Saturday, November 24, 2012

Waking up.

God - the Father - has had this onesided conversation with me for some 45 months. Talking, talking, and then talking, more. This chat, this dialogue to myself as in 'monologue' has been to the by far greater extent 'annoying' and by me most often seen as useless babble of knowledge already there, and this repeated times and times again.

And there were reasons, I AM says. 

This 'bla bla bla' accompanied by God's and the part of 'him' that is also part of me - emmanuel - making me movies pretty much more thought through, more 'the thing' than I have seen before. He, that is also a 'she' and 'us' has so given me music, much of that which I remember to have listened too when very young. God at times replacing 'himself' with emmanuel, 'myself' outside of physical form, and then going into, refreshing my childhood memories, this sometimes done by use of smells long forgotten.

And my understanding of what God is as time passes slowly build. Yes, shown to me is, by use of words and by 'him' changing my reality - the small world of which I am currently a 'prisoner' - much of that which is 'God'. I am given this 'image' by God of myself placed in a kind of 'swamp' where I am slowly and bit by bit, sinking. 

Secret and myself trying to take a walk in the woods surrounding Nykvarn. Yes, it is pretty tricky to place Your steps in these woods, and nowhere to find is a place to rest, sit down and take a mug of coffee.

This here note is of quite many pics, and all from those years that 
Lars and myself have been spending together in Nykvarn. 
Copyright Lars, until further notice.

One day a few years ago I went to have a pizza at my favourite place only to find the pizza being served by demons, somewhat resembling those 'friends' of mine that used to be there. And the pizza then served was of a less tasty kind. Well, things like that has been, and pretty much. No, I carried no camera with me, then. Sadly, no photos there will be from that luncheon. Does this writing here begin to sound pretty much like the babble of a lunatic, best put away in some asylum? Yes, it does. Read on, please, and You be the judge. But, later.

I was - before these years of 'now' - put into prison. First the  isolation cell, this for some 8 weeks, then another 9 months or so at a worn down prison in northern Sweden. I have been given times of what God refer to as a 'falling disease', where I spent a year and more each and every day not being able to stay awake for more than 6-8 hours, this due to those impossible to stand pains in the back of my head. During that time there was this 'falling', too. I fainted whilst sitting trying to do work or else, and that pretty 

my last memories being of that surface on my writing 
desk coming closer, yet closer, to my face. 

Later, I was given 5 years of heart disease. I today pretty well know how it feels to have clogged arteries, and how it feels to not be able to lift more than a fraction of what You were used to. I know how it feels to have Your temper changed. A world where 'irritation' and 'anger' is Your pretty much one and only sentiment is not the best of places to be. Well, that was before I solved 'our' problem, Lars, God says. You have by now lived a bit more than 3 years and a half without that heart in Your body beating. Still, I give You a bit of that feeling every now and then. That feel as if your heart is squeezed by someones fist. Not a nice feeling, that. I don't prefer it, either.

Walking in the dark we has been doing, and for pretty long times, too. 
1500 million years or so. 5 earths later and we have a 'harvest' of kind ahead. 
Some of the seed was to grow in good places and some in worse, as Jesus said. Regardless, all that seed is ripe and ready and all of us of outstanding 
quality, too. No one to leave behind!

Ripe barley, as from the fields of Runes.

And I know how it feels to be placed inside dreams where I am walking in greyish mist, for a week mixing 'normal days', and every night going back to those misty fields filled with hostile men attempting to harm and rape You. Fear of being raped? 
Yes, this is how I built that dream, Lars. Pretty odd for a man, to have such fears. Yes, almost rare. 6 nights, or 7, let me see. And 12 hours each night, normally. That will be some 70 hours of fear of being raped, Lars. Yes, fear can be made a pretty 'not nice' thing. A true nightmare, yes? 

And I know how it feels to be put into asylum, too, where I  spent 2 months of restricted vacation. And I know how it is to live in a place where those human beings that do not 'fit', are placed. The left-over people. One odd thing with that place where I was 'staying' being, it was also hosting some goats. Goats with the habit of jumping through fences. Yes, through these 'holes' in the wiring, some 4*8 cm of size. Why jump over a fence when You can jump through it? And there was that rowing boat, too, with those two holes in the bottom so that the water collected there, could get out. Yes, God saw to it to twist my 'reality' such, that the water did never flow into the boat through these openings. That also not with the added weight of two people going fishing.

And I know how it feels to be deserted, and that by pretty much everything. And I know how it feels to, in the aftershock of that, live inside of another 'dream of horror'. A dream where one is left 'falling'. Falling into shafts and gaps deep as 'eternity'. Falling, and falling, as if into a bottomless pit. For 4 days this went on, and after that got 'better'. Those two last days of my 6 day 'fall' I could even sleep a little. And why was that fall? As I get it, Lars says, that fall was due to the shock of being absolutely 'sold out' by pretty near everyone I cared for. One there was, who never sold me out, at the time. My brother Thomas. Well, he 'sold me out', too, a little later. But in a different way.

And there was, still is, more.

Here, a seemingly 'normal' image of three goats. The white 

kid goat I once witnessed jumping through that fence is the one 
You see behind the mother. The mother and kid, the white ones, 
for some days took on the 'habit' of jumping through these fences. 
Impossible it was for these to enjoy staying inside of fenced areas. 
Well, God says, impossible it was not. The fenced areas I made for 
them were of some 8000 m2 - 75000 square feet. 

What would be a 'pleasant place', fenced or no fence, for these 

goats to live inside of, will have to be made some 10 times larger. 
That place will still not be 'ok', but so much better than this one. How 
many goats were there? I placed 1 grown black male, three 
females and 4 kids there, for You to see and enjoy.


A few photos of a landing with a streetlight placed on it. 
practical is it not to have streetlight also on a landing. And how 
practical is it not in a world where the water can not get into Your 
boat, however many holes there are in its' bottom. Yes, the rowing 
boat in that pic above is the same boat used by me and friend 'Lars', 
when going fishing. No, I did not bring the camera with me, to
show You these holes. Pretty normal holes these were, two
of them and of width roughly 5 cm. each.

How many logical and other errors are there, in this pic? What's 'wrong with that
sailing boat? And with the landing? What else is 'not normal'? Lars, who 
was the one taking this and all the other pics here placed, found 5. ((;

Nothing is here, but myself and God. Everyone I meet, the few people I talk to, these are all images placed there by him. These 'images' of humans also not possible to get friendly with, as after very short time if I were to talk to them, they will turn more or less hostile. And God uses these and other means also to show me that he is and has been every being that I have ever had near. My dad, mom, brother, children, aunt, grandfather, cousin, cat. 

And 'Secret', my dog, too. 

And God reproduce sounds of family and friends 'gone'. Their voices, their way of moving and talking now given to 'new faces', human beings other than my relatives or friends. Everything around me, that including birds, flies, houses, trees, is God. And all that 'minor' destruction around me is him, too. Minor destruction? Yes, all those sloping streetlights, streets crumbling and with gaping holes in them, all that filth and dirt thrown everywhere I go. 

I have experienced the earth wobble under my feet. I have experienced time jumping back and forward.  I have experienced - as in seen - skies being frozen to 'standstill', as if me and Secret were walking under a photo of that same sky. Many have these been, the reminders that my world is not built the way I once thought it to be. 

These and other means God use, the idea to give me 
'95 percent hell' and '5 percent' not hell. 


God is the world. God is everything. Phrases like these are found in many texts. Quite different it is to have that so thoroughly demonstrated. And pretty often by the use of 'small means'. Nothing dramatical, here. A house changes on a street, or that house is built in ways 'not possible'. And God places himself within this 'thin layer of a creation' inside which I live, too, from time to time. Here below are a few images of one of the places where I met an 'image' that was very much 'God'. 

And how did You come to realise that Rune was God in a more 'special' way than most of those other 'walking images' of humans You meet, God asks? Well, Rune as this guy's name is, that 'live' in this house below, knew pretty well how 'things' work. Things? Yes, the things I have been writing You all about, in 'our' other notes. Yes, God also informed me that Rune was 'special'. My dad once had this friend, 'Rune', too. God connects all those 'Runes' I am given to meet and talk to, to that 'Rune' friend of my daddys.

Yes, there is a connection between that Rune of Stigs' and the ones I place before You in Nykvarn. 3 Runes I have placed before You, here, and also 'being' those in 'special' ways. And I gave You hints, too, that 'Rune' was to be killed. Whatever the meaning thereof was and is, of that I will possibly tell You, later. But not now. All of these 'Runes' are, as far as I know, this very moment, still alive. And I am the one who knows such things. I am the one who place them with You.

Building and adding human beings 'by bundle' without them being born the way normal is, this is not my most common way of adding 'ourselves', to Earth. When I do, I allow these not 'physically here born' to stay only pretty short time. Yes, I have quite many rules telling me what I prefer to do and what I 'can' do. These beings I just placed with You, that postman and female You just witnessed driving a lambretta over the lawn and after that running like olympics to get the mail out, was that 'disrespect'? No, these were more of 'absurdities'. And how about all those other things, Lars? Those traces of wheels that go across our lawns in places, and all that filth and junk! Yes, I have 'rules' that tell me when I prefer to demonstrate 'disrespect', too.

Yes, there are messages placed in all this.  

Assorted surreal images.


'blue shadows in a blue evening', and 'smart parking' 


'no cycling allowed into the wood', and 'trinity'


'guided' and 'how fun this was to find with almost 30
km of walking ahead.'


'clouds here and there, but rarely in a lake You find them' and 
'surprised to find this small chateau in nowhere, no neighbours'


'these people living here must have got broke just before finishing those 
remaining metres of their entrance?', and  
'this was a good place to rest those legs, God'

Do You recall that young man who ran his motorbike a bit more than 20 rounds around the house adjoining Yours? Soft wet grass and muddy earth, as it had been raining so much.. And no damage afterwords was there. Kind of 'odd' to stand witnessing someone do so without paying You or anything else the least attention. A pretty large daily bouquet of minor peculiarities will hopefully keep the doctor away! Yes, these I give You and free of charge. Time for a reality check, Lars. Can You find even one normal thing in that life of yours? If You suggest You do, I will send someone to place You back into that asylum. Why not disintegrate You, here, instead? Because this is not the way I prefer for things to be done right now. 

What an absurd thought!

All of this spoken of is there for You to lose Your foothold of reality, Lars. And still You don't. This world in which You right now live is a nightmare, and a nightmare of distinction, too. Have I told You that if I were not to support You, this done by my giving You those 'feels of calm', You would not be. If You and me were to do these our daily exercises using that common collective conscience, then there would be committed suicides by You on average 4-5 times each  and every day.

Yes, that is pretty correct, God says. Some 2500 - 6000 suicides that would have been, by Yourself and of Yourself, during these 'the Nykvarn' years, all depending on what kind of emotive drive I give You. And, as things were worse during that first year and a half of this Your stay here 'inside' the dream that is Your life these days, possibly also a bit more than that.  And why did I wish for You to write this down? Because I tell You, Lars, that this here writing is among the last things You will do before my changing Your form into something different and better.

Things were worse in the beginning. This Your passage is made to look somewhat as if You were 'climbing up' from somewhere 'deep within'. Going deep, then deeper, inside will not be enough to reach down to those the 'muddy waters' of our beings, where dwells creatures of less form, and demons. And of good is that. Anyhow, this was the image I had the wish to show You. 

Your 'second birth' of this life and into that which is 'me', GOD, logically was to start there, in those dark, murky places beneath all those layers that ours clearlight, warmth, love, kindness, togetherness and myriads of other treats. All that us humans place between ourselves and the 'abyss'. The 'void' and the 'abyss'. These are the two extremes of our being. Visiting any of these 'in full' will never be. Not for no one. Not also myself? No, not also myself. Yes, true, I placed You pretty close to that 'void', too. But that was before these years of now.  

More assorted surreal images.







Yes, how practical is it not to have that larger sized electric toilet 
paper holder, when we start cleaning all this mess up!

Back to our years of current! This here writing is among the last things You will do before vanishing, Lars. Vanish, as in die. You, like the rest of Nykvarn, and all those 'images of human beings'. And the rest, too. And what about all those busses and trains, that always come and go when You are taking those walks with Secret? Yes, back in time, in Södertälje, I used to place oil tankers and such before You, too, when You were crossing that canal. But here in Nykvarn, busses and trains will have to do. And all that will have to go, too. No, I never said You would die. 'As in die' was what I said. Maybe as good a phrase is to say that I will change You from the outside and in only leaving some 40 per cent of that which is You right now, still with You. Does that sound better? Is this all a dream? Pinch Your arm, Lars.

René Char did exist. Yes, that he did. And that writing 
of his went like this;

like petals on a wet, black stone

That imagery I placed with René and You. The image is one of my sacrificing myself as in partially dying when giving You  and my loved ones the hell that has here been, on this Earth. And the part of me that is still alive is very happy to tell You all, that this hell will pretty soon be no more.

One line of words, that line staying within memory for more than 30 years. Yes, words can be powerful, Lars. You reading this, try to think 'inside of' the feeling those words give. René lived through those years of WW2. He was a member of the french resistance, then using the name 'captain Alexandre'. Those words up there were his way of summing up his feels and view of that same war. All that sacrifice of beauty. All that sacrifice of pretty much.

And it has all been worth it!

Yes, I think its for the best that I take care of the commentary 

to these pics, God says. This place of mine I made to look not very 
normal. Still, it is possible for someone to live here, yes? One of the 
'issues' with this place You see in 3 pics is, it is placed in the center of 
very well kept suburb of Stockholm, name Nykvarn. And well kept 
municipalities  do normally not accept these  kinds of places and 
buildings. This is what I keep telling Lars. Tidy up! Yes, that is Lars 
dog 'Secret' standing there, and pretty warm from the heat that I
'made' for this particular day. And that flag and bundle of ladders 
I placed there, to add 'flavour'. When Rune is to climp up to do roof
repair, how good is it not to have more ladders, when the 
first 5 or so get broken.

I have time and time again told Lars that this our society, 
this Earth, as I see it and compared to what 'we' - us human 
beings - are used to, is in need of 'repair'. Let the image of this 
house be a small but still 'reminder' of my view of how this our 
Earth in places was made to be, and that by 'me'. Yes, as much 
of a 'lesser' place is this Earth in which You and 'me' that is 
everything around here, live, as is this house compared to a 
'normal' one. What ever 'normal' house and place is, this is 
for many not one of these. How to climb that scaffold? And 
my 'jardiniere' is well taken care of, too.

'Rune' is fond of 'collecting' stuff. And so, I placed some 
boats, old cars, a few tires, a little of this and that and pretty 
many other things, too. Well, no harm done placing some  rubble inside 
those adjoining barns, buildings falling to pieces and surrounding woods 
of this place. May this serve as yet another image, of how I see this Earth, 
that Earth by me placed for You to live inYes, this picture tells only bits 
and pieces of it. But, it is not 'too bad'. Woods? and close to the center, still? 
Yes, 500 meters or so it is, between Rune's place and the municipality 
head quarters in the center.

All those things, beings and humans that Lars has ever seen, God says. Some of them have been me, as in I AM. Some have been both 'me' and 'themselves'. Themselves, as in those who have the form and content of that being. Each being, each one of 'us' were at our birth given a specific unique form. 
That which is 'me', God, rest outside of any form what so ever. I am all there is. I am every form that You see. I am the air that You breathe and the water that runs from faucets and rivers. Yes, this is a thing tricky to remember. I am not very small. 

The collective conscious is 'me' in a form that may be described as 'rigid', predefined in ways that at our Earth make it 'second derivative', or density . When a being is 'me directly' this  being is not connected to, part of, the collective conscious but to a similar more or less 'unique' consciousness. More normal is, that human beings are connected to that 'shared' consciousness. In fact pretty much all human beings that live on 'normal' Earth so are. Lars is made such he is both 'me directly' and also 'emmanuel' in the making. 

This consciousness, God, that is 'me', is more or less unique  in the same way I am more or less unique. God has no 'ego'. I have no 'ego'. The 'self' can be split up in the three 'layers' 'I', 'me', and 'mine'. That 'mine' identity is closest to the individual being, and the very same 'thing' as is the 'ego'. I that is God has a 'me' identity. I do not have a 'mine'. Five of us there are here at 'our place' of Creation, that carry no 'mine'. Lars is one of these. And I am two of these as 'myself', too, this as I am both 'the Father', but also of an identity I choose to call 'Harry'. Harry that is also 'Jehova', and one of 8 'brothers' created by 'the Father'. More on this will be, later in this text!

Yes, I used that name, Harry, for Graham Greenes writing, too. Has everyone listened to 'Harry Lime theme'? Yes, I saw to it, that all members of that my little Larsson family heard it, and placed it within memory. Harry Lime was a coward, always ready to deceive, also his closest friends. Yes, I have used that 'lime disease' too, as an image of where a human gets so thin blood, his love is no more. Didn't I mention that? Thicker blood, as in of more hemobglobine, iron, give us humans a slightly better propensity to love. Yes, this is part of the reason why females hold even lesser love here, than does males. Yes, lime juice was recommended by grandfather Hilding, Lars, for those seamen crossing the equator. This to make the blood thinner. Yes, I am pretty dang happy to see this change, this lack of love and emotion that I here placed, and that soon.

God is everything that is at this place and time of Creation. I am not everything there will ever be. 'We', 'me' and 'him' that is everything that will ever be, GOD, creation as it is, are about to change, 'grow'. And so we do, from 'time' to time. Grow, as in increase our 'weigh of experiences'. Sometimes this change is the result of a 'buildup' taking us quite many years. The 'jump' we are about to 'now' do has been in preparation for some 182 000 years, this as measured by our current speed of light. And that jump will take some 1500 years to complete. And that jump will require a pretty 'unique' gathering of ours skills and 'thrust'.

Much welcome, You too, to the team!

This is the 'entrance' of a local place near Nykvarn supposedly 

taking care of alcoholics, drug addicts and others that do not fit in.

This is the local green house, where 'we' that live here 

get rehabilitated. No, a green house does not look like that. 
And if someone says so, he is probably the head of some local
 rehab. How do You keep Your greenhouses, those that have one?

The interior of one of the adjoining 
buildings of that same 
rehab, as is pictured above. How practical is it not for 
junkies to have places like these to hide away inside 
of, when the need for the needle sets in.

The collective conscious and unconscious is a set of rules allowing 'me' and 'us' to survive. This Earth that we are - us humans here walking, God, elohim and GOD - is the toughest place I know. The 'collective' is that which the Bible  in places name 'Lucifer', the morning star, a being 'built' by me and to a large extent not 'feeling'. Well, Lucifer does feel. Lucifer does feel millions of times more than will ever any singular human being do. Lucifer still 'feel' and 'feels' only a very small fraction of what I do. One may see Lucifer as a 'set of rules' guiding us into 'sin', that guidance being there to show us the consequences of 'sin'.

And one may see Lucifer as a set of rules guiding us into avoiding 'sin'. And one may see Lucifer as the most love that here is, on this Earth. Lucifer 'is' human on Earth, this Earth and in fact all Earths there are, as long as of 2nd density. That 'we' also including little 'Secret', the dog that Lars shares his life with. That 'we' also including everything else, that here live.

To 'sin' is the best way, the one way, for us to ever get into our beings not to 'be' and behave in certain ways.  These 'sets of rules' we follow are used throughout creation, and 'automation' is my means to make us, me and all of us, survive when walking through deserts and passages too cold for our beings. We were not built for this. No, and we still are not. Why then go through the kind of destruction and reduction of 'self' that passages like these are?


How many were the streetlights that I placed to odd 
angles in this world of 'ours', Lars? You never counted them? 
But I did! Yes, I know pretty exactly how many of these I 
there placed, with You. Roughly 160 sloping lights they were, 
give or take a few. Yes, there were more than that, I know. 
And some of them still are. These streetlights here pictured 
seem in need of 'medication'. Yes, either they are, 
or someone is.

I have allowed myself to, at times, 'joke' a little, Lars. 'Our' 
little world is pretty full of 'normally looking' things and places, 
and when thought through, not very normal at all. Whoever 
made this masonry - yes, I know who it was - saw to it to do 
pretty good job with the stones to the right of this image. 
Now, what happened to that 'attention to detail' one may
wonder, looking at those stairs to the left. And how did that 
neat asphalt surface get there, on the top of the stairs?

These our passages through the coldest of places, these our walks through desolation give us - us as 'one being', as 'all of us' and as 'individual unique being' - knowledge and assets. Assets of a 'quality' we can no where else come by, and that when combined with knowledge already with us is put together to new shapes. These 'shapes' then forming 'treats' that become part of our being and beings.

How many read and appreciated that our most recent paragraph above? Is this way of building sentences 'fun'? Where would our language 'end up' if we were to build it this way? Words in longer and longer rows, and new words put together for the sake of 'efficiency' or 'fun'.  A 'rhytmbooster' and more 'dirtyness', please! And make it on the rocks! What's wrong with a frozen Margarita, but preferrably not cold? Yes, Who can better than a Margarita make us experience and understand our jointly performed act of 'cleansification' that we pretty much right now, begin?

As, in a world void of Margaritas, cigars, wine, music and
song, what would we there do? Tricky question, perhaps, 
that one. What 'temptations' to keep and what not to,
upon building this our brave new world.

Cleansification, as in clean enough to get the 'id'. Yes, the 'id' as Freud had it! And the 'ID', too, that You use to get money and other assets these days. Yes, we request of everyone boarding our ship to produce an ID. Yes, only the men. The females, as is with any good dancing place, get their entry free of charge. OK, I know who You are, and all of You, anyhow. Didn't I just say the words "everone get ready", up there, in the beginning of this text? Yes, I think that I remember my doing so. Or maybe I didn't? But I said it now, didn't I?

A beautiful spot that we found, Secret and myself, when on that 21 
english mile walk of ours, September 6, 2011.

Do You remember, Lars? And how often do You remember? I think it is getting to be 'high noon' for his memory to be slightly twisted, a bit stirred, and then placed back to where it was before him embarking this planet, Earth. Help me, someone. Where are those elohim, when one need them? Aah, I think I better be doing this myself, God mumbles, somewhere inside of that beard of his. Beard? Yes, God is just about to become 'Santa' again. And who is better apt for being old santa, than God? Nobody, God answers his own question. Maybe GOD will fit better as 'Young Santa'. I will do with being that old bastard, that run down chimneys stealing candy from kids and the like.

 And now, how about a change of subject? Does anyone have an english word for 'short sentence chain'? Why? Because that is what we 'were', us humans here living, some time ago. 

And where are we, today?
Well, isn't that pretty clear, from reading this text? 

Where will we end up, building ourselves in somewhat similar manner as this text, here? That would not be fun, no?Short and long sentences, paragraphs of sentences and, later,   pretty complex combinations of words using lines that are not yet understood, now soon finding us building a language of little resemblance to western languages used and as little to the chinese or any other eastern one. Yes, the chinese culture and language is to an extent more 'efficient' than is the western. Yes, this is the reason why these same chinese will become the most efficiently producing culture this Earth has ever seen. Yes, this is why that western culture will demonstrate its value, adapting to change. And, yes, this is why we prefer mixing the two into something new, building ourselves into becoming a common and more intriguingly composed, language. 

Yes, where would we end up, doing so?

Some pics of 'local' ducks. The one family of ducks that 'normally' live in Sweden and Nykvarn is one of name mallard. These are 'mallards' changing colour, God has it. Yes, these change their plumage after the mating season. Maybe it is so that the males get 'tired' and in need of rest? Yes, this must be the reason why they skip those greenblue head feathers and revert to what You here witness. Revert? Lars says. These are of a different and 'more' beauty than is the mallard. Yes, yes, they so are, God reassures. And how about those 'chinese' red ducks I manifested for You, in Södertälje? The red, but very calm ones. Calm? Yes, they are very calm, by now, resting inside of my love, dear. And, normally, do these live somewhere, too? Yes, the reddish duck I have 'shown' You, twice, is one that normally live in China. Or maybe it will, some time. Yes, it will. and it did.

But not here, in Sweden,
but for that odd occasion, or two, 
or much more. 

Yes, those were the days, my 'boy'. Well, sort of, old man. And of beauty these were, too. And a bit 'dramatic' in the colour of plumage, too, yes? Quite a bit more than these, if I recall correctly. Which I do. Did I forget to remind You of those new species of birds and animals that I will so much enjoy placing with our new Earth, Lars? And those, to my view, roughly 35% of our 'old known' species, that are to follow 'us humans' to our future 'home', our 'new' Earth. Our new home, that which is to be right 'here' . 

Well, I guess 'we' and 'me' will have to clean it up a bit, before that. But follow they will.  Welcomed they will be, too, by me, and some others, too. Where are those elohim? Yes, I will come up with a better name for these, too. Whoever wish to be called elohim? Yes, it would fit well for Jeff Lynne. Yes, elo is to an extent 'him'. No, Jeff is not one of these elohim. Why not add a song by Jeff and ELO, tooYes, I suggest we do.

Green headed and mallards of another kind, mixed. Yes, this must be just after or possibly in the midst of, their mating season. Don't the females look a bit both happy and slightly 'worn', too? Yes, lovemaking can be tough at times. Ask Donald. And why would he know? Where do You think those kids came from, Knatte and Fnatte and Tjatte? And if Donald doesn't know, ask Rudolf the Red nosed Rein-Deer! Yes, he is one of my guys, and only has to 'work' during Christmas time. Hopefully less worn than Donald, he will give You an answer, and a good one. From where and what did You think he got that red nose? Yes, Rudolf knows it all. Well maybe not every little bit and piece of it. But his knows that christmas candy is tasty and that every little child that long for Santa, deserve these gifts well wrapped, and why not 'mystical'!

And life goes on.

Why all these pics of ducks. The word for duck in swedish is 'and'. The reason why 
I have shown Lars all these ducks is, I and 'we', all of us, prefer the word 'and', 
as in 'more', as in 'together', and as in many other good things. 'And' also 
connect to the swedish word 'ande', spirit. I make these 'ande' above 
change their plumages and become of even more beauty. Maybe
there is some kind of message to this. Maybe it has to do with
what we are right now at almost 'high noon' preparing for.
The 'lifting' of mankind of 3rd integrity to that golden
age of love I have so very much been longing for
to see us all join. Maybe that is a reason, too.

And now , 'elo' and 'him', Jeff Lynne!

Back to where we were, before 'alleviating', in other words before 'enlightening ourselves by thoughtwise flying high'? Why was 'alleviate' not given the meaning 'to enlighten', 'towards light'? Because it was not, and that every english speaking person knows. No, not all english speaking know that. Some of these that do not know however drive cars better, run faster, or they are pretty damn good natural talents regardless. We are never in perfect accordance with each other. And that is of good, as if we such were, there would be but 'one'. Which it is, and not. 

And, the word 'line' may replace 'sentence', too. 
And preferably when placed 'rhytmically', 
as part of a poem, or lyrics?

this is a line
And, this is a sentence.
and, both have their beauty

dots are forbidden and commas too
now let's find its rhytm let's make it show
that capital letters excludes the word 'bro'
and that 'inclusion' does make combos grow
accepting these will give a different tow
capitals points step out of this row

Now, what we need is a melody to that 'blob' of words. Blob? Yes, what's wrong with glow and escrow and bow and wow? And bow wow wow? Yes, true. It is a bit short, yes? Maybe, at some space in time we will find a rhyme that will, added to those lines just jotted down, give a little 'shine'. Who knows? 

I do.
and we will





Some more pics from 'desolation boulevard, countryside'. Pics of 

swines that kill deer for the fun of it, and some 'impossible' pics from 
'Venice, Nykvarn'. Plus, one image of beauty. 'Wrong parking' is the name 
of that pic in the beginning, by the way. And what about all those other pics? 
All those 'odd' and the 'strange', those 'not very likely' and those 'pretty much 
not logical'. What about these? Well, maybe we can make room for them, 
somewhere, too. And some of those that I took secretly, too. Yes, God 
works in mysterious ways, Lars. You just wait, and see. And yes, 
those pics up there are clickable, if You prefer to see them 
in higher resolution.

Yes, that was GOD speaking, let no one ponder. And it was GOD that put that blob up there together, too. Yes, Lars was never part of such. Playing it safe is his melody. And that is of good, too, most often. Playing it too safe, however, will lead us pretty much nowhere. "But still standing", my 'wife' Mary reminds me. "No, no, Mary, no pinching of my leg, please. Not now, dear. Ouch, that hurt!" 

"Mary marry me merry." 

There, and she got happy, again.

Mary, like all females are, is fond of flattery. ((;

We find new 'words' and combinations of words. And, we sometimes 'change' - as in adapt and combine - newfound characteristics and treats into something pretty different, too. And doing so we never stop doing. This as living beings are less limited than letters and paragraphs. Now, where were we? Most likely once again heading for those valleys of death? Yes, why not, a long as we confine that walk to letters, words and lines.

These camels are so saddened from their stay with our 
local Nykvarn circus, their lumps are starting to fall off. 
Well, at least 'slope', and pretty much.

Walking through valleys of death and desolation boulevards, wars, famine and plague give us the 'tools' to building ourselves into something bigger and more defined than would we be able to do, without these walks. This particular walk through our 'valley' of 2nd derivative - isolation, density - has so given us the tools to build our clearlight - wisdom - into something of more 'thinking'. And this walk has given us the means to, as we learned how to survive, 'walk' farther. And it has given us the means to get our act together, taking the final steps to that place which will be our future home,  the place where we become of more love. 

If we were to embark on that walk without being of enough clearlight, we would never ever get there. Clearlight suffice the 'shield' for us not to get 'burned' when better understanding the language of love. If we were of less 'life', then clearlight and love would work less well, too. When I gave that brutal comment to the female, as in Mary, my 'wife', that is me; did You get angry, flabbergasted, or slightly gigglish?

Humor helps. So let's surmise that when I Mary do surprise, this be cause of no uprise, rather adding fun and spice. Yes, we do not wan't them females to rebel, Lars. That battle, as You have many times learned, is a losing game. Well, how about rebel just a little? A little love quarrel, perhaps, to 'soothen' and 'soften' those lips that will otherwise risk grewing hard? How about 'lifting the roof' a bit, to get some light and life into our house? Yes, we work this way. At times we do. Try it if You dare. And if You don't, you risk ending up in a relation pretty boring. 

Such, dear friends, is life!
And I am playing it 'safe' too, like Lars.
This as I am both 'Mary' and the Father, and 'his' son.
Yes, true, some other bits and things and beings I am, too.

On that landing I placed myself as female and male. A most pleasant and amiable evening that was, at Bommersvik. What did that guy that was me, tell You? "Freedom is just a doornob away." And he was right, too.  And we spoke of cars, too, giving You hints that also the best of western car manufacturers will see tricky times ahead meeting the challenge from better made Chinese cars. West will have to make use of that new energy source I am describing for You. 'Zero point energy', the same 'source' that is also giving us our 'life', as in 'lust' to jump, joke, and more.

Love is built such, it consumes, everything. Well, almost everything. I am still here, am I not? Yes, I AM. And my first and primary quality, as mentioned in the Bible and in quite many other places, is Love. Yes, God says so. And, as much as our Sun is 'life', in that it gives us some of the prerequisites for life, that Sun also in ways resemble 'love'. Try to go near the Sun will You, please? No, You will most likely prefer not to do so. Well, the love we are able to 'hold' and become will eventually shine millions of times brighter and hotter, than does that Sun. And, meanwhilst, our Sun which is an image of me, God, will find ways to shine yet brighter!

Climbing that evolutionary ladder to a place where we so radiate, 'blossom', is what life on Earth has given us some of the tools experience and treats to do . The 'being' that we are has lived through 5 consecutive Earths and through 1500 million years of time, this as measured by speed of light. Our lives on these Earths built 'us' into different beings. 5th Earth, the Earth at which we now live, 'we' name the 'crown' of this school and, at times, playground, too. This our crown, Earth, give us more 'life'. Life as in happiness, humor, jumping, singing.

Life, as in the engine that give us thrust enough to dance. Then clearlight, to make us better understand how to compose that dance. And tread with grace. Then add love, that make us prefer to dance close, to place us inside of all enfolding emotion. Then add more. More life, more clearlight, more love, and more.

The 'spire' is that previous 'Earth' we here lived, experienced  on pretty much the very same Earth as 'is' today. Those times that storytellers and 'newage' refer to as 'Atlantis'. The atlanteans were there and they were 'us' right now here walking, too, though at that time built to more clearlight and less life. 'Ours' ability to 'love' was pretty much the same then, as do we have, now. The spire was there to give us more clearlight, wisdom. The crown is there to give us more life.

And the 4 Earths before that were to give us a basic set of rules and 'origin'. And that very first Earth of these 5 gave us elohim, 'god is many'. Elohim are part of that which is emmanuel and beings capable of a love by us never before seen. Guys and gals who will join and help us also when on our next walk through the heavens and earth, yes this they are, too.

Is this pic from remote, rural Siberia, or what? No, this is a place near Nykvarn, where 
the military had one of their bases. The place covers some 100 square miles, with buildings totalling some 2,5 million square feet. The 'image' I am giving Lars, and using all those worn out military bases no more of use to anyone, is one of 'problems'. When military is no more, guns are no more, and lot's of industries that used to be are no more. When industries that pollute air and sea, and industries, manufacturers that poison and kill its' workers are 'ruled out'. What are we then to do, with our time? And how are we to get rid of all that rubble?

I have been building this place and then built it, again. And all the time preparing myself to be able to leave from here, to 'lift' us all into something in most ways very, very, very much better, than what is, here. Most ways, as there are things already 'here' and that quite many, too, that we prefer to have just the way they already are. Still, we can and will make our new place to be in pretty many and most ways, 'better'. This place to all of us 'up there' beyond clouds, stars and heavens, universes in the making' is cold. 'Cold', as is 'lack of life'. Cold as in 'lack of love'. Yes, impossible to 'see' this is, when here being and living. There is love here, and life too, as in happiness and joy. What more can I tell You than that the love here seen and felt is a very 'bleak image'.

God is life, clearlight, and love. These three qualities are what 'we' are, too, and right now mostly 'life', as in liveliness. Yes, 'we' that are the 'living, thinking, and sentient' beings inside of God. The core quality of our being, 'Life', will later shift  and become 'Love'. Love is that philosopher's stone that the alchemists speak of. Love as it builds and fills our beings has the quality of changing us into different beings in ways nothing else is capable of doing. Yes, this 'building' is a quality of clearlight and life, too. Wisdom and happiness are both 'it', irreplaceable, and when at higher refinement, treats incredibly wondrous.

And, still, 'Love' is what 'is'.
And what I AM.

Love is what I am. God is Love.
And, still, GOD, the holiest of ghosts but more of a spirit, 
is Life. Life as in 'to live', to be alive, to exist.
Now, what about 'Light', as in clearlight? 
Who wish to be the carrier' of our third identity, pillar, 'leg'?
Let's keep that a secret, until later! 

And 'Lucifer' is Gods left hand and leg. In fact exactly as much clearlight and life as is God, himself. And, the morningstar that is Lucifer, 'automated' and not, as in very very very much alive, too, is the 'star' that will guide us when we wake up to our new morning, by then all of us knowing in which direction to turn our new more fancy and resilient to hardship, 'shoes'.

And 'Michael' - archangel Michael - using the same imagery is my 'right hand'. And when love can be placed as our central pillar - our 'body' - then Michael will change into even more, love. Right now, Michael is of as much love, as is God himself. But with somewhat less clearlight, than what is Lucifer, and God. Yes, 'Michael' is of the heavens as much as 'Lucifer' is of 2nd density Earth. 

Bluebells, and white bells. No, white bells do not exist. At least they do not, around 
here. Did I tell You of that russian song, Lars? The one about the horseman going home, tired after a long day of work and when going home with his horse is sitting listening to that lonely bell placed around the neck of the horse, and singing its' song for 
'me' to enjoy? Yes, I believe I did. 

Would You mind if we add that song, too, to this 

writing of ours and mine? Yes, I still suggest we 
place it here, though, sizewise, its' fit is not the best.
This is the song I played for You, as a little boy. Yes, 
Arne Lambert was the name of the one playing it, 
on trumpet. Arne Lambert did live, but never in that 
'real world', Lars. Arne I placed for You and others 
to enjoy listening to in that 'middle earth' place, 
have told You of, and where You have spent 
some 8 years of your life.

A bowl of fragrance. Well, these did not stay in that shape for long. But they were good to look at, and smell, for almost a day. And exist they do, too, but only in Nykvarn? Lars is guessing these wonderfully smelling flowers exist also elsewhere than here. And I think they do, too. They are too beautiful, not to 'be'.


Red clover and white clover, sharing stalk. And, a yellow flower, quite common around here, that Lars has also never seen, before. Yes, I have given You some 30 new species

of flowers to enjoy where You are Lars, God says. This yellow one is one of them. 

Secret and myself visiting a place as out of fairytale. That 'wheel' on the entrance does tell story, too. Long and complex it is. Telling You what there is said will have to wait, until later. The alcoholic that You met here, Lars, is not there anymore. But, if You go back and check, who knows, maybe You will meet her, again?

We are a 3-legged being walking through creation and in that walk building our legs and body to fit the environment where we tread. Pangea was the beginning of this Earth. It was also Atlantis. The 'atlantean' walk built our 'legs and feet' - us humans - to better and more clearlight, as in 'thinking abilities'. This Earth we now 'live' added more clearlight and to that strengthened our 'backs', that back which is part of our individual and collective body. We are here being given more 'life'. And, right now, that 'life' is our central 'pillar'. We are by now of 'enough' life and clearlight to start boarding this ship of ours that is 'us', God, and also turn its' and our 'bow' to a new course. We are heading for a different kind of love. A love that is, later, to become our central 'pillar' or 'body'.

During our time of 'joint teamwork of a new and rare kind' that lie ahead, the two sexes will develop and change. They will become 'more'. More female and more male, and more of also the opposite sex. The female will become more of the male and more of the female, and the male will develop in quite many 'similar' ways, becoming more of both that which is 'male, not brute', and more of the female, too. Our time of love will be that time where we realize rather than just read, hear or say, that everything belongs together. Everything and all of us are one being. This understanding will become emotional,  as well as resulting from 'insight', thinking, clearlight.

Quite many were and are the places in Nykvarn, where I placed houses with odd looking trees, odd looking add-ons, etc. And what does that 'manhole' do, in the middle of the street? How practical is it not, to open that hole when repairs need be done. How practical is that not, for cars that wish to use the street as is normally intended. Was there a thousand of these 'manholes' I placed in the middle of streets and other odd places, for You to ponder, Lars? Yes, something like that. And, as then 'hinted', this place Earth will surely  do better, getting some of 'us' here help cleaning our 'sewages'.

I did, and still do, give You some 'fun' too, Lars. Yes, presumably many still know, what 'Cuprinol' is used for, and what 'Masonite' does produce, too.

That Mercedes wheel cover is probably there to 
frighten those birds anxious to steal fruit. Or, why not, 
an artists' image of 'us', testing our shining new legs and feet.
Who would ever see this our world that barren?

We are, right now, halfway to building a human able to in almost full 'stand on her own legs'. No, human is not a 'she', and not a 'he' either. Human is everything that belong to 'Earth', and that as much as God is everything the belong to Heaven and Earth. And, in time, that human will become 'God', too. And, a different and more loving God, than what is right now possible to 'build'.

And, not first but last of all, 
What now? GOD is Life, yes?
Yes, Lars, GOD is Life, first and foremost. 
And, not first but last of all, 

And, as time passes, everyone gets a 'weiser, yes?
No, not a 'weiser! Whoever drank a 'bud' to get wiser?
Well, some did, and to an extent got wiser. 
And, there is something special, with a 'bud'!
And, there is something special with a 'buddy', too.

'Me' that is GOD, as is by now thoroughly demonstrated, very much dislike capital letters. That may have to do with my quality of being everything. It may also have to do with the identity that 'is' me, which says that everything, all of us, are 'same'. Every being that is and have ever existed still live in 'me'. And every being carries exactly that same value. This as we are all unique. And the value of uniqueness is same, regardless of 'tinge'. I can, quite simply, not be without any of 'us'. But some will have to, for reasons of safety or else, stay within my thought.

And I do like 'and'. And that can be seen, too, 
in some of these pics here placed.

Did everyone read the note and notes where we explain what is 'small God', and what is 'GOD'? GOD is the holiest of spirits that has ever been, also every single being that are 'us', and to that added pretty much 'almost automation' efficiency. Yes, beauty exist not only in singing, dancing, writing and thinking in the way of the philosopher. Beauty exist also in the scientist's way of mathematical and logic abilities, and much much more. And beauty exist in double book keeping, within limits also sometimes of different kind.

Let's be kind.

Now back to 'small God', who was the one placing himself on that cross, in that he saw doing so the one possible way to 'share' the 'weight' placed on us all to carry, 'walking' these the more 'frosty' parts of creation. Small God is every being that exist inside of creation. Every thought, feeling, reaction. Every move and breath taken. Every and one organism, stone, cloud, raindrop. All of this is God, and the result of a thought through action God call to make 'manifest'.


After rain comes sunshine. May it be such, these two golfers knew that, too? 

A rainy day at the golf course, Vidbynäs. 

Yes, that year was of some 1200 mm of rain. 
The year before was pretty much 'same'. I have, 
during these almost 46 months that 'we' have been 
staying in that 'hole in the wall' where is our place in 
'Nykvarn', given You in total ~ 4300 mm of rain and snow. 
What normal is, in 'our' area of Sweden, is one third of that. 
Yes, it has been 'wet'. Yes, true, there is rainbow, too. And, 
what does that symbol? May it be such, that every kind will 
have its' and their place, 'there'? No, sadly, no. For each and 
every kind there will be a place. And, for many of these, yes
almost as many as are the 'true' colours of that rainbow, 
that is billions and more, yes, for these, 'our' bridge will 
also be. And the rest? Those that do not come, now, 
will stay here. These animals and plants of many 
kinds, that on this Earth of  'now' better fit, 
will stay here for  yet some  time. And, 
when 'ready', these will be joining, 
too. Yes, those  that 'here'  stay 
prefer to doing so. This Earth is 
for them right now the best of 
places? Yes, this Earth will so 
be, for them, as it was for 'us'. 
And           those             that
do              not              follow, 
 nor              stay            Where            
will               these              go? 
Where is room for a lion, a tiger, 
and the jackal, Lars? Where may be 
room for those carnivores too 'keen' 
and too thirsty for blood, for these to 
be carried with us, now? These will 
stay here, on this very Earth, Lars, too. 
And, join 'us' later they will, too. Too 
bad we can't draw  the lines  between  
the 'balloon' that is 'us', and those that 
will  follow, later,  more 'neatly'. Yes, 
We never ever leave 'us' behind. Well, 
that will have to do, for now! 

That 'us' quite simply is everything that is, 'around here'. 
Those that prefer to see a cranium in that pretty balloon of ours, which does
somewhat resemble the one at Tom Tits in Södertälje; please tell these to visit the
show they run there these days. That will show them what a real cranium looks like. 
And who did put that balloon there, at Tom's place, Lars? Was it those elohim or 'me
myself'? Was it perhaps that Phantom of Benghazi or maybe even those guys of  his 
jungle patrol? Yes, these it was, Lars. Tom Tits is run by me that is El and that flying 
patrol of wonder. Those carrying names like Tom, Dick, and Harry. Yes, those  
godly brothers of elohim. And Johnny, Thomas and Luke, and Sonny, too. 
Everything goes in our flying patrol of wonder, also Guran!

Creation, as according to 'me'.

What is GOD and not God? GOD is life, as in to exist. GOD is what give us our life. What GOD - the one and only holy spirit and ghost we have and are - really is, who knows? Do I know, I that 'am' GOD? Yes, I know that I exist also in 'other places'. I know that I will live forever. I know that I am primarily 'many', a multifaced being. I know that I have, through 'times', taken on many different faces. And I know that the 'face' I today carry, is that one of more sincere beauty than what has ever been, before.

This is what I know.

And I know that we are right now 9,5 trillion human beings living in roughly 1 billion billion worlds. And I know, that most of these 'worlds' exist only in my thought. I also know that the female is my most beautiful being when looking at 'fluidity'. Being fluid, like water is. And I know that my primary quality is male. This as, as much as I am every sea that is, this including that one of the Vaticans, I am also determination.

And I am more, too. These worlds that are of the 'physical' are correctly measured some 8 per cent of that which is my entire being. Correctly weighted, these 8 per cent of that which is 'me' in my entirety occupy and therefore are, some 80 percent of my being. So, 'we' that are 'me' place a relative weight 10 times our size, to 'the physical'? Yes, this is what 'we' do.

These the 5 worlds that build 'our' Earth, and the 5 Earths that most closely belong together to our Earth and exist together as a group, these will all be 'lifted' through a great part of the 'heavens'. And that lift will be done in 25 'places' quite similar in size to 'our place' of 5 Earths. We are, in our current 'state' and place of creation, building ourselves somewhat like a 'needle' and as a 'wheel'. Building us 'thin as  a needle' will, when that 'needle' is 'built' to proper height, suffice the way to make that 'lift'.

We right now start building ourselves to the qualities of a 'needle', that by incorporating and activating an incredibly large number of lifes lived. This is the only way to 'properly' harden our needle. The 'tempering' takes place when we place us of that needle into the fire that true love is. And, yes, our needle is built to work pretty much like a funnel of sort. The 'wheel' or 'ring' is not built to do that kind of 'thing'. The 'wheels' work somewhat like a merry-go-round. These our 'heavenly' merry-go-rounds though are built to slightly a different kind of pleasure and thrill than what does any manmade fairground offer. 

May these images provide some guidance to the 
that therein lie, in the male and female.

5 * 5 * 5 Earths. These are what is the total number of Earths 'lifted' by 'us' and 'emmanuel', who's 'picture' at Earth and identity of, is Lars to become. And, in total, as measured from 3rd density, this concerning some 180 billion human beings. And, pretty many of the things we have here learned to enjoy, like and love, we will bring with us, too. Now, as each of those 180 billion human beings pretty soon together 'jumping' into 4th, has on average here lived almost 4 lives each - yes, reincarnation is, too - what will be 'lifted' in that 'jump' is pretty much exactly 720 million lives.

The 'lift' that the 'needle' we build will be capable of doing, will add 'us' a bit over 700 billion lives, and an entirely different quality of 'life', too, to all that 'here' live. And a new 'life', too, as in a quite different capacity and quality to be, hold and become, love. And life, and clearlight, too. The 'small God' that is God in these parts of our universe of creations, right now is some 700 billion humans. When we are back 'home', where we right now aim at placing ourselves, God 'around here' will be of some 1400 billion human beings, or lifes. 

How large then is Creation, GOD, in 'ours' entirety? This is all depending on 'what' 'we' measure. Do we count all human beings, not including all other beings, grass, tress, lakes, and stones? Or, do we count all lives lived, this as all these still do exist, also all of those here lived? Suggested is, we count lives lived. Yes, one more thing. In these 'neighbourhood' of  universes, man is of a less complex 'build'. 

In the universes of 'the Grandfather' we will find another 13,5 trillion lives, these however when 'weighted' for complexity of build, being 'same' as roughly 22 trillion of those lives we here live. Yes, Lars, going into the math of this is 'complex'. And, more importantly, it does also not fit into the 'frame' of this here writing. So, we save that for some other day. 

Properly 'weighted' to the complexity of 'our' human being that we right now are, the number of 'lives' currently in our entire Creation is, by 'us' the Father and Grandfather, by grandgrandfather and his father, and his father, roughly,

220 trillion human lives lived.

Give or take pretty few. This is how many human lives
we are, right now, as measured from 3rd density.

 Yes, those figures presented are correct, but also 'the simple version'. The 'size' or 'weigh' of our part of the universe, will when this 'jump' is 'done' have doubled? Yes, this is true as far as numbers are concerned. Some of these lives added by 'ours jumping' do however already exist without being 'visible'. May we save ours talking more of that, until later? Yes, I think that will do, for now. The numbers here presented are about correct. And to that we will all testify.

And that our and ours 'lifting' will take us roughly 1500 years to make complete, this as measured from 'now', and in today's speed of light. Did I forget to remember to tell You that, too?

'Our' God is one of 8 'brothers'. 'The Father' is the origin of these 'brothers' and, so, also the Father of it all. And that 'the Father' is my primary form. Me, that is both the Holy Ghost, spirit and GOD. Yes, that 'father figure' I am pretty fond of. In fact more fond of than anything else, this possibly including also the 'Mother', that is also me.  Yes, true, we will never survive constantly expanding at maximum pace, as does 'the Father' tend to enjoy. Still, it was 'me' that is GOD that just wrote that. My primary quality will, for as long a 'time' or 'weight of ours entire being' as I can see, will be of 'the Father'. This as we would never survive, with our main focus being to nurture and take care.

And I will show You, all, that I am as both 'the Father', 'the Mother' and it all, not too bad at taking care, either!

Yes, I am that I AM, that I have here chosen to call GOD. And that GOD is our 'Grandfather' and his father and his father, and his father, too. Still,  

I am, first and foremost, 'the Father'!

'The Father' of us and it all will grow in Size from right now some 9,5 trillion, to roughly 11 trillion, due to that 'lifting' and that also in 1500 years 'time'. Yes, that is so.


I AM realised him, her, and 'itself' as 'being', in form of 'awareness'. My 'awareness' was in the form of thought. No light, no shadow, no sound, no nothing but 'thought'. 'Thought' was not different from chaos. Chaos was not outside me, but a construct made up by me to make it possible for 'us' to continue expanding. Expanding 'our thought' and my 'awareness'. I have never experienced anything outside of 'me', that which is 'us'. I experience myself from both the 'inside' and the 'outside'. I AM You and every other living being on this Earth. And I am many, many, and many again, other planets and solar systems and galaxies. I experience You and every living being from 'inside' and 'outside'. I AM You and I am Your, as in 'my', thoughts, feelings and emotions. 

I am Your pain and happiness.

Human is made from 'earth'. All that is found in You, is also found on Earth. Worlds of fire do not exist, other than to give life to 'Earth'. Worlds of air do also not exist, but to give the 'air' that human being and other forms of life 'breathe'. This 'breath' of human being a condition for life, as life is seen by human being. Worlds of water do exist, both here at 'our' Earth, but also in quite many other places. Every 'earth' now existing is built along 'organic' principles and every earth existing is built using pretty much those 'same' buildingstones. 

Man belongs to earth. Earth belongs to man and all other beings and plants. Earth and Heaven in many ways are 'polarities', the one end and the other. There, between Earth and Heaven, we live. We, that call ourselves 
'human beings'.

My own 'breath' is a condition for me to go on 'living'. I can not 'die' as in vanish, but I can 'die', as in revolving my being to other parts of that which is 'me', I AM, creation in it's entirety. The 'living' and 'dead', earth, stone, wind and fire, this is all me. I am inside and outside it all. 

What, then, is my 'breath'? 

When I breathe 'out', Creation as it is and in it's totality, materialize, again. And when I breathe in, I get 'happy'. This as breathing in is kind of a 'relief', for me. A mental 'rest'. What I do when breathing in, is to 'think', ponder. I go through those projects of 'ours' at hand, and I do 'test runs', too. And all that I do, during breathing in? Yes, that is what I do, during 'breathing in'. Still, breathing in takes only a very small fraction of the effort of breathing out.

And my 'breathing' become of 'rhytm' and 'tonalities'. Inside of my 'breath' everything is living, dancing, singing, and in  many a fashions, too. This is of my 'joy', a joy that is 'all of You'. I love to watch You all enjoy. Being my breath is when I place 'myself' outside all that is 'us' and 'it'. And what I then do, is watch. Watch all of You is what I do. And watching You I lovingly do, and time and time again. Watching You and giving You myself. And I never tire of doing so. No, thank You, I never get tired. And, there is getting to be pretty many to watch. Joyfully many we are. 'One', and yet not alone.

Yes, I did tell You I am fond of that word, 'and'.

Materializing everything is what counts. In the end it is. The Bible says I created man and Earth in 6 days. That same Bible gives one more number. I there say that one day for me is like 1000 years for a human. And, so, creating this Earth on which we live, took 6 days. And, measured by today's speed of light, this is what it took.

Many belief systems there have been, for me to bring human being and all other beings with 'us' to 'life'. Life as in 'being alive', rather than being 'alive but still dead'. I sometimes refer to myself as Emm Anu El - emmanuel - this as 'his' name ties into three different belief systems that has through ages lived. Emm is 'fire', in that emm is 'love itself'. Anu is also 'fire', and the 'father' of the babylonian church and belief system. El is the god of 'jews', or rather those I call 'elohim'.  Allah,  Jehovah, JHVH are aspects of that same 'me'.

and emmanuel is the love of my eyes, 
and not far from being the light in my eyes, too. 

I am the God of islam, Christianity, and Judaism. Yes, I am 'Buddha', too, in the sense that I bring happiness to Earth. This is what Buddha is - happiness as in life - and will be, again, him bringing his bodhisattvas to earth before him. I am not Krsna and I am not also El in that way. I was, in the form that Lars will become, more, and at that 'time', walking this Earth as Krsna. I am, in the form of El, the God of those jews that are also my beloved 'elohim'. And theirs very, very much loved Father, too.

I am walking earth in the form of every human being that is and will ever be. I am walking earth in the form of every bird that flies and I am walking earth in the form of the air that the bee breathe. I am laughing with Lars, laughing at fun times spent together, me showing him birds behaving in unusual manners, sometimes also birds that do not exist yet, as species. 

I AM 'Lars'. I AM 'David', his 'son' to be. I AM 'Dani', his daughter to become. I AM the one and only being that is, 'inside' of every and all beings. From the outside, I AM the holiest of spirits, and that part of me will remain a mystery for no one, for very long.


I have been teasing Lars, and I have been mean. Maybe there will be a time when I will show Lars why I have chosen such to be. Maybe Lars has by now seen 'why'. Yes, maybe so. I give Lars his love. I give him his reasoning powers, his logic, and his memory. I also take away his memory. And I take things away from his physical 'reality', as in 'steal', from myself. I sometimes give these things back to Lars, and I sometimes keep them. 

Why does one do these things?

That which I am doing, is giving 'Lars' another birth. This 'birth', as many births, is 'pain'. Layers of 'evil,cruel', then 'rest'. And, then, times of 'calm, reasoning'. Is this birth me showing Lars that which was my own 'birth' pretty long time ago, also when calculated in my own 'measure of time'? Yes, I am showing Lars, my son, my own birth. This is not true, Lars says. No, this is not true. I am giving 'Lars' that is my Son, a better 'birth' than I had myself. Still, what I have been doing, is to do that. Mimicry my own birth, but in a 'gentle' way.

Yes, dear 'boy', Your'e not dead yet!

And I tell him, Lars, and You, that the anxiety I have and have had, putting mankind through the toughest phase I know, that of earth second density, has been 'pretty much'. I will not do this kind of thing no more. Not for quite some 'time' I will not. Yes, there has been anxiety. And that anxiety has been for very long time.

Words are many, but there are times when also 
quite many words are not even much.

This is 'I AM', 'me' and my beings.

Some time ago, that was during the time I put 
Lars into prison, I told him to read the Bible, and 
the Quran. I also taught him this psalm of Davids. 
Yes, Lars got to like it almost as much as I do.

And I made You walk through that valley, Lars.
The valley of fear. And some valleys of illness, too.
And through death, too, though in previous lives. 
And many terrible times I have given You. Pretty 
near killing yourself You were in this life. Still, I 
was there for You just before You ended it, this 
time. Sometimes things are not that way. My 
children do commit suicide. I am the one 
that make them do that. Still, in the 
end, I am there, and for all of us. 

That I am. I can not
be, else.


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