Tuesday, November 20, 2012

People get Ready.

People get ready, there's a train comin'
You don't need no baggage, You just get on board
All You need is faith to hear the diesels hummin'
You don't need no ticket You just thank the Lord.


Yes, those who listened to diesels and preachers I 
welcome as much as those who were not listening neither to 
diesels nor birds. Different kinds of 'religion' and different kinds 
of 'faith' wether spoken by Darwin, the Dalai Lama, an 
Abraham Lincoln, George Gershwin, sir Isaac Newton, 
or John Milton.

And all of us have by now
'paid our tickets' by doing what we did.
Yes, a ticket everyone got, and regardless, 
just like everybody else.

Words of faith,
and words of freedom.

This is of what many have spoken.
And how to struggle through deserts without? 
This is where You lose Your religion and find a new 
one. As, if You don't You will not survive. And, 
this is what this Earth has been all about.

Survival of the fittest, and of
the ones that did not fit.


And, many, in fact all of these that did not fit will be joining, too. But some of the genes here placed will be no more. Roughly 100000 genes of that which has been part of human walking this Earth will be removed. Those were the genes I placed there marking ours 'crown of thorns'. And that crown had to be carried by myself, by male and female and all of us using both legs and a hand or two, too, to make that burden become of 'dignity'. As, when You carry a heavy weigh, that back of Yours will have to 
be pretty straight. 

No, I do not prefer to smear our faces more than what had to be. I prefer that as much as do I and You prefer killing our own using our own hand. And that has been done, too. This Earth is and has been among those less 'warm'. And pretty much of a wasteland of sorrows. wasteland of sorrows and cries and of sacrifices, too. 

And also by myself.
Yes, there has been sacrifices.
Sacrifices? Yes, but sacrifices as 
'investments' of sort. Maybe more
of investment than sacrifice? Yes, 
maybe so. Better get something 
out from that milk spilled, than 
not to, as Lars enjoy to say.
Words worth 'gold'.

And no milk was ever spilled unintentionally. Those sacrifices spoken of have all been investments into our own 'future being' and the weighs we carried made our backs become of better stature. Bulletts taken and given, beatings that made invalids and dead, the husband that - though admittedly not often - beat up his wife so severely she would prefer never to walk close to any man any more for the rest of her life. And the 'closing out' by the group of those that did not fit, that 'closing out' being a foreclosure and sell-out of all that is human and as a treat more female than male.

Yes, there were men too, learning that particular 'religion'. The 'religion' of how to make sure fear was in the team and that by spanking the backs and fingers of those that did not fit written but more often not written rules and regulations, defining what suited the emperor or empress on top of that particular pile of dung. A smouldering pit of blasphemy and a burning dump, too, and that dump placed in part also into our oceans and seas, and air. And regardless of male or female, this 'dump' which I love is where we were all to learn how to better carry our own weigh and weights.

Sulphur and holy smoke, where is this text going? Surely there have been some good times, too? Yes, I hope so. We have done the best we could to make this our walk as pleasant as only we could. But much of it has been pain, and a pain it had to be. Yes, of pain it has been and that very much also to 'us' that is You, 'up here'. And to 'me' that is God, too. Us humans do not always enjoy wearing shirts made from horsehair and we do also not normally prefer to carry guns. We quite simply prefer life before death.

Now, there is, pretty soon, a 'ship' coming. 
And that 'ship'  will carry us all and all of us and 
all the way home. Yes, there is a home, 'up there', 
way beyond the clouds. Also above the heavens, 
that rest and live inside of our Creation.
Yes, a 'ship' it will be, as ships carry
more than do even 'trains'. And 
'ship' it will have to be, and a
big one, too, as this time, we 
are all of us on this our 
Earthleaving for home.

Is this writing taking the form of a goblet,
maybe even a 'graal'? Yes, it certainly 
is not in the shape of an 'ark'. But
maybe the ship is? Yes, this ship 
comes in the form of an 'ark'.
And the covenant once in 
there placed is to be kept 
in full, too, with not a 
single hair on any of 
our heads harmed 
upon us 'leaving' 
this Earth, ours 
new Earth to join 
and become, that 'place' 
we call our golden age.

Yes, pretty pretty that goblet is
looking, and by now pretty full, too. 
In two 'tiers' it is, as in those Atlanteans of 
old Earth, which were to great extent the same 
as those that 'on' our current Earth live. And some 
'visitors' we welcome, too. Visitors? No, not really 
'visitors'. Most of 'us' that now here live have been 
here for quite some time, going from one life to 
the next. And some of us come from other 
parts of our Creation, too, both inside and 
outside of 'the heavens'. And what we 
were here doing, was to give that 
image of a human of which 
Nebuchadnessar dreamt 
and Daniel speak of
stronger legs 
and feet.

And if that 
goblet is by now beginning to 
look somewhat like a dull arrow pointing 
down to this 'Earth' here pictured, this is as 
intended. We are by now halfway through that 
'job' we are here doing, and allowing the rest to 
be done in another time. We are 'halfway' through 
it, that meaning we have by now washed the 'sin' 
of murder out of our beings. Next time around 
we will dig even deeper, than what was here 
done during 1500 million years of 'having 
fun' and 'work'. And that next time 
around will be in roughly
1500 years 

or maybe a bit more, from 
that which is 'now', as measured 
in today's speed of light. And before
that 'Cupid' will have to 'replenish'
and sharpen his love arrows.

Yes, this is a never ending 
story that we write, share, live. And 
the chapters and parts that we fit together 
will sometimes build bridges between chapters, 
dots and phrases. And much of what we do, we
do with aim to become of more 'beauty' both 
'outside' and 'inside'. Yes, what we build 
is ours form and content and that to 
a human of manifold expression! 

And Creation at large is halfway, too. 
And more of that will be told, but later, 
in a different part of our story. And if the 
circle that is Earth above is yet not perfect in 'her' 
and 'it' and 'our' shape that will have to wait, too. But
the feet look pretty decent, don't they, by now?

One thing, before I forget. Do not those the four latter segments of
'ours' writing above begin to take on somewhat the look of a human being? Yes, of four segments this being is. And if You see that human as reminding of that chess figure we name 'knight', well, that may be as intended, too. 

As much as we are all of us to an extent the gurus, priests, and yogis of our own lives, we are also warriors, though preferably replacing those physical swords and knifes with the love kept in that 'sword' of Michaels. And how about replacing those physical bows and arrows aimed to harm with the bow and arrow of Cupid? How about building - evolving - that 'knight' of ours into a peaceful and happy and lively dansing, thinking, jumping playful witty 'pair'? Why not an ingeniously chiseled queen and her king? 

And how many sides does the Kaaba have? And, how many different places, 'Earths' did we have to live and walk through, for this being  to be? I think these were four, too. Exactly that same 'number' as does 'carry' our future home to be. Using profane, technocratic, verging to bureaucratic words, density or integration  four. By the word 'density' we mean the 'density of our being' at that place or level of Creation. The word integration refer to the word 'integral', the sum of all 'weight' enclosed inside of a shape. Yes, 'sum' as in 'all together now', and 'shape' as in mankind. Regardless of choice of words that 'place' we are getting ready to embark for is our one true age of love. 

And  shimmering of 'golden' light!

And Bruno Mars wishes to marry You. Marry You? Yes, me too. I wish to marry You. This as You are the light in my eyes. This as I can't stand the time when You are not near me. This as my being ache for You. This as I am madly in love or, as sometimes is, due 
to practical reasons and 'liking'. Yes, maybe due to it all. This as I am both practical, of clearlight and of love.

How many marriages did I allow to 'stand', here? How many marriages were left 'standing' but pretty 'dead'? How many marriages were allowed to be truly blessed? I tell Lars that the 'being in love' state here on this Earth last most often a week or a year, at the most a year and a half. And we marry due to being 'in love'. And we then become 'one but still two'. And I tell Lars that but one marriage out of one hundred was, here, to be of 'much beauty'. It is difficult to 'grow into' each other and it always require patience. When the 'in love' state is no more, what is left is years of 'pretty little love and hopefully mutual preference'. Later, this is the way we are built here, this 'of little love' state will sometimes deepen to 'affection', maybe even to 'love'.

Why did I build 'us' and this place, our Earth, this way? I did not. The human living on this Earth is of pretty much life, some clear light, and somewhat less ability to love. This is what we are. What we will become is of more life, somewhat more clear light, and somewhat more love. And, later, of more and more and more, love. And that I have been waiting to give You, for quite many years. Did I enjoy saying that? Yes I did. I am constantly and forever in love with my beings, that which is 'us'. I also carry an absolute intent to build that which is 'us' to more profound beauty, that 'us' being both our physical and non physical shapes, this also including learning to carry ourselves through hardships.

 This text is matters of fact, at times verging to 'cold', and not the kind of writing we prefer. No it is not. Still, I AM all of creation, that also including parts of me being all the time matters of fact. Just like I am, a much larger part of me, all the time 'in love'. I have had to take on the shape of 'Lucifer' for me to get us through the 'job' we had to do, here, on this our Earth. And 'Lucifer', as explained elsewhere in this text, can be seen as carrying all of God's clearlight and wisdom, but 'only' half of my love. Becoming Lucifer has been my only way possible to carry us through the tasks before us here, at this Earth, placed. Clearlight is a better armour than is love, when making us walk through painful deserts built by myself.

I use to call 'Lucifer' my left arm and 'leg' and 'Michael' my right arm. Clearlight is my left pillar. Life as in 'full of liveliness' is my current 'body' and center pillar. Love is right now my right pillar. As Creation evolve and mature, we will become of more and more, love. Eventually, love is what will become our 'body'. And, the picture I give where I send Lucifer to Earth, is correct. Lucifer is more clearlight and wisdom relative to love and this 'practical and wise' way of working fit very well with physical Earth.

Lucifer was given many tasks, here, which did 'he' and 'we' not prefer. Now, with these all mostly done, we are all happy to say neither of us did enjoy that part. Not even one bit! Explaining exactly why 'we' had to do it the way we did will carry us all the way through another pretty thick book. I and 'we' that is both 'us up here' outside of physical shape and 'us' within that physical shape all saw it to be the one way to do it. Yes, also You did so. We spoke of that and other things, before You went into this current life of Yours.

What we are doing, here and elsewhere in Creation, is to 'build' a human being of greater and more expression. A human as intriguing and of all the qualities that any language cover, and more. What we then do, is to add new words to that language and after that see to it to incorporate also that treat into our beings. Those treats we feel to be of 'bad', evil, apt to destroy rather than to build, these are 'tested' by me, using a kind of 'thought'. Most of these stay as 'thought' but some, also some of those judged 'evil' will, combined and merged with other treats add context and beauty to that which is 'us'. These the treats that we 'like' are made manifest into our being, be it our physical or non physical - energetic, ethereal, supersensual - shape.

Yes, these are our four 'shapes'. The physical, the energetic, 
the ethereal and - way beyond the clouds - the supersensual.

Human is 'us'. We are a being standing with our 'head' in the heavens and our feet firmly placed on Earth. The 'job' we have been doing here was to build our 'legs' and 'feet' stronger. That we have by now done, and in full. Picture Yourself two pyramids, one with its base in the heavens and pointing 'down', the  other one based on Earth. The top of the two pyramids intersect in density 4-6, the 'place' we are joining in some 27 years from now, our new home to become.  Yes, this will be the home of 'physical' and 'non physical' humans, living and sharing together. 

As we 'grow', that merkabah - the two pyramids intersecting - will evolve into a place of mysteries and fairytales and everything You can think up and prefer, and this for all of us to share. The lives there lived will be of an intensity of interaction and all kinds of 'fun', beauty, happiness and sincerity not seen before. This our joint being inside of densities 4 to 6 has all the aspects of a 'human'. And that evolved human is the merkabah. We are as of now halfway there and halfway human. And that is not too bad, either!


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