Saturday, September 17, 2011


Man is a 'blueprint of creation'. At start, in second density (integration), man is living 4 different 'timelines'
(lives) at a time. These lives are placed at different times, within that which is 'existance'. Of these four 'lives'
all is kept, but also not remembered. For me, third density will be a very brief experience, lasting only some
less than 30 'human years', and that density will - for me - be essentially the same as that which I have been living, all my life (this life time). And so, man live in second and third, and to an extent even fourth, density 'together'.

But also not together.


The timeline from which I write this, is second derivative. It could be also called 'integration'. 'Derivative' is more proper here, as human is not yet 'integrated'. Human does as of now not understand its' potential as 'divine' being, and does also not realize its' connection to other humans, and other beings.


This time is the time of preparation. When mankind enter the time of 'third density', changes will take place, and that will become very clear to everyone, very soon. One of these changes will be 'ahimsa', the principle of non violence. Human is not a killer. Human is a 'dancer' of kind, visiting many kinds of dance floors in a ballet woven by our Creator, that which is GOD.


Third density is a preparatory stage, an adjustment of sort, for mankind to jointly enter the 'Golden Age'. That which is also 'fourth integration', 'fourth density' (but not fourth derivative). Fourth density is sharing, man realising himself as a social being. It is also the time of 'love', radiant love. Love that radiate from each and every being.

Love as in the 'force'.


In fourth density, which is an integration - 'integrative' - man will keep his memories also between live spans, realizing his belonging to 'everything that is', that which is I AM. We belong to our past, to the present, and to future. We also belong to everything else of the present, as well as that existing in all other 'settings' or 'time frames'.

Fourth density is a also a man of 4 different 'time lines', or 'lives', all lived at the same moment in time, though outside this 'time/space bubble in which physical entities exist. How to explain this? The 'thread' that is a human being, is spun together forming a thicker and stronger yarn in fourth density, than that which is woven in second or third densities.

The way a fourth density being is 'spun' (built, as in 'growing up'), is not by living more 'simultane' lives (as measured from outside time/space), than does the being of second or third density. Man of this density live longer lives, each life span being of slightly less than 400 years (1,5:0,4 * 100 years is more exact).


In fifth density, a being is living some 400 lives at the 'same time' (still measured from outside the time/space bubble). The lives lived by each being are not exactly 400, but always slightly less than that. Some lives that has to be experienced, learned and realized, are quite simply too painful, to live. Who says so?

Our Creator says so, that which is I AM in him-, her- and itself.

This is not different in second or third densities. Some of our lives are too much pain, and will therefore not be lived. Not in the normal meaning of that word, 'life'. These lives are lived by I AM himself, not outside physical existance but outside of that which any living 'child' of Creation, will have to realize. These are the lives that are of too much 'cruelty' to be 'liveable', lives of too 'keen' (*) beings to be lived. Lives 'too utterly poor/devastating' to be allowed to be 'proper (normal) lives'.

* 'Keen', in this context examplified by being 'too blood thirsty'. A weasle we 'know', and the wolverine, too. These animals are quite 'keen' to taste blood, it is said. They 'kill' more than they can eat. Still, these animals exist (but to limited amount). Being 'too keen' is to be 'too fast', this causing 'pain' for other beings. As would the wolverine do, if allowed to live inside human context.


The reason for spinning this 'divine' yarn, is experience. Each human being is a creational blueprint, remember? And that blueprint has a 'master plan'. A 'master plan' is a plan to build 'masters', 'dancers' of the universes. Many refer to that 'plan' as 'soul'. The plan is built as one plan, one for all, but also as individual 'parts', or 'undersouls' (soul chards). An 'undersoul' is an integrated part of the one soul, and is of many kinds. We do have 'group souls', these also kinds of 'undersouls'. The one soul, that soul which is the all, that soul which belong to everyone. That soul which is 'us' to become. That soul is both 'group soul' and complete, as in 'one'.


Human of sixth integration is of some 40 000 simultane (from outside time/space) lives. The figure is not exactly 40 000, but that approximation will do, for now. Lars will have to understrand and integrate into his being some calculus, before going further into detail of these mechanics.

Human of seventh integration is a preparatory stage. This being is also of same number of lives asis the sixth density being. The lives are 'longer', though. The seventh density being exist within a setting where 'time' is entirely different, from that in physical existance. Did I forget to remember to say that? Man in seventh integration is non physical. Man of sixth integration 'wander' between the physical and the ethereal (non physical), as does man of fifth integration/density.


The beings living in second and third densitys are created by their 6th density 'selves'. The 6th density being is You. That is true for every being living in any existance, but only to an extent. The 2nd, 3rd, and 4th density being is You as much as You are in 6th density. The difference is, You have not been given the chance to understand some of the 'mechanics' of creation.

No, Creation is not mechanic. One may still use 'mechanics' to explain concepts more complex. Quantum physics today realize that matter does work 'in unison'. The 'background' to that is found here above. An example of 'Creation Dynamics' may be useful. In second (and third) derivatives, our Creator - that which is the 'me' part of I AM - 'update' (make become) every being some 20 000 times per second.

Our 'creator' is GOD. GOD live outside this 'time/space' bubble, but also outside that which may be referred to as a 'membrane' of sort, allowing passage only to 'himself' inside the 'container', that which is a universe. For this universe in which Lars exist, GOD has spent some 3 minutes for each 2 million years of his 'life'. Yes, GOD is universal, and ever existing, but GOD is also drastically 'rebuilding' 'him- her itself' from time to time. GOD is rebuilding himself to that, which we are to become.

'Our' (Lars) universe, is of 30 billion 'simultane' lives, all created within those 3 minutes of GOD life. Isn't that cheap? Could not GOD spend more time keeping his 'herd'? GOD exist outside space/time, and also outside the 'membrane'. For GOD, there are many universes. For GOD, time itself is no more. Yes, this is 'almost' true. The 'density' of 'time' that is GOD is calculable. GOD 'update' each being in same interval. Fair and equal. Now, if 'fair and equal' is, then GOD has to 'update' (make become alive) some 30 billion times 2 million years (measured as minutes), then divided by 3 (as in 3 minutes). Quite simple, and fairly accurate that calculus will be. It will do for now!

Oh, yes. When You have got that figure, You will have to multiply by 20 000. This is a measure of the 'density' of time, in which GOD act, GOD as in the 'giver of life'. Expressed differently, it is the numbers of 'sparks of life', that GOD transmit to us, each second.


So much on 'spinning', for now. The 'weaver' is here too, anxious to tell his 'story'. ((:


(c) copyright until further notice.

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