Sunday, September 18, 2011

the Golden Ratio.

In times of rapid change human is changing too, inside and outside. 'Phi' is found everywhere in universe (well almost). What is special with 'phi' (the golden ratio), with 'fibonacci', and with 'solfeggio'? Since 1993, Cirque du Soleil has produced seven original, permanent shows in Las Vegas, creating a garden of delights that has transformed entertainment. Transformation, yes, but what has that got to do with 'phi'? Let's have a look.

Beautiful, yes? Beautiful, as in 'balance'. As creation unfolds itself, beauty is. Creation is 'of beauty'. Creation is of balance, organic. Flowers, cones, shells, humans, animals; 'phi' is everywhere. What has this number (1.61803...) got to do with 'balance'? Why not 'pi' (3.14...) - as in 'the circle - instead of the 'phi spiral'? A 'spiral' of creativity, as in 'creation', as in 'I AM'.

As the universe unfolds, it 'spirals', inwards and out. Each universe is created (made manifest) using 'iterations' of sort, starting from somewhere not too far from 'the middle' and then built 'inwards' (or 'outwards', pick Your own choice. This creative process is not done from inside 'space/time). But 'spirals', it does. A universe does not create as a 'snake' biting his own tail. Well, one could say that it does. But then, that 'snake' must have gotten angry whet biting itself in the tail, and therefore rotated. Because a universe does not return to its' beginning. Never. Creation is organic, and it is building itself 'back' to where it all started, but 'better'. Better as in 'more expressive', 'more expressions', 'more complex pictures', 'less boring realities'. Creation returns back to where it started, only 'bigger', more 'condensed' (as in a greater multitude of physical realities). And so, the creation of a universe is forming a 'spiral', not a 'circle'. ((:


1 + (√5:2) = Φ ...This is the mathematical expression (equation) for 'phi', the 'golden mean'. In creation, the physical densities are 4, plus a 'messenger of kind' (a not yet fully realized, not yet 'condensed' density). The messenger is the first density. Density 1 is pictured by Mercury, in our solar system.

As the picture shows, our solar system is built by 8 planets plus 4 'dwarf planets'. Each of these planets correspond in a very factual way (as in 'this is how it is'), to our 'planes' or 'densities' of existance in creation. The second planet is Venus, the third Earth. The 'plane' or density in which we now exist (our density) is third, as is the placing of Earth in our solar system. I refer to our plane of existance ('density') as '2b', as third density is not of killing. This earth (as in 'us') is entering third density 'as we speak' ('now').

Third density will end in slightly less than 30 years, where Earth and us will enter the 'golden age', the fourth density or plane of existance. Now back to 'the golden mean' formula. The '1' in that formula was Mercury, remember? Still, a 'messenger' Mercury is. And so I AM telling You that first density exist, but so far only as a 'messenger'. First density is not yet fully 'realized'. And so, for this 'Earth' in that we live in, the '1' is not (yet) Mercury, but Venus. Venus is the 'second' plane (or density), but so far the first fully 'realized' (as in created) physical density (plane). The remaining physical densities, numbered 3, 4, 5 are 'realised' (real, 'condensed' using an alchemical term), too. Our physical planes of existance - where the human has a body - are 4, aiming for 5 ('the messenger'). Four, as in the sides of a cube. Four, as in KAABA, the holiest of Holy, built by Abraham. ((:

The '(√5:2)' of the 'golden mean' (phi) formula involve planets (and planes, and densities) 2, 3, 4 and 5. The planets representing physical densities of Creation as it is, which is same in this unverse as it is elsewhere (in other universes). The root of the '5' is, in third density divided by '2'. This as 'our' first density does not yet exist as it should do, among the physical 'planes'. When 'Mercury' is fully 'condensed' as in 'placed into the physical', then this 'golden mean formula will be '(√5:3)'. For now, we will have to do with '(√5:2)'. And so, there it is, in full explained, the 'golden ratio' of this third density Earth that we live in, 1 + (√5:2) = Φ

In fourth density (3rd plane of physical existance, the golden age), what will be the 'golden ratio' there? Will it be (1 + √5:3) = 'the golden mean'? Yes, it will. 1.0786893... The 'golden mean' of density four will be smaller than that we now use (1.618...). 'Creationalwise', one may conclude that the 'phi spiral' of creation, goes inwards. ((:


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