Sunday, September 18, 2011


Some 2000 years ago, Jesus Christ was nailed to a cross. Symbolically, this was also a crucifiction (as in not allowed to develop from 'savage' to 'beacon') of the male. More literally , it was the crucifiction of 'God' himself. 

The male was to remain a brute and a risk taker, with only too many wars, killings and murders 'up his sleeve'. Reasons for this were the states mankind of this second derivative earth on which we live, were to be brought through. The male had to remain in part the 'brute', for enough 'learning' to be possible.

RNA is the part of ourselves over time formed by our lives, our culture, our 'context'. RNA changes according to our experiences. Measured as a 'three generation imprint' noticeable changes in our RNA will be. These changes are done, according to a 'plan'. 

This particular 'plan' is about building - as in 'spinning', 'weaving' ('blending') - humans and human experiences, worldwide and over long times. The primitive ages, the middle ages, all ages in fact, including 'global Earth'. All these ages from 'Abraham' and onwards, until 'now'. This is what we (as in 'elohim') refer to as 'second density 2b' and these are the times this 'man' has been brought through. 


Earth should be at third density (integration), but is not. As long as there is killings of humans, Earth is of 'second class'. Yes, that expression is intentional and the placing of Earth within 'second density' also according to - exactly in line with - the 'plan' made by GOD pretty much exactly 3500 years ago. Earth was then of  'Babylonian Culture', and 'God' was referred to as 'Anu'.

3500 years ago? Science has it, this culture 'was' some 7000 - 8000 years back in time? This is so, and this is also not so. The way 'realities' are built (woven) by God, is by mixing 'memories' and 'real time physical existence'. 'Memories' are 'real time events' not allowed, by God, to become 'physical realities'. 

Some reasons for this are; too much killing, too much brutality, too 'few layers' within the human of these parts of our history, for him/her to always be able to stay inside the physical dimensions of space/time. Human (as in 'we', 'You' and 'me') will eventually be participating 'himherself' in all dimensions of life. Building ourselves into beings able to do that will take a lot of time. And many many more lifes to 'live', too.

The segments of our history that are of this 'non physical' quality, were 'real' in all aspects but one. We (humans of second derivative earth) were 'not there'. What was there was God, creating beings that were only 'him/her'. These segments of our history took place outside time/space, and are not part of the 3500 years as mentioned above. 

These 3500 years - may they then be referred to as 'physical'. Yes, they may. There is more to be said, about this. That which need be said (as in 'can be explained'), will be said, when there is 'ability to hear'. And that will be pretty soon. ((: 


What was allowed to take place also within 'space/time' was (still) far too many killings, far too many 'rapes' of man, female and 'kin' (as in animals). These had to be, for human of this Earth to rebuild himher self into becoming a more peaceful being. 

These changes in our 'beings' are in part due to RNA imprints created by mixing cultures, mixing perspectives (e.g. age, gender). The changed 'imprints' are 'sifted' (cleansed) muiltiples of times, 'rinsed' in different cultural settings and perspectives, 'filtered' through brutality, and more. Being the victim of brutality is 'learning', being the brute is too, but to lesser extent. 

Changing (as in 'building') into becoming of 'non violence' takes time. It has to take time. Changing - as in building, forging, quenching, tempering, multi layering, and then adding still more layers, and then more - growing this second density human into the magnificent being he/she was to become, is now done! 


This second derivative Earth in which we have dwelled, is one of pretty much exactly 144 000 second derivative Earths that will, measured over Creation (in all times and outside of 'time'), transform to and be moved inside of 'gold'.

The 'gold' that is 'me' inside of 'myself?  No, the 'gold' that is inside of Yourself, as in 'Emanuel'. Yes, that will be the case, for the time being. Ask Lars. He knows a little more.

Cultures had to be mixed, experiences had to be lived very very many times, and times again, for RNA to become 'of solid non violence'. Existance is not about killing. It is also not about mutilating, deceiving, stealing. Words such as 'respect' and 'dignity' do have a value today, that was not there 'before'. 


When the Creator - 'God' - went into physical form in name 'Jesus' and 'the Christ', this was to 'share' the pain and terror he/she knew to be necessary to bring mankind (his/hers children) through, for that mankind to develop into, fully emotionally acknowledge and becoming, a being of non violence (ahimsa).


Pay my respects to grace and virtue

Send my condolences to good

Give my regards to soul and romance

They always did the best they could

And so long to devotion

You taught me everything I know

Wave goodbye, wish me well

You've gotta let me go

Are we human or are we dancers?

My sign is vital, my hands are cold

And I'm on my knees looking for the answer

Are we human or are we dancers?

Will your system be alright

When you dream of home tonight?

There is no message we're receiving

Let me know, is your heart still beating?


A comment to the quoted part of the 'killers' song; 'grace' and 'virtue', 'good', 'soul', 'romance', 'devotion', (etc) - all of these 'qualities' are as far as this song concerns, emotional, the language used 'challenging'. Emotions in second derivate beings need to deepen, start shimmering of 'gold' (as in 'good as gold'). Beings of second derivative need to become more 'alive'. One way of getting 'Lars' - and others - more 'alive', is to challenge. Ask any good teacher of that. He/she will verify.

As we develop, the 'meaning and content' of these words remains, but takes on a new 'costume' (often same meaning, always added content). This is what it is all about. As we walk up the ladder of 'densities' (realizations of worlds), our insides (in part RNA) changes, and our comprehension of emotional qualities grows.

The holy ghost and spirit, that which is 'me' in the body of 'everything' that is I AM - has visited this earth many times during these 2000 years, in many names and forms. As much as everything is 'God', mankind of second derivative (integration) and all its' beings, earth itself, everything part of the one same being, I AM.

As much as we are humans, we are also part of 'I AM' and we are, by God, to become dancers, too. The time of this 'second derivative school' of ours is at its' end. Mankind is, right now, changing. This Earth, ravaged by greed and brutality, will get to be a pretty happy place, resting inside the grace of our Creator (Creation, I AM). 

The way and means by which this will be done, is by group effort, by joint ventures. This human of second derivative will rise into becoming a being of love. As much as this human does already carry 'clear light' (a broader concept of intelligence, wisdom), this clear light will also change, increase, grow.

"Are we human or are we dancers?

My sign is vital, my hands are cold
And I'm on my knees looking for the answer
Are we human or are we dancers?"

This is GOD asking. This is 'my' father, brother and son, asking. 'His' sign (as in 'sight', 'vision', and ability to make complete) is now as always as much as ever. In fact more. His hands are getting cold, though. Ask anyone aging why their hands feel cold. If they do not give You the answer, I will. Cold hands You get, as a preparation for the being to 'die'. 

So, is GOD, which is 'all there is', everywhere, in all these universes; is GOD dying? Yes, in a way 'he' is. And in a way, 'he', slightly 'changed' (as in 'rebuilt), will remain.

Lars does not wish to go into this area in any depth at all, because that will make him disintegrate. Yes, it will. I will explain it directly to all of You, also through 'him' that is my vessel in this 'enterprise', that which is when this is written calls himself 'Lars'. His name will be Emanuel, too, but right now 'Lars' will do.

Back to 'Lars', no back to 'Emanuels Son', as this is also what 'he' is, already and 'right now'.

Now, some may ask me; how do I know? The answer is 'because he says so'. Who says so? GOD says so. 'God' as in 'Creation itself'. God as in I AM. God as in Emanuel.

One more thing...

Did GOD forget to tell You that he loves You? Yes, he did. In some ways he did. But that will become clearer, too.

"Will your system be alright
When you dream of home tonight?"

Lars can not 'give meaning' to these lines, which are to very high extent meant for him. I - GOD - will do it for him. You will have to change, Lars, as in 'grow'. That will place 'gold' around Your shoulders, as it 'rightly' should. It will also make You step out of Your entire being, on the way to 'my kingdom'. This is the 'highest of prices one can pay'. It is also the 'highest of rewards one can give'.

You are to become 'me', too. You are one of one hundred thousand 'shards' that I placed, from my own being but not from myself, outside of space/time, for this to 'be'.

'You' - as in 'Lars' - You I have 'plagued', ruined the life for, for 57 years and more. I have utterly destroyed everything around You. I have revived You from 'death', quite many times, too. You have had to walk earth in many shapes and forms. 400 years or slightly less, was it? Yes, 400 years or 21 generations (lives), to be exact. This is Your 21st life on this Earth. Before that, You lived inside my own 'me myself' as my own 'son', and always kept outside of 'the physical'.

Is the 'suffering' - Your suffering - enough, now? No, it is not. You have still some 'distance to go'. For now, this will 'almost' do.

No, I am not 'done' yet. You will have to become of fire and brim? No, You will not. You will have to become of 'nothingness', an empty vessel,  for 'me' to grow inside of. Yes, that is exactly how it is. And that You know.


I am anxious, yes, I am very anxious about this 'lifting' (harvest) of 'second derivative man' into that which is the 'age of gold', the fourth dimension (integration). 

Measured in 'Earth years' this has consumed me for 100 million million and then one million years more. 

I have 'slowed' my pace, as times passed, not in my entirety, but within 'space/time', measured as 'speed of light'. Measured in the time of 'todays human' (this second derivative human), it will have taken one hundred million million years, still.

Is there is one million years missing?

No, there is not. That is the one million of years that I have kept for myself and my family (as in 'You') to 'become',  for this to be. This 'lifting' - the mechanics and fullfillment of it, as in 'it is done' - that was the final million years. 

Each 'world' (universe) will take more than 10 years to 'lift' from second (third), into fourth density, and then up, all the way to sixth density, the density (plane of existance) from where much of this 'started'. Still, one million years will be 'enough'. Yes, it will. It is 'said' already, as in 'done'. It was said on that cross, some two thousand years ago. 

It was 'me' who said it, remember?

It is also 'not said', as in 'not done'. The way I 'coagulate', as in make 'realize', my beings, is 'complex'. My ways are not fully possible to 'grasp',  for a being (once again) below 7th or 8th integration. Parts of myself are possible to explain, some 'directly', some using 'parables', and the like.

"There is no message we're receiving
Let me know, is your heart still beating?"

Beings 'inside' (above) You, not more worthy than You but as worthy as You; these 'beings' that are also 'me' and inside 7th,  8th, and inside of these, 'integrations' (planes of existance): These do 'understand'. They are in fact participating as much as 'You'  - as in 'me' - are, in this 'transmutation' of Earth into 'gold'.

These lines are from 'them'. They are participating, and they will be of help. This, however, is Your Show. Your (me) as 'second derivative', only so incredibly loved being, by myself as in 'GOD', arch angels and angelic beings. And more than that. 

Much, much more.

No one will 'not understand' who I AM. This is so. There will be 'rosary words' and 'words of roses' written, too, and many.


Music, maestro, music! Maestro himself prefers to introduce Lars to the finer aspects of music gradually and within a not too distant future. Patience is a virtue, he/she - I AM - exclaims. There is nothing like 'waiting', is there? And so, for tonight, 'no finale' to this epic he/she, that is often referred to as 'God', says, slightly mischievously.


A note on the 'silk road' and other intercultural trade routes - are they essentially about exchanging goods, genes, or to give cultural imprint?


(c) copyright until further notice.

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