparing for You, me, and 'us' is no ordinary cake. This particular cake has occupied my and our thoughts and action for quite some time. Yes, indeed. And Gods eyes gets glittery, that old worn rugged man floating away, dreaming. No, I am not. And this dream is 'in deed', already.

Elvis and Céline;If I can dream? Yes, I can.

You are at times a very good example, Lars. Now, concentrate! And I do thank You, from the heart I do, for bringing this important issue of 'field of attention', into 'our' picture. Now, there is 'awareness', and there is 'interest'. And that You already knew. There is also 'focus', based on ones 'intent'. And that intent is tied to ones 'ambitions'. Now, concentrate! Don't forget to interrupt, if there is something that You think I need clarify.

Field of awareness.
Field of attention.
Field of interest.

Humans expressed as 'fields of awareness'.
Humans like to 'stick together'. In this image,
two humans are getting to know each other,
the third one for some reason being closed out.

May I have Your attention, please? Thank You. I am pondering, a little. In the beginning, awareness is. When a star is born, the first thing realized by 'being' is awareness. You can not become interested, when awareness is not. You can also not focus Your attention when awareness is not. And so, awareness will be the most 'general', 'first', 'outer', 'general' dimension there is.

"And yes, this was the case for me, too", GOD interrupts. "When I came too. First there was awareness. Thank You for remembering to remind me, God. And where is Lars, by the way. You running this show now, God?"

"Well, I had to. But he'll be back. I know he will. I am him, remember? Anyhow, let's get on with mr Yellow and ms. Blue now... 

And so, mr. Yellow and ms. Blue meet. Who of these two is most intrigued by that other being, in the picture? Clearly mr. Yellow. He is giving ms. Blue both interest and attention, whilst she give him some interest, but not more. And so, Mr. Yellow will have to discover, how to 'court'. How to 'behave' at court. Because mr. Yellow, using the colours from before is of 'love', and Ms. Blue is of 'clearlight'.

And one of the qualities of 'love' is that it is 'direct'. Clearlight prefer to 'think about it'. So, the male is 'love' and the female 'clearlight'? That is good to know. And never meet the two. Yes, this is so, to an extent. And it is also not so, as it always is, when GOD and quantum mechanics is involved." 

The female is of love, a different love, than man. Man is of different clearlight than the female. So it is. I created 'us' 
that way, and for a reason, too. When these two meet, courting there will be. And maybe ms. Blue will pay mr. Yellow her attention. If she does, that will be the effect of these two getting to know each other better. 

And when getting to know someone, and liking that someone, one will start learning, too. Seeing qualities on the other that one prefer, and wish to 'mimicry', learn.

Who is that green 'And what about me' guy, then, and why is he left out? Is love among three possible? Is perhaps 'green' a child of mr. Yellow and Ms. Blue? And if that is, why does heshe not get attention enough? And how much attention
 is attention enough, for a child?

That will do, for now."

Human beings, fish and bird. All there is, is of me. All there is, is me, is inside me. This is 'me' and this is 'mine'. And this here writing is 'me myself'. And 'we' are a group, as in 'us'. 'You' and 'them' are 'us' and 'me'. 'Self', 'ego' and 'id' I am too. And forests and lakes, to mention a few. 

This is how it is.

All of these I AM, in similar way that You, 'my physical image of 2nd and 3rd densities', are 'body and mind', 'outside and inside', 'energy and matter',
'spirit and soul'.

I AM 'GOD' and I am 'God'. 

'GOD' is the all, the everything there is, there was and will (as far as 'me myself' know) ever be. 'God' is the imprint of 'GOD', inside of 'existance'. 'GOD' is the giver of life. 'God' is the transformer of life. 'GOD' and 'God' are the same, but still not the same. Just like GOD is both 'God', and 'You', 'You' are not 'GOD'. At least not in my entirety, You are not. 'GOD' is 'everything', 'God, is 'almost everything' and 'human' is the apple of my eye. 

And pretty much more, too.

Humans are star seeds and star dust. We jump up (the dust from a star always like to jump up) and down (a star sometimes feel for planting seeds) the ladder of creation all the time. And that 'jumping' takes time. One day we are human, three thousand years and tears later to be 'masters of  the universe', living inside sixth density, and enjoying it pretty much, too.

I have already written much on who I AM, in many many books. If You look for a description, there are many to be found. Religion (all of them) 'see' parts of me, and none of them are wrong. The golden rule is everywhere, yes? Yes, it is. Philosophy 'sees' pretty much of me, as does music, art, dancing, writing, math and physics and liguistics, too. And it all has a 'story' to tell, of happiness, suffering, joy, and grief, and laughter.

This is how 'life' is. Oneness and diversity. 'Emptiness', as in 'feeling pretty little' not much different from 'death', still sometimes is 'comforting'. And so, life is movement and repose. There is 'rhytm', as in music.

My 'breath' is that which gives life to this Earth. When I exhale, everything is getting its form. When I inhale, I get my life back. 'Exhaling' I do, in 3rd Earth density, some 20000 to 30000 times each second. When I breathe faster, there is more life. Movement and repose, rhytm, then add a little 'colour', and music 'is'.  

Logos is 'the word', that which is 'written'. And that which I 'write', in all its' shades and colours, is 'Love'. When in 'chaos' or when seeing 'the impossible', remember that my Love is there with You. I am with You, always. It was always me. It is always me. And when 'fairytales do become true', this will also be me.  

Did I forget to tell You that I love You?
No, I did not.


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